Comparing Even Year to Odd Year Elections
- February 19, 2024
We looked at the data comparing races that occurred in 2022 and in 2023. When comparing these races turnout was higher in 2022 compare in 2023 in every race. Some races turnout was 263% higher in 2022 than in 2023.
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Here is a closer look a sampling of town taxes in Onondaga County. I have updated a couple of the examples from my previous post to get a better sampling of similar properties across Onondaga County. These properties had an market value or assessment value around $244,000 in 2017. In 2024, the average market value of these same properties has increased to an average of $348,000. Yet depending on where you live, your town taxes may have deceased slightly or increase by almost 30%. How can this vary so much? New York State has a property tax cap of 2%…
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We the people of Syracuse and Central New York are proud inheritors of the local struggle for abolition and suffrage and survivors of decades of economic deprivation. We hereby pledge: To tear down the walls that divide and impoverish us; To oppose any effort to register, detain, deport, or attack our neighbors; To provide refuge for those in danger or need; To protect our water, air, and land as our kin.