Comparing Even Year to Odd Year Elections
- February 19, 2024
We looked at the data comparing races that occurred in 2022 and in 2023. When comparing these races turnout was higher in 2022 compare in 2023 in every race. Some races turnout was 263% higher in 2022 than in 2023.
Vote Yes on Prop 1! Sign on to Good Jobs Platform, CNY Solidarity Zoom Meeting This Sunday!
Let’s take a look at what our taxes are funding. Above shows the budget broken down by department. I did my best to give an idea based on the information provided in the 2025 Budget Book to show what Onondaga County residents are funding with our local dollars vs other funding. But I believe I am missing some information to complete this data as it seems odd that little to no local dollars would go to OCPL, insurance, OCC, or on debt payments (page 71). The sales tax above is distributed to the city and school districts. The current sales…
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We the people of Syracuse and Central New York are proud inheritors of the local struggle for abolition and suffrage and survivors of decades of economic deprivation. We hereby pledge: To tear down the walls that divide and impoverish us; To oppose any effort to register, detain, deport, or attack our neighbors; To provide refuge for those in danger or need; To protect our water, air, and land as our kin.