CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. The New York State primary election is 45 days away, and the general election is 99 days away. Please mark your calendars (Sept. 13 and Nov. 6), confirm your voter registration, and make sure your friends and family are all registered too.
On a related note, if you spot any “John Katko” signs on public property (e.g., alongside a highway, not on someone’s lawn), please message me with a location. We won’t disturb the Katko signs, but we’ve got some volunteers who’d like to place #ShameOnKatko signs nearby.
And now, on to the action alerts.
Today (July 30)
Medicare and Medicaid Birthday Rally!
Medicare and Medicaid are turning 53 today. Join us for a celebration rally. Since this is a birthday, there will be cake. Medicare and Medicaid are beloved programs that work for those who qualify for them. Yet Congress is threatening the future of healthcare by passing tax cuts for the rich. We need to fight back to protect and expand Medicare and Medicaid and organize to win Medicare for All so that everyone in our community is guaranteed healthcare as a human right. 12-1pm at 440 S. Salina St. Hosted by CNY Solidarity, Campaign for NY Health, CNY Area Labor Federation, and others. More details here.
Tuesday (July 31)
One phone call and one rally today, both focused on immigrant rights
Green Light NY Campaign
From our State Legislative Action Team: Please join us today in a statewide phone-calling action in support of the Green Light NY campaign. Call Gov. Cuomo and urge him to use his executive authority to make NY standard driver’s licenses available to all residents regardless of immigration status. Gov. Cuomo’s number is 518-474-8390.
#AbolishICE Day of Action
A day of action to abolish ICE has been called nationwide. Our local day of action was initially planned to have two components, but Marciál de Leon Aguilar’s court date has been rescheduled for Aug. 21, so that component is postponed.
Today, we are still holding the rally and march. Please join us at noon outside the Federal Building, 100 S. Clinton St 13261. From there, we will march 3 blocks to the ICE office at 401 S. Salina St. We will hear from speakers on why and how we must abolish ICE, and what else we can fight for at the local level. This includes drivers licenses for all people of NY, establishing Syracuse as a sanctuary city, halting all working relationships between Syracuse Police and ICE, and removing Customs and Border Patrol from the bus stations. More details, including list of endorsing organizations, available here.
Wednesday (Aug 1)
Our elections still aren’t secure
Following up on last week’s alerts regarding election security, please call Rep. Katko and/or draft a letter to the editor urging him to support the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act (aka PAVE Act) (HR 6093), which would require the use of paper ballots in all federal elections. Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC). Indivisible’s guide to writing letters to the editor is here, our list of local outlets is here.
Thursday (Aug 2)
We’re still fighting for net neutrality
A couple weeks ago, the first House Republican, Rep. Mike Coffman, signed on to the resolution to save net neutrality. Today, please call Rep. Katko at (202) 225-3701 and urge him to join Rep. Coffman in supporting the Congressional Review Act resolution to block the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality and restore the open Internet.
Fri, Sat & Sun (Aug 3-5)
No formal actions this weekend, but if you’re supporting candidates in the Sept. 13 and/or Nov. 6 elections, we encourage you to reach out to them and see what they need help with. There will be GOTV actions every weekend from now through the elections.
Save the date for these upcoming events
Mon., Aug. 6: Hiroshima Day Procession. 11:30-1:00, behind City Hall Commons, 201 E. Washington St. in Syracuse. More details here.
Wed., Aug. 8: Judge Kavanaugh and the Future of the Supreme Court: A Teach-In. 6:30-8pm, Panasci Family Chapel, Le Moyne College. Free and open to the public. More details here.
Mon., Aug. 13: Indivisible Cayuga is hosting a talk by Tom Keck on Trump and the Constitution. 6:30-8:30 pm at Phoenix Building, 2 South St. in Auburn. More details here.
Wed., Aug. 15: CNY Solidarity meeting. 7-8:30pm, Park Central Presbyterian Church.
Aug. 19: NYS voter registration deadline for state primary.
Sun., Aug. 26: CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD.
Mon., Sept. 3: Labor Day Parade @NYS Fair, 10am at State Fairgrounds.
Sept. 6: Deadline to request absentee ballot by mail for state primary.
Thur., Sept. 13: Election day (primaries for state offices). Yes, it’s a Thursday. Polls open noon – 9:00pm. To put it on your Facebook calendar, click here.
Sun., Sept. 23: Indivisible NY-22 and NY-24 Summit. 9:30-12:30, Cazenovia Hampton Inn.
Sun., Sept. 23, 12:00-7:00pm: Westcott St. Cultural Fair.
Oct. 12: NYS voter registration deadline for general election.
Oct. 30: Deadline to request absentee ballot by mail for general election.
Tue., Nov. 6: Election day (general election for all offices).
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media.
Check out our website:
Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24
Follow us on Facebook: and
Check us out on Flickr and Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
In solidarity,