CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

CNY Solidarity

Coordinating Committee Election 2025

Since the number of candidates is fewer than the agreed on number of 8-10, a proposal will be made at the meeting to vote in the slate rather than voting on individual candidates. The coordinating committee can appoint up to 3 additional members, if you are interested in joining the…
Onondaga County School Taxes Sampling 2024

School Taxes in Onondaga County

Here is a map showing school taxes across Onondaga County. Above includes 19 school districts in Onondaga County. Note: some examples above show the same school district as school districts cross town lines. An average school tax bill from the properties I sampled is $6,270 dollars. All examples have increased…
Town Taxes in Onondaga County Percentage of Change

Town Property Taxes in Onondaga County

Here is a closer look a sampling of town taxes in Onondaga County. I have updated a couple of the examples from my previous post to get a better sampling of similar properties across Onondaga County. These properties had an market value or assessment value around $244,000 in 2017. In…
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