CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – July 6, 2021 to July 13, 2021

From CNY Solidarity CoalitionNext Meeting: Sunday, July 18, 2021, 3-4 PM. Agenda/ Announcement  to come

Upcoming Meetings: 7/18/21, 8/15/21, 9/12/21, 9/26/21. We are considering possible in-person meetings. Committees will meet on their own for July and August. 

Announcements from our Committees:

To sign up for the mailing lists of each of the committees, email your request to the contact person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Kitty Burns –

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council.Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

Articles of the Week:

Don’t despair over the Senate: a new voting rights law has never been closer

The For the People Act was never going to pass on the first try. Here’s why the vote marked a step forward

Read the Article on The Guardian and see the July 10 Event below.

How Tax Breaks for Fossil Fuel Companies Inflated Profits for Oil and Gas Drilling

A new study estimates that tax breaks boosted the value of new oil and gas projects by up to $20 billion a year.

“By boosting projected earnings by billions of dollars a year, government policy has been meddling in supposedly free markets—and driving up emissions—for years. Strikingly, the researchers estimate that these tax breaks are worth billions more to firms than the government itself admits.” Read the Article in The New Republic

Rumsfeld Was Not “Controversial.” He Played a Leading Role in Mass Murder.

“The world we live in today was created in fire and blood by Donald Rumsfeld and his think tank pals at the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) — along with all the Republicans and Democrats complicit in empowering their sordid plans. Having been gifted on 9/11 the “new Pearl Harbor” extolled in “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” the PNAC plan for military domination of the Middle East, powerful PNAC men like Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney proceeded to throw a generation of Americans and Iraqis into a meat grinder that is still turning out bodies some 18 years later. They did this to win elections, accrue power and the war profits were in the trillions.”

Read the Article on Truthout

Day of Rage: An In-Depth Look at How a Mob Stormed the Capitol

Watch the video at NYTimes

A six-month Times investigation has synchronized and mapped out thousands of videos and police radio communications from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, providing the most complete picture to date of what happened — and why.

How close did Trump come to attempting a military coup? Much too close

Trump’s erratic behavior undermined his desire to seize power. Those who come next won’t make the same mistakes

Read the Article in Salon. 

 The Specter of Dictatorship: Judicial Enabling of Presidential Power

By Dr. David Driesen. Stanford University Press (SUP) will release it on July 20 and it is available for preorder now at and at SUP. The book is focused on the “hybrid” model (described more often as Democratic erosion, as distinguished from a coup).  It focuses on the role of executive power in democratic decline in Turkey, Hungary, and Poland and drawing lessons from that about America’s democratic decline. 



A Wonderful Time at WUNDERBAR

Event by Rachel May for State Senate


Come hangout! We’re having our first in-person fun!draiser since January 2020, and we had so much fun last time we’re going to the same place. Wunderbar in Syracuse, on Thursday, July 8th at 7 pm – doors will open at 6:30.

There will be mingling, food, and an opportunity to ask Rachel questions about session and her upcoming priorities! 


Mask Policy: Masks required if not fully vaccinated.

Deadline for Democracy Rally!!

 7/10, 11:00 am. on the public sidewalk in front of the Dewitt Wegman’s.

Indivisible NY24
We’re up against a busted Senate and Supreme Court, but we’re still out here fighting for voting rights for all. Next action is this Saturday, July 10, 11am on the public sidewalk outside Wegmans Dewitt. Bring a sign, and bring a friend.

More details here

and here

Community & Color: Let’s make art together 

SUNDAY July 11, AT 1 PM EDT – 3 PM EDT

Salt City Market, Syracuse

A cultural art workshop by Nada Odeh 


MONDAY, JULY 12, 2021 AT 7 PM EDT – 8 PM EDT

Heat Pumps 101: Introduction to Cleaner and Greener Heating and Cooling

Heat Pumps 101: Introduction to Cleaner and Greener Heating and Cooling

Event by HeatSmart CNY

Heat Smart CNY is hosting an online workshop on how to make your home more energy efficient and install renewable heating and cooling technologies like air and ground source heat pumps.

Come learn how heat pumps work, what incentives are available for you to install one, and how they can help save the planet while making your home safer and more comfortable!

The presentation by Campaign Director Lindsay Speer will be followed by a Q&A with expert installers.

HeatSmart CNY Volunteer Training

July 13, 2021 at 7 PM

Location TBD, based on participants

Sign up here

Learn about the opportunities for getting involved with HeatSmart CNY! We will especially be focusing on helping with tabling at events, and will discuss other opportunities for volunteering.
Please attend the Heat Pumps 101 on July 12 if you have not yet been to one of our workshops or webinars.


CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute!

July 14, Registration Deadline

Want to build power, organize protests, and change laws? Join us for CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute! Over the course of six weeks, we’ll be digging into organizing, legislative advocacy, action planning and digital strategy – and that’s just the start!

The Institute will begin Saturday, July 24th and then run weekly on Tuesday evenings from July 27th to September 7th on Zoom Apply now for the Summer Organizing Institute!

CCA’s Summer Organizing Institute is an opportunity to learn more, deepen your skills, and fight for a world without cages. While we are prioritizing people and families who have been directly impacted by mass incarceration, all are welcome to apply.  Apply here by July 14th or use this link:

The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) is a leader in the field of community-based alternatives to incarceration.  Our mission is to promote reintegrative justice and a reduced reliance on incarceration through advocacy, services and public policy development in pursuit of civil and human rights.

LessIsMoreNY – Statewide Campaign Update 

Jul 14, 2021 02:30 PM

The Less Is More: Community Supervision Revocation Reform Act (S1144A/A5576A) passed the New York State Senate and Assembly last week, on the last day of the legislative session. Now we have to get Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign it. We need you to contact Governor Cuomo to ensure that he signs #LessIsMoreNY into law immediately.

Join A Little Piece of Light, Unchained, and Katal for a call about the #LessIsMoreNY campaign. On this call, we will: 
— Share updates about the #LessIsMoreNY Act and campaign
— Discuss next steps in the fight to get Gov. Cuomo to sign the bill
— Provide details about how to get involved
Please join us! If you have any questions, please contact Yonah Zeitz at

Also, you can join the phone zap to get more involved: Meeting Registration – Zoom

Coming Soon: Dates TBD: I-81 DEIS Hearings 

UJTF/NYCLU Press Conference July 17 at Noon; Location TBA

(Sign up for alerts here: DEIS action alert sign-up form)

The Urban Jobs Task Force (UJTF) began a campaign for Racial and Economic Justice through local jobs on I-81 in 2017. For years, UJTF and the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) have been getting prepared to turn out the community for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) public comment period.  The time for announcement of this comment period is upon us and could happen any day now.

Witness to Injustice

THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2021 AT 7 PM EDT – 9:30 PM EDT

Witness to Injustice

Event by Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation and Skä•noñh – Great Law of Peace Center

Witness to Injustice is a unique interactive presentation and teaching tool that helps participants deepen their understanding about the European colonization of Turtle Island and the denial of Indigenous peoples’ nationhood throughout U.S. history up to the present time. Using participatory education to explore the shared history that non-Native people rarely learn in school or other settings, Witness to Injustice aims to foster truth, understanding, and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the part of the world now known as the United States; with a focus on the territory stewarded by the people of the Onondaga Nation and other Haundenosaunee peoples. We hope this program will stimulate deep discussion and reflection, and will point the way toward ongoing steps to righting the wrongs which have persisted for five centuries.

Join Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) and Haudenosaunee facilitators as we participate in learning and dialogue through this presentation. Please register below to receive a Zoom link for this webinar. Registration is limited to 40 people. Your fee will be used to support our Native Knowledge Keepers, the work of NOON, and educational programming at the Skӓ•noñh-Great Law of Peace Center.

COST: $15/Person

Justice Works: A Conference for Progressive New York

July 17 and 18

Updated information and registration here

Hundreds of organizers, activists, leaders. Fighting for Justice. Teaching & learning. Building a movement.

SKILLS TRAININGS: Learn about time-tested and cutting edge organizing tools and strategies to build a grassroots base of power for justice.

COMMUNITY OF SUPPORT: More than 500 activists, organizers and leaders from across New York State will be at Justice Works.

GET INSPIRED: World-renowned speakers will give you new perspective and ideas to take back to your community and change the world.

BUILDING OUR MOVEMENT: Over 100 organizations are represented, connecting to build common purpose and strategy.   


Interactive workshops on topics like housing & climate justice, civil rights & democracy.


More interactive workshops on everything from basebuilding to leader development; voter registration to coalition work; & building grassroots power through local election.


How we come together, how we’re all connected, & how we all talk to each other.



How can we make DSA Anti-racist and Multiracial?

How can we make DSA Anti-racist and Multiracial?

Event by Democratic Socialists of America


A conversation connecting issues faced by people of color during DSA’s origins and today, between the authors of “A people of color’s history of DSA” (2019), Alyssa de la Rosa and David Roddy of Sacramento DSA, and authors of two convention resolutions, #27 (Beyond 100K) and #31 (Making DSA a Multiracial and Anti-racist Organization). De La Rosa and Roddy conducted archival research and talked with founders of the people of color caucuses in the original DSA/NAM, including Manning Marable. They will present a short summary of their findings, followed by a moderated conversation with authors of resolutions #27 and #31. All DSA members welcome–for DSA to become a self-consciously multiracial and anti-racist organization, we need everyone’s efforts. 

RSVP Here:…/How_can_we_make_DSA_anti..


EXPOSE KILLER DRONE TERROR: join our decade-long protests against the  piloting of reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands…across from the main gate of Hancock AFB, 6000 East Molloy Rd  (east of Mattydale)…4:15 to 5 p.m. every Tuesdayfrom April 6 thru the end of October.

STAND WITH  PALESTINE  expose IDF terrorism, Occupation and apartheid in Gaza and West Bank…intersection of Erie Blvd E and E Genesee in De Witt…4:15 to 5 p.m every Friday       

BRING YOUR OWN PEACE AND JUSTICE SIGN*…opposite the Regional Market main entrance On Park ST.. every Saturday 9 to 9:45 a.m. beginning  April 3       *or use one of ours. (Ann or Ed  315 478-4571 home)

*Social distancing***Legal***No meetings, no obligation, no cost***Easy  parking***Rain or shine*

CNY Solidarity Coalition: Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook:  and

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