CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – August 2 to August 9, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition: 

Upcoming Meetings: 9/18,22, 10/2/22, 10/16/22. 

Meetings are currently on Zoom. 

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists, or to donate.


‘No one at the Nation supports this’: Science committee makes for latest aquarium battle

 “Poor communication with the Onondaga Nation and the timing of the committee’s creation have frustrated those who want a greater focus on science…”

Read it on CentralCurrent at    

Mark Rupert on the Campbell Conversations

On this week’s episode of the Campbell Conversations, Grant Reeher speaks with Mark Rupert, an Emeritus Political Science Professor at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship, about the rise of far-right groups and their general role in the nation. Watch or Read it Here

Behind the Scenes of the Senate Climate Bill & What Finally Pushed Joe Manchin to Make a Deal

While it faces hurdles before passage, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act would invest $369 billion into renewable energy and other measures to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Leah Stokes, a professor of environmental politics who advised Senate Democrats on the legislation, says that while the bill is not perfect, it represents a major step forward. 

Read it Here on

The rightwing supreme court has another target: Native American rights

In last month’s Oklahoma v Castro-Huerta, the court tore up centuries of legal precedent and Native sovereignty

Read it in

Plot to Overturn the Election (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

How did false claims of election fraud make their way to the center of American politics? FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate the plot to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Watch the documentary on YouTube


Oppose the Onondaga Aquarium

We have more important issues to address before considering a County Aquarium – Including but not limited to addressing poverty, increasing mental health services, building affordable housing, building better infrastructure like sewer, water, broadband, sidewalks, roads, etc., investing in public transportation, investing in education and more. More info on the CNY Solidarity Coalition website Here

County Executive Ryan McMahon: (315) 435-3516 |

Onondaga County Legislators: Emails & Phone Numbers at

Email all legislators at

Write a letter to the editor:  Go to our website aquarium page Here and scroll down to see many previous letters. Find a list of media outlets in our Guide to LTEs Here

See Aug. 2 Event below! 

Urban Delights Fundraiser to Replace Stolen Equipment

Donate Here

Jubilee Homes’ Urban Delights Youth program has for more than 20 years taught eight to 12 youth each summer how to grow and sell crops during the summer break. The goal is to increase food security, healthy eating habits and entrepreneurship skills. Our youth has been preparing for months for the grand opening of their farm stand at the Downtown Farmers Market. They packed up the van with our equipment and some supplies including our customized tent, tablecloths, sidewalls. Staff arrived at 8am and noticed that the van had been broken into. “The doors are damaged, the windows had been broken and our equipment was gone. Most of the stuff that we use to market and to sell with was all taken.”

The Syracuse Peace Council is HiringGet Paid to Work for Social Justice!  

See the info below under Activist Positions



Tuesday August 2nd 12:00 PM Rally

1:00 PM Pack the room at the county legislature meeting

401 Montgomery Street, Syracuse 13201

Join the movement for equitable funding – Invest in Our Community!

According to our best estimate, each year – more than 600 children in our county are poisoned by exposure to toxic lead, primarily from paint in their homes. The poisoning is irreversible and has long lasting effects into adulthood. The large majority of these children are those living in segregated poverty in the city of Syracuse, and yet we have been made to believe there is not enough funding to address the problem. 

Instead of equitable funding, the county executive continues to push for $85,000,000 toward an aquarium. You can see more information about how this project is expected to deplete resources, without improving the economy, nor the lives of the residents that live here:

On August 2nd, 2022 community members and organizations will be holding a rally outside of  the Onondaga County legislative courts to demand equitable funding for housing, health, infrastructure, and a commitment to funding the solutions to end the lead crisis. 

At 1:00 PM on August 2nd the county legislature will hold its general monthly meeting. We expect that the aquarium allocation will be on the agenda for a vote – we plan to be there, speaking – and showing our collective presence at this meeting. Speakers concerned about the use of funds may speak for 3 minutes during the public comment period, and will need to sign up to speak by 12:45 PM on the fourth floor outside the county legislative chambers. 

We believe the lack of political will to fund improved housing and lead remediation is a moral, racial, and economic justice issue needing our collective action.

Please attend the rally and help us pack the meeting to show your support! 

Consider speaking in front of the legislature on Aug 2nd – see our tips Social Media Toolkit

Call, write, email the county legislature to ensure a NO vote on the aquarium for all the many reasons we list and more – see more details in our toolkit.

Sign and share the petition Oppose the Onondaga County Aquarium! – we have over 1000 community signatures opposed to the aquarium.

Can you commit to showing up for social justice on August 2nd? 

Wondering what we can do about the war in Ukraine?   Do you have ideas for action?   Don’t be alone.

Thursday, August 4, 12:00 p.m

Sponsored by the Syracuse Peace Council and Syracuse Democratic Socialists of America

The war in Ukraine has devastating short and long term consequences.  We have been educating ourselves about the historical, political, and economic context and the urgency of stopping the war.  We have also been exploring options for action for the last few weeks.  

This week, we will discuss possible meetings with our congressional representatives.  Where do we have consensus and what will we ask of our representatives in Washington?  Please join us whether or not you are able to attend meetings with our representatives.  

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

You may wish to read the attached documents in advance: Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine

Participants of the Science and Ethics of Happiness Study Group release a statement following a meeting hosted a…

Black August Rally for Reproductive Justice

Thursday Aug. 4,  4 PM – 5 PM

Sankofa Park 2101 S Salina St, Syracuse, NY 13205-1335, United States

Event by Doula 4 A Queen, Village Birth International and Sankofa Reproductive Health & Healing Center

COVID-19 health and safety requirements: Masks

Join Sankofa’s Black Maternal Health Coalition of CNY as we kick-off our Black August celebration! Black August is a call to remember the Black freedom struggle’s past, to honor those who have come before us and are no longer with us, and to make the commitment to keep fighting until we succeed in our goals of justice and liberation.

With the overturning of Roe V Wade and the constant attacks on our reproductive freedoms, we encourage our community to come out to celebrate how far we’ve come, prepare for the struggle ahead, and take a moment to reflect on what is needed to make liberation a reality for Black and Brown families in Syracuse. 

In God’s Voice: A Celebration of the Spirituality of Harriet Tubman

Artist’s Talk about her work: 5:30 pm Aug. 5, 2022.


205 Genesee Street ● Auburn, NY 13021 ● VENUE WEBSITE

The quilts and fiber artworks of Syracuse artist Vanessa Johnson in her exhibit “In God’s Voice: A Celebration of the Spirituality of Harriet Tubman” examine Tubman’s faith in nature, God, and her supporters as she led enslaved people to freedom.

Johnson’s exhibit is part of the Emerging Artists Project, a joint program of the Schweinfurth and Cayuga Museum that is in its second year. Artists present their work in both locations, and the institutions offer a discounted joint admission ticket so visitors can see both shows.

Hiroshima Day Ritual, Remembrance, and Dish-to-Pass Picnic

Sunday August 7, 5:30pm at 5:30pm at Willow Bay Picnic Area, Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool.  

Sponsored by the Syracuse Peace Council

We will honor the lives lost or forever affected by nuclear weapons in Japan and everywhere and focus on informal community building around our movement for peace and safety. 

Tuesday August 9: Nagasaki Day Commemoration, Press Conference, and Call to Action Participants gather at 11:30am in front of the Onondaga County Courthouse, 401 Montgomery Street, Syracuse. Program starts at 12:00 noon. 

A tableau demonstration will depict the horrors of nuclear war and the hope for the future that can be brought about by collective action from the public and our elected representatives. 

The tableau will be followed by brief remarks from elected officials and activists. Dr. Don Hughes, anti-nuclear weapons activist and Lemoyne College Professor, Mickey Belosi, President of Central New York NOW, Mary Kuhn, County Legislator, and others will speak about the immediate risks of nuclear and climate catastrophe due to war in Ukraine. They will also address how the cost of nuclear weapons, including the amount paid by Onondaga County residents alone (estimated thirty-two million per year) robs local communities of resources for urgent needs like health care, childcare, lead poisoning, public transportation, and climate change. 

We will call on elected officials and the public to act by supporting policies outlined in national campaign,  Back from the Brink | Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ( 

The public and the press are invited to both events.

For information contact: or


Is the Aquarium Project a Sustainable Strategy for CNY?
Friday, August 12, 12:00pm – 1:30pm, EST
Panelist:  Mary Kuhn, Onondaga County Legislator, District 7

GreeningUSA’s Green Bag Lunch discussion series was launched to further explore the concepts within the framework of our “12 Traits of Sustainable Communities”. As we refresh our memory of the 12 Traits, we find that this project impacts all 12, reminding us just how complicated this is. We hope to start a conversation that will lead to a good decision about the Aquarium Project.
#1 Government Leadership in Sustainability – Should local government prioritize the use of taxpayer dollars for this project?
#2 Local Economic Resilience – Is this a sustainable economic development choice for CNY? 
#3 Sustainable Land Use Planning – Is there a sustainable development plan for this area?
#4 Transportation & Mobility – How do we get people to the aquarium?
#5 Water Related Infrastructure – Impacts for supply and waste water for a water-intensive operation?
#6 Green Building – Will the building receive a green building certification? 
#7 Energy from Non-Fossil Fuels – Where will the energy needs come from for an energy intensive operation?
#8 Waste Material Management – How will construction and operational waste be handled?
#9 Culture, Arts & Entertainment – Does this project build on the history of CNY and reflect its culture?
#10 Quality Public Education – Will there be programs to enrich local public education goals?
#11 Public Health & Safety – How will you insure this inside and outside the building?
#12 Community Engagement – Will the CNY community be able to actively participate in the planning process?

 FREE! But you must be registered to attend. A link to the GoToMeeting platform will be sent to those registered after registration closes at 5pm on August 11.
Registration Link:

102 Years of Women’s Suffrage Celebration Concert

Saturday, August 20, 2022 At 4 Pm – 7 Pm at Breitbeck Park, Oswego

Event by Democratic Action Women’s Network

Come and celebrate 102 years of women voting! Bring a lawn chair, a blanket, a picnic basket!

Tickets available at 

New York State’s second primary election!

August 23rd

New Yorkers will vote for their party’s candidate for their district’s representative in Congress and the New York State Senate. More info at League of Women Voters’ post Here.  Get your Sample Ballot Here

Websites of the four Democratic candidates:

Sarah Klee Hood:   

Chol Majok:

Sam Roberts:   

Francis Conole:

Free Recycling Event: Electronics and Paints

8/27/2022 –  8:30 a.m – 12:00 East Syracuse Minoa Central High School | 

Sponsor: Assembly Member Al Stirpe

Info Here and Register Here

Socialism 2022:

Join us in Chicago September 2-5, 2022!

a four-day conference bringing together hundreds of socialists and radical activists from around the country to take part in discussions about social movements, Marxism, abolition, working-class history, and the debates and strategies for organizing today. So 

Register before July 22 for the discounted rate.

Westcott Street Cultural Fair: September 25, 2022


 Looking For Flexible  — No Meeting,  No Committee —  Opportunity To OpposeWar And Oppression And Work For Peace And Social Justice?We call it STREET HEAT: an easy, uncomplicated way –in solidarity with a handful of others — to  stand up and out for what we stand for. Greeting passing traffic at rush hour with hand-held signs, we want to get them thinking about the day’s crucial issues. First & Third Tuesdays Of The Month…4 to 4:45 p.m.: Killer drones                                                                                                                       Hancock AFB (home of the 174th Attack Wing of the NYS National Guard), 6000 East Molloy Rd. across from the main gate. Park on the south shoulder.Every Friday…4 to 4:45 p.m.    West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St. in De Witt (across from the Fire Dept.)                                                             For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine; while the invasion of Ukraine persists, we also address that tragedy.Every Saturday…9 to 9:45 a.m.                                                                           Across from Syracuse’s Regional Market, 2100 Park St., our team also deals with a range of topics (racism, anti-war, anti-nuke, etc.).Our current stalwart team: Julienne, Les, Leslie, Geoff, Ed, Ann, Peter…. To learn more, Ed or Ann 315 478 4571  Activist Positions

Get Paid to Work for Social Justice!  The Syracuse Peace Council is Hiring  The Syracuse Peace Council, the longest running, independent peace and social justice organization in the country, is hiring TWO Staff Organizers! SPC is a Syracuse-based grassroots group that has been educating, agitating and organizing since 1936 for a world where war, violence, and exploitation in any form will no longer exist. SPC Staff Organizers provide both support and leadership to our program and administrative committees, and facilitate communication with members, supporters, and the general public. Information at or find out more about the Peace Council at  

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible Onondaga County (Formerly Indivisible NY24): Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address above.

Peter McCarthy

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