CNY Solidarity opposes the Constitutional Convention which will be on the back of the New York State ballot on November 7th.
We oppose the Constitutional Convention because of the following:
Cost: The costs to hold a Constitutional Convention would cost tax payers of NY minimum of 50 million dollars.
Risks: A Constitutional Convention opens up risks to our labor rights, environmental protections and funding to our public schools.
Corruption: In the current political climate, big money could have too much influence on the outcome of the constitutional convention. The delegates that are most likely to get elected are current New York State legislators.
Amendment Process: We already have a method to change the New York State Constitution by using the amendment process without risk to our unions, schools and public land.
CNY Solidarity recommends a NO vote on the Constitutional Convention. To voice your opposition to the Constitutional Convention use these images on your social media accounts, talk to your friends and family and vote NO on November 7th!