CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERT from our legislative action teams.
Many thanks to all who turned out in the cold and the rain for last Monday’s rally in Syracuse against the #TrumpTaxScam. Highlights this week include two more tax rallies (in Oswego and Auburn), plus a Coalition Q&A with Syracuse Mayor-elect Ben Walsh.
Monday (Nov 13)
One rally and one phone call today on the tax issue, plus a training tonight on how to resist “Reclaim New York”
Rally against #TrumpTaxScam at Katko’s Auburn office
5pm, 71 Genesee St., Auburn 13021. More details here.
If you’re not rallying in Auburn, …
The House is scheduled to vote this week on the #TrumpTaxScam. Rep. Katko has equivocated on how he’ll vote. Our guess is that he’ll vote no, unless Speaker Ryan needs his vote, in which case he’ll vote yes. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Following up on last week’s amazing rally (150 people in the cold and rain!), please call Katko’s office today and demand an immediate public statement indicating that he will not support the bill.
In its current form, the tax bill will explode the federal deficit, leading to roughly $1.5 trillion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, and it will lead to HIGHER taxes for millions of middle-class tax payers, including many in CNY. E.g., the Wall Street Journal reported this week that 30% of filers in NY24 claim the SALT deduction, which this bill would eliminate. If you haven’t called Katko on this issue yet, please do so today. If you’ve already done so, please call again; if you’re looking for a new angle to mention, try one of these:
- People with medical or student loan debt would no longer be able to deduct those expenses from their taxes, and tuition benefits provided to graduate students would now be taxed;
- More than 5 million immigrant parents with US-citizen children would no longer be able to receive the Child Tax Credit, and some immigrants working legally in the US would lose access to the Earned Income Tax Credit;
- Adoptive parents would lose a key tax credit that helps offset the (very high!) costs of adoption;
- School teachers would lose the ability to deduct the cost of school supplies that they pay for out of pocket; and
- The bill would repeal the Johnson Amendment, which has long prohibited churches from making campaign statements during the course of religious services.
More legislative details here. As always, Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC).
Fighting the sneaky spread of Trumpism in CNY
Reclaim New York is a right-wing think tank, funded by the Mercer family, working to spread their extreme anti-government ideology by hosting events around the state. (More details here.) They’ve recently announced several events in CNY. Tonight in Cortland, Linda Doherty Pratt will conduct a training to help progressive activists counter the Reclaim messaging and prepare for interactions with the group. 6-7:30pm, Cortland County Democratic Committee Headquarters, 129 Port Watson Street, Cortland, NY 13045. Please RSVP to if you will be attending.
Tuesday (Nov 14)
Another tax rally today, plus a phone call on gun control
Rally against #TrumpTaxScam at Katko’s Oswego office
12pm, 13 W Oneida St., Oswego 13126. More details here. Note the new date; this event was originally scheduled for 11/13.
Ban military-style assault weapons now!
Last week, Senate Democrats introduced an assault weapons ban (S.2095). Senators Schumer and Gillibrand signed on immediately as co-sponsors. As near as we can tell, no similar legislation has been introduced in the House. Today, let’s call Rep. Katko and urge him to do so. Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC).
Wednesday (Nov 15)
One phone call today, then CNY Solidarity meeting with Ben Walsh and a renewable energy workshop tonight (unfortunately at the same time)
“We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it”
The Trump Administration has apparently decided to drop all questions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity from the 2020 Census. This will leave government agencies and policymakers in the dark as to how to best allocate resources to serve LGBT persons. Today, please call Rep. Katko and urge him to support HR 3273: LGBT Data Inclusion Act. The bill has 103 co-sponsors so far, all Democrats. Katko’s numbers are 315-423-5657 (Syracuse), 315-253-4068 (Auburn), or 202-225-3701 (DC).
CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting
7-9pm, Bishop Harrison Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave., Syracuse. Committee meetings from 7-7:45, then Full Coalition Meeting with Syracuse Mayor-elect Ben Walsh from 8-9pm. More details here.
Meeting Our Climate Goals: Renewable Heating & Cooling
How will we meet NY’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% from heating our buildings by 2030? Attend this workshop to find out. 6:30-8pm, Community Library of DeWitt & Jamesville, 5110 Jamesville Rd in DeWitt. More details here and here.
Thursday (Nov 16)
One regular phone-calling action today, plus a phone-banking gathering tonight
The US gov’t has long interfered with elections elsewhere; it was wrong then, and it’s wrong when Russia does it too
Last week, President Trump said he takes Vladimir Putin at his word when he says that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 US elections, dismissing the unanimous conclusions to the contrary of all US intelligence agencies as the work of “political hacks.” Today, please call Sen. Schumer (202-224-6542; 315-423-5471), Sen. Gillibrand (202-224-4451; 315-448-0470), or Rep. Katko (315-423-5657; 202-225-3701) (your choice!) and urge them to publicly rebuke President Trump for these comments.
Phonebanking to end the IDC!
Join our friends at True Blue NY-53 to make phone calls to voters regarding the IDC’s repeated blocking of progressive policy change in the State Senate. 5:45-8pm, Center for Peace & Social Justice, 2013 E. Genesee St. in Syracuse. More details here.
Friday (Nov 17)
We’ll take a break from phone-calling today, but one important event from our friends at NYCLU tonight
Community Discussion: I-81, Racial Isolation & Economic Exclusion
The NYCLU (ACLU of New York) is hosting a networking mixer and community discussion about I-81, including video history of Syracuse’s 15th ward. 5:30-9pm, Community Folk Art Center (805 E. Genesee St.). Cost is $15/attendee ($5 for students). More details here.
Saturday and Sunday (Nov. 18-19)
No actions planned (until further notice!). Enjoy the weekend with friends and family.
Save the date for these upcoming events:
Mon., Nov 27, 7-8:15pm: Info Session: Renewable Heat vs. Gas/Oil. Learn more about renewable heating and help prep for 12/6 rally in Albany. More details here.
Sat., Dec. 2, 11:00-5:00: NY Gathering on Access to Vote. More details here. This event is in Albany; if anyone is interested in organizing a carpool from Syracuse, please let us know.
Mon., Dec. 4, 7-8:30pm: CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting, Southwest Community Center in Syracuse. Note the date change; this was originally scheduled for Dec. 6.
Sun., Dec. 17, 3-6pm: CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting and potluck, Bishop Harrison Center.
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media!
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In solidarity,