CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events Calendar – April 7 – 14

Announcements from CNY Solidarity Coalition:

CNY Solidarity Coalition held our first virtual meeting, using Zoom, on April 5, from 3-4 PM. About 24 people attended. After a presentation on a recent visioning exercise (“What do we do well? What should we do more of?”), the group discussed current needs and directions, and decided to hold to the projected calendar dates, continuing to meet approximately every two weeks. Next Meeting: April 19, 3-4 PM. Zoom link will be sent. 

Articles of the week:

Why NY law requires absentee ballots in response to COVID-19 (Commentary by David Driesen) 

…Attorney General Letitia James is on solid legal ground in supporting universal absentee ballots.

Who is Left Out of the COVID-19 Legislation: Fact Sheet from the Poor People’s Campaign: “COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities. Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions. Inequality is a comorbidity. COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations.”

Posts of the week: 

How to Establish a Support Circle Using Zoom or other online tools. A wonderfully caring and specific guide to starting and maintaining an online support group, from Carole Resnick. 

Amid Coronavirus Crisis, Andrew Cuomo Held New York’s Health Care Hostage to Undo Criminal Justice Reforms.“What Cuomo wanted, he got. Gutting health care, protecting the rich, making it easier to put his constituents in pestilential jails, gaining czar-like powers to unilaterally determine funding — he got it. By threats, by arm-twisting, by brilliant manipulation of the legislature’s disarray, he got it. If it all sounds like an incredibly cynical, anti-democratic exploitation of a crisis to accumulate and exert power, well — that’s politics.”

WAYS TO HELP: Volunteer, Donate, …

NEW: National efforts to support workers, from Indivisible:

·      The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation created a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to provide emergency assistance to restaurant industry workers who’re in dire need of support. They’ve also created an invaluable trove of resources for workers who’ve been directly impacted by the mass restaurant closings. Donate here.

·      One Fair Wage emergency assistance fund for tipped and service workers- restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers, etc. Donate here.

·      The National Domestic Workers Alliancefund provides assistance to domestic workers so that they can stay home and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. Donate

·      If you’re looking for something local, The Town Hall Project  developed a searchable map of dozens of mutual aid funds that support workers and communities in need during the outbreak. Click here to find a local mutual aid fund to support. Or submit yours to the list!

·      As Asian American communitiesare targeted by racism and xenophobia related to the coronavirus (due in large part to Trump’s racist rhetoric), we’re asking that Indivisibles donate to Asian Americans Advancing Justice. Click here to donate.

Local Needs:

·      Help CNY Hospitals & Hospitality  Here is a way to donate to local restaurants to provide free meals for workers at hospitals, grocery stores and other essential businesses.Includes  The Brine Well EateryAnything But BeerScratch Farmhouse CateringCirca Ce SoirPure Catering and EventsColonial Lodge, and Mello Velo.

·      Westcott Mutual Aid network. article here.

·      Syracuse WestSide Mutual Aid NetworkInformation here

·     Democratic Socialists of America: Mutual Aid Fill out this form  

·      United Way Volunteer Signup for dozens of agencies

·     Food Bank of CNY Donate or Volunteer

·     CNY Community Foundation Community Support Fund to support nonprofits working with communities impacted by economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. 

·       The Red Crossis in urgent need of blood donors and people to help with emergencyresponse.

·      Rise Above the Streets: support for people without housing. Monetary donations: Use PayPal Cashapp: $Alamin44 #IfWeEatTheyEat See this article.

Support local businesses! Order gift cards from restaurants or other merchants you support, to be redeemed in the future. This will provide some short-term income.



Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders:  Doctors Without Borders is expanding our global response to the coronavirus pandemic, providing on-the-ground medical care to the people who need it most— from Italy to Iraq, Spain to Syria. 


Representative John Katko: Telephone “Town Hall” on COVID-19

Tuesday, April 7th, 1:30 PM: Telephone Town Hall for Central New York Seniors

Rep. Katko: To provide CNY seniors with an update on the COVID-19 pandemic and to help provide best practices on avoiding scams, I will be holding a Telephone Town Hall with experts from the Federal Trade Commission and St. Joseph’s Hospital. On this call, we will be answering questions from local seniors and provide guidance for preventing fraud and staying healthy during this pandemic.  Misinformation has spread throughout this time of crisis, and this call will provide seniors in our community with clear and concise information on how to best protect themselves. All interested seniors are encouraged to sign up online by April 6 at 1pm or listen in live on my Facebook page.

To sign up for Rep. Katko’s Telephone Town Hall, fill out the form here by 1pm on Monday, April 6, 2020 or listen to it live on Rep. Katko’s Facebook Page. Questions will be taken from callers on the line and from comments on Facebook.

Note: Since the sign-up deadline was Monday at 1 PM, we might not be able to directly ask Rep. Katko the essential questions:

·     If you are concerned about misinformation and fraud, why have you endorsed for President the person who is the direct source of constant misinformation and fraud during this crisis? 

·     With the anticipated deaths of over a hundred thousand people in this country, directly attributable to the President’s dishonesty, incompetence, and refusal to accept science, when will you consider withdrawing your endorsement?   

Ending War with David Swanson  – Free Webinar

April 7, 2020. 8-10 PM Eastern Time

Sponsored by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Pax Christi Dallas, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace. The sponsors have generously made it available free to anyone anywhere. Click here to RSVP.

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator for Swanson hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, and was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. Also joining this webinar will be World BEYOND War Organizing Director Greta Zarro!

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. 

World Beyond War. War Abolition 201: Building the Alternative Global Security System April 13 to May 24, 2020

In response to the heightening economic impact of the pandemic, we are offering our upcoming War Abolition 201 online course on a sliding scale, starting at $25 USD. War Abolition 201 brings together activists, advocates, and changemakers to engage in learning specific to establishing a just and sustainable peace. The course will run from April 13 to May 24, 2020. The course is not live – so you can study at your own pace  Register now. You can also participate in three 1-hour optional zoom calls, which are designed to facilitate a more interactive, real-time, and experiential learning experience. To register by check, 1. Contact World BEYOND War to let us know! and 2. Make the check out to World BEYOND War/AFGJ and send it to World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville VA 22902 USA. To register click here.

Virtual Town Hall with Dana Balter, Candidate for Congress

Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 6 PM – 7 PM

You’re invited to join Dana Balter, candidate for Congress in Onondaga, Cayuga, Wayne, and Oswego Counties, for a virtual town hall. Come hear about Dana’s campaign, ask your questions, and share your vision for your community. This event is free and open to the public.
RSVP here and we’ll send you a Zoom call-in link to join from your computer or phone:
This is an excellent way to participate in democracy while continuing to practice social distancing. We hope to “see” you there!

Multiple DatesJacobin Magazine: New political education series, Stay at Home

Our new political education series, Stay at Home, 6 PM EST on our YouTube channel.

Socialist politics is built on mass rallies, strikes, and door knocking. But since we’re all practicing physical distancing, we decided to launch a video-based political education series this month.

A few times a week Jacobin will host a left-wing thinker on our YouTube channel to explain an idea for around 20 minutes. Then we’ll take questions from our virtual audience for a brief Q&A.

Why Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer to the Climate Crisis
May 13, 2020, 07:00 PM Eastern Time. Sierra Club New York City Group Zoom presentation
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 756 300 935 One tap mobile +16468769923, 756300935# US (New York)


Have you recently sought testing for COVID19 because you are presenting symptoms, and were then denied testing (in Onondaga County)? Please reach out to Tim Knauss at

Food Safety and Coronavirus: This appears well-researched and authoritative.

Support independent bookstores. shop online with Bookshop.


Alternatives to Amazon for online essentials.  article from Fast Company

Tips for Handling Stress in a Disaster.Institute for Disaster Mental Health at SUNY New Paltz

Legal Services of Central New York,including Unemployment Insurance.  Phone: 315-703-6500


Ready to Flip the Senate this Year? Indivisible’s Payback Projectisout to do just that! check out Indivisible’s coordinated nationwide effort focused on eleven of the worst, and most vulnerable, Trump enablers in the Senate. This would be a great place to put your stimulus check to work! 

Election Security

We know that Donald Trump and his party will try to steal the upcoming Presidential election, as well as elections at all other levels. Through various methods of disenfranchisement, voter suppression, gerrymandering, intimidation, and fraud. Here are several ways to confront this threat:

Redistrict Onondaga Countyfor Fair Representation: FairMapsCNY

We have a real shot of winning Citizen-Led Redistricting this year, but a key piece of our strategy is to demonstrate the support from residents in the county. We can set a national example!

Here is the link to the petition

League of Women Voters

Citizens for Voting

Support the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act (from Indivisible)Demand your senators ensure safe, secure elections during the coronavirus outbreak. We know that the coronavirus is scary, and we’re all making sacrifices to minimize any further spread of the virus. But we can’t let this public health crisis impede the functioning of our democratic processes. That’s why we’re recommending states start now to build alternatives to in-person voting so that nothing will put the administration of the November presidential election at risk.Senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden have introduced a bill to assist states in expanding vote-by-mail for this November’s election. Call your senators to demand that the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act be included in the next coronavirus relief package.

Elected Officials, Candidates, Campaigns:

Dana Balter for Congress:

Balter (64 percent) leads Conole (21 percent)among likely Democratic primary voters, with 15 percent undecided ahead of the June 23 election, according to the poll by GBAO Strategies of Washington, D.C. –, 3/302020

Sign Up to Volunteer Remotelywith the Dana Balter Campaign

John Mannion for NYS Senate:

Rachel May for NYS Senate:

Congressman John Katko, Syracuse: (315) 423-5657. DC: (202) 225-3701. 
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Syracuse: (315) 448-0470. DC: (202) 224-4451. 
Senator Chuck Schumer, Syracuse: (315) 423-5471. DC: (202) 224-6542

John Katko wants to hear from you! He says so! Here’s a link to his survey on Coronavirus.

Onondaga Lake Beach The public comment period on the proposed Onondaga Lake beach has been extended to May 15th. Spread the word and speak out against a beach on Onondaga Lake!

For more informationon why a beach on Onondaga Lake is a bad idea

Final Beach Feasibility Study Meeting Presentation

Share an e-mail commentwith Onondaga County Legislators: 

Share an online commentwith the Onondaga County Office of the Environment: 

Guide to Letters to the Editor


If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397

Assistance connecting with health and human services: call 211 or

LOCAL: Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page

COVID-19 Testing Hotline:

Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page

STATENYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page


Johns Hopkins – Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) webpage.

·New York Attorney General Coronavirus Resources and Warnings

·FCC Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips

·FTC Coronavirus Scam Information

·NYS Free Mental Health Hotline: 1-844-863-9314

·Onondaga County Meals Help Line for Onondaga County: 315-218-1987

·Madison County Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 315-366-2327

·Oneida County Mental Health Hotline: 1-800-678-0888

·Oneida County COVID-019 Hotline: 315-798-5431

·Oneida County Family and Community Services Helpline: 315-798-5439 


CNY Solidarity Coalition in-person meetings and Committee meetings are suspended until further notice. Virtual meetings using Zoom are being scheduled. Next meeting April 19, 3-4 PM

NAACP of Syracuse and Onondaga County FREEDOM FUND DINNER POSTPONED 

We would like to inform our members, friends, and supporters that our Freedom Fund Dinner will be postponed until further notice. Please continue to visit our Facebook page for updates. This was a difficult decision to make, but your health and safety are our primary concern. Be safe, everyone!

Can We Save the Planet Without Taking on the Pentagon? Talk by Pat Hynes at All Saints Church – April 19th. A presentation of Beyond War and Militarism and CNY Solidarity Coalition. Postponed – to be rescheduled.

Annual Tax Day Demonstration by Beyond War and Militarism: Postponed until further notice– 

Peter McCarthy

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