From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Next Meeting: Sun. Sept. 13, 2020, 3-4 PM, via Zoom. Link to come.
State Senator Rachel May will be speaking on State level political/legislative issues.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule: 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8,11/22. 12/6, 12/20/20, 1/10/21
First: Make a Voting Plan.
DO IT NOW. Read this generic nationwide version of the four ways to vote. Then copy it and send it to everyone you know in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and all the other swing states.
Here are four ways to vote, starting with the most secure and reliable:
1. Vote early in person, if you’re comfortable. Your vote will go directly into the system and be counted on election day.
2. Absentee Ballot, Drop off in Person. Reduce the load on the USPS and the risk of the mail being late. You can also drop off ballots for others.
3. Absentee Ballot, Mail it in. Do it as soon as possible.
NOTE: Absentee ballots, delivered in person or by US Mail (2 0r #3), will all be counted after Election Day.
4. Election Day Voting. Try to get it done earlier. (Trump has promised that there will be chaos on Election Day.)
For information on early voting, absentee ballots, registration, checking your status,, etc. for your state:
The Best Way to Vote in Every State
Did you send it? Now here are the links for Onondaga County (And NYS) for you.
Early voting: Oct. 24-Nov.1. Six locations in Onondaga County. Details here.
Absentee ballot Info: Details Here.
· For Election Day voting: Confirm your registration and polling place by looking it up at
· Go to check to confirm your absentee application or ballot has been received
· Last Date for voter registration: October 9.
The links above are for Onondaga County. For others in NYS, find your county Board of Elections Here.
Second: Send money.
Whatever you can afford. It’s time. Here are our suggestions:
Dana Balter for Congress: We need a progressive voice representing us in Congress, instead of someone who endorses Donald Trump for President!
Flipping the Senate is essential
Indivisible’s Payback Projectis out to do just that! They have targeted eleven Republican Senators who have to go.
Defeating this many Senate Republicans will not be easy — it will take a massive awareness campaign to expose the truth of their complicity to voters and a growing grassroots army on the ground ready to ensure their Democratic opponents have the funding and people necessary to knock doors, activate voters, and win. We have a comprehensive, four-pronged approach to make sure Republicans Senators are held accountable for their actions, their votes, and their enabling of Donald Trump.
This is a way for you to have an impact on the Senate with the help of Indivisible’s research and coordination!
Support NYS Senator Rachel May! Two years ago we elected a true progressive and helped change the direction of our state. Let’s keep up the momentum. Donate Here
Biden/Harris campaign:
For an additional option, consider donations to Dem Senate candidates in states that are also presidential battlegrounds. In theory, any dollars sent their way will help turn out Dem voters in states that could also make a difference in the electoral college.
E.g.: Mark Kelly in Arizona Cunningham in North Carolina Jon Ossoff in Georgia Warnock in Georgia
If you haven’t already, fill out your Census response. FILL OUT THE CENSUS
Articles of the Week:
Nearly all Black Lives Matter protests are peaceful despite Trump narrative, report finds. LINK
In stark contrast to rightwing claims, 93% of demonstrations have involved no serious harm to people or property
Here’s a guide to fact-checking sites, posted by our friend Mark Rupert.
Dana Balter Textbanking Kickoff
Tuesday, September 8 – 6pm EDT
Join Team Dana on Tuesday, September 8th from 6pm-8pm for a textbank! We’ll be texting voters in the district and building support for Dana going into the general election. Let your neighbors know why you’re on board to help us flip the seat in NY-24 this November! This textbank will be entirely virtual — all you need is a phone and a laptop, and there will be a training at the beginning, so no experience necessary! Be sure to RSVPso you receive the Zoom link in the confirmation email.
For more Dana Balter events:
Financial Empowerment Live: Syracuse Financial Empowerment Center
Sept. 10, 2020 at 7 PM
The Sustainable Economics Alliance (founded by our friend Katelyn Kriesel) is partnering with the City of Syracuse, Home Headquarters and the Syracuse Financial Empowerment Center to bring financial counseling to the community, live! The FEC is a free city of Syracuse service providing professional, one-to-one financial counseling at no cost to all residents. Financial Empowerment, Live! will give everyone in the community access to the financial counselors to get their questions answered.
Please join us on the SEA Facebook Page or on Zoom for this unique event. The financial counselors from the Syracuse FEC will be on hand to answer all of your questions on budgeting, debt, savings strategies and navigating your financial life during the pandemic.
To submit your questions ahead of time, please email
Register here to participate in the Zoom Webinar or watch live on Facebook! We’ll be monitoring questions on both platforms. Check out and share our Facebook Event to spread the word
Canvassing the 17th Ward
Saturday, 9/12 at noon – Meet at Barry Park
Spread the word: Share widely!
How many more police killings, assaults, and incidents of brutality have gone unrecorded, unnoticed, and ignored by public officials?
On July 2nd, the People’s Agenda for Policing coalition presented Mayor Ben Walsh and other city officials with a list of nine demands to transform policing in the city of Syracuse. But despite the ongoing police violence and uprisings across the country, we have heard little more than empty rhetoric and lip service from the Administration. The demands have not been met! The People’s Agenda calls for real change now, in the hope that the next police killing is not in Syracuse. Because what happened in Louisville, in Minneapolis, in Kenosha, and in Rochester could have easily happened here.
On Saturday, September 12th, join SPAARC and the rest of the People’s Agenda for Policing coalition to canvass the 17th Ward. We will be speaking to our neighbors on the coalition’s nine demands and asking Syracusans to sign the petitions to support the People’s Agenda and remove police from schools. Now is the time for a mass movement to end state sanctioned violence and the system of policing that values arrests, surveillance, and police terror over the actual people living in this city.
We will provide walking sheets for canvassing, but, if possible, please bring a fully-charged phone with miniVAN Touch downloaded and account created, links below:
Note: we will be practicing STRICT SOCIAL DISTANCING during this event. Please wear a mask and bring hand sanitizer. Some supplies will be provided by the event organizers.
Manlius Democrats Virtual Town Hall: John Mannion & Al Stirpe
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM
Hosted by Mannion for State Senate and Manlius Democrats
Join us for an open Manlius Democratic Committee meeting to hear from State Senate candidate John Mannion & Assemblyman Al Stirpe. This is a great way to meet the candidates!
After our virtual town hall, stick around to hear from local Democratic leadership, including the Chair of our committee and some of our Town Councilors. Our committee has recently flipped our Town blue by electing a Democratic majority to the Town Board and we’re excited to keep that momentum moving forward. Please attend and invite others as well!
In Solidarity: Syracuse Protests
Virtual Exhibit from Light Work. Aug. 24 – oct. 15 Link
A group exhibition featuring images made during events at the epicenter of the protest movement in Syracuse, NY. In Solidarity documents forty days of marching, actions, and rallies.
Street Heat – Weekly Protests are back with Physical Distancing!
HANCOCK: our decade-long protests against Hancock’s piloting killer reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands continue. 6000 East Molloy Rd every Tuesday from 4:15 to 5 p.m.
DEWITT: Weekly protest against IDF terrorism, maiming and killing of Palestinians. Fridays 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. at Erie Blvd E and E Genesee, Dewitt. Park in the nearby mini-mall parking lot.
REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET: anti-weaponized drones/anti-militarism protest: 9 to 9:45 a.m Saturdays . directly across from the market’s main entrance on Park Street.
For more information:
HOW TO HELP: Volunteer or Donate
National Action Network GoFundMe for student computers. Donate Here
Many Syracuse City students are in need of computers to complete their work. Many do not even have access to cable television to participate on WCNY. NAN Syracuse Chapter has at least 45 requests for assistance in obtaining devices for high school and middle school students. Some have immediate needs and some are students with disabilities.
Help for Beirut: Doctors without Borders
Donate Here Medecins Sans Frontieres is one of the most reliable international NGOs providing direct assistance in disaster areas.
OG’s Against Violence is proud to serve the City of Syracuse and Central New York to reduce the violence that has afflicted our community through grassroots outreach and a boots on the ground effort to reach out to people and bring positive change.
In cooperation with the Founder it is our intention to raise resources for the organization’s mission, and to assist in the goals and operations of the organization to reduce violence in the city of Syracuse and Central New York.
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN): fund tosupport undocumented workers and families. DONATE HERE
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network
Also see COVID19 InfoBelow
SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670
Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN) Coronavirus-related information for farmworker, immigrant, undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. English and Spanish-speaking operators. Text and phone.
SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, for immigrants and undocumentedfolks. English and Spanish Or use these instructions to have Google translate .
If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397
Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page
COVID-19 Testing Hotline:
Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page
NYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page
Johns Hopkins – Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) webpage.
New York Attorney General Coronavirus Resources and Warnings
FCC Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips
FTC Coronavirus Scam Information
Peter McCarthy