From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Upcoming Meetings:10/3/21, 10/17/21, 10/31/21, 11/14/21.
(At our Sept. 12 meeting we decided to resume Zoom meetings for now.)
Committees will meet on their own.
Meeting Sunday, Oct. 3, 3 PM on Zoom
Spotlight on local elections.
· John Deer will speak on the Flip the Leg effort to flip the majority in the County Legislature
· Open discussion on other local elections: Syracuse Mayor, etc.
I- 81 Project Update:
Comments to DOT by (new date) 10/14. See Events/Actions below, and see our CNY Solidarity Coalition page with I-81 information:
Easiest Ways to take Action:
1: Here are the two simplest ways to submit comments: (and you can submit as many as you wish)
Urban Jobs Task Force has produced a detailed guide to making comments.
View UJTF’s Guide for DEIS Comments regarding Economic Justice.
OR –
NYCLU Has a quick and easy way to submit comments from their site:
2: Sign the UJTF Jobs Petition:
3: Sign up for alerts from UJTF here: DEIS action alert sign-up form
4: Additional DOT information sessions about the Interstate 81 project. 6-8 PM
County Elections Reminder:
There is a critically important election approaching for Onondaga County Legislators. If you live in the city of Syracuse, you do have a County Legislator who represents you. Find out more:
The CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting on 10/3 will focus on local elections.
Articles of the Week:
After 9/11: War is not a solution to terrorism
(Guest Opinion by the Syracuse Peace Council)
Read the Article on
How 9/11 Turned America Into a Half-Crazed, Fading Power
Read the Article in the NY Times
Mark Spadafore’s Labor Day Commentary is in UrbanCNY
The pandemic has exposed the frayed workplaces that have existed for many years where employers would rather cut their workers short by paying the minimum without any regard for their lives or wellbeing. Wages have been stagnant for 50 years and workers are at their limit for what they will take.
Many Americans Refused to Consider Why 9/11 Happened. The Costs Were Enormous.
Middle East experts who opposed America’s post-9/11 wars were ridiculed as anti-American extremists. In reality, it was the pro-war right that was making us less safe.
“…the United States did not become a target for terrorists because of its values, as President Bush and others claimed, but because it had strayed from its professed values of freedom, democracy, and rule of law in implementing its policies in the Middle East.”
Read the Article on CommonDreams
What really happened at Attica — and why so much is still unknown
(Guest Opinion by Joe Heath)
Read the article on
From the Citizens’ Climate Lobby:
It’s a big moment for climate legislation. The budget reconciliation package being created right now in Congress will definitely include climate measures. We want to make sure they are big measures, like a fee on carbon, to cut emissions rapidly. Senate offices say that they heard from LOTS of constituents about carbon pricing in August.
Now the House is working on the package, so we want them to hear our voices as well. Also, John Kerry said that carbon pricing is “on President Biden’s desk for his consideration.” We think this could be our opportunity for getting a federal price on carbon.
The link HERE will take you to an easy tool for contacting President Biden as well as your congresspersons, including a suggested message. We have heard from staffers that congressional offices do pay attention to how many calls they get around a given issue. That ringing phone does get their attention.
Labor And The Health Act
Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 6:00pm-7:30pm. RSVP here (virtual event).
Hosted by Democratic Socialists of America Healthcare Working Group
This event is to help members of unions organize with their co-workers in support of the NY Health Act and shut down the misinformation surrounding the bill. We can strengthen the power of unions by taking healthcare off the bargaining table! RSVP here.
And: Medicare Expansion & Budget Reconciliation Package
Ongoing digital action to help ensure that the strongest versions of key healthcare priorities get over the finish line in the Congressional Build Back Better budget reconciliation package. #BuildBackBetter #ExpandMedicare
Share this out on social media:
Congress has a historic opportunity to #ExpandMedicare! Call your members of Congress at 202-224-3121 & urge them to:
· Cover dental, vision, & hearing care
· Lower the eligibility age + cap out-of-pocket costs
· Give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices
Connecting the Attica Uprising to LIMNY!
Connecting the Attica Uprising to LIMNY!
We’re back at it again, here to give you the 411 on Less Is More NY!
Now that Governor Hochul is in office, it’s on us to put the pressure on her to sign LIMNY into law and start implementing it immediately! With rising rates of COVID19 occurring again in our community and inside prison walls, we need immediate action from the governor.
Join us as we commemorate the Attica Uprising, share its connection to LIMNY, and learn how you can get involved in the fight to get LIMNY signed into law.
The Big Scary “S” Word and Economic Democracy
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 At 8 PM EDT
The Big Scary “S” Word And Economic Democracy
Event by Democratic Socialists of America
Join the Democratic Socialists of America Fund, Dissent magazine, NYC-DSA’s Housing Working Group, In These Times, and Housing Justice for All for the third installment in a series of virtual events inspired by the film The Big Scary “S” Word. This month’s discussion will focus on worker cooperatives and the fight for economic justice.
The Big Scary “S” Word, a new documentary feature from director Yael Bridges examining the past, present, and future of socialism in the United States, connects the dots between many of our social and economic crises and focuses on American socialists’ responses.
On September 14, the filmmaker will join us to show a clip from the film and answer questions about the movie. The panelists will discuss and respond to your questions about how we get where we need to go now to work beyond capitalism for economic democracy.
Green New Deal for Public Schools Phone Bank
Saturday September 18
Green New Deal for Public Schools Phone Bank
Event by Syracuse DSA
The Green New Deal strategy: a fighting labor movement directing massive public investment to decarbonize and democratize our economy.
This month, Congress is in the final bargaining stages over the infrastructure bill—which will shape the terrain of the country for a decade.
Join us to call key Congressional targets to demand:
Sign up for as many shifts as you can, and share the link with a couple people too!
And fill out our general interest form to get connected with chapter-level organizing around the Green New Deal for Public Schools in your community. School workers, parents, students, and trades are coming together around this fight. We need both national pressure and local power to win our demands.
See you on the phones and in the streets!
Here is the link. Please fill out the September 18, 2-5pm portion as Syracuse DSA will be hosting this Phone Bank.
Welcome Back Congress: March for Citizenship!
NYIC – New York Immigrant Coalition
Tuesday, September 21
Information from Kayla:
We have a bus departing Syracuse on September 20th, with an overnight stay in DC for our Welcome Back Congress March on the 21st, is anyone from CNY Solidarity interested in coming with us?
Join us once again as we take the streets of Washington, DC on; the day that Congress returns from recess. Congress must ensure that the immigration provisions stay in the budget. Congress must deliver a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who call this country home. Congress must deliver on justice for the care economy. Congress must deliver on green infrastructure and invest in measures that will fight climate change. Vaccines are required for this event. Buses will be filled to 1/2 due to COVID-19 restrictions. No children are able to travel with groups due to vaccine requirement. Masks are also mandatory. Sign-up by Friday, September 10th. If you have any questions, please contact Alana Cantillo at
Attica Still Means Fight Back!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 At 6 Pm Edt
Event by Unchained
As an organization led by our incarcerated Co-Executive Director Derek Singletary and made up of members in jails and prisons across New York State, Unchained will be commemorating the uprising and reflecting on its legacy.
Join us for a powerful evening with:
Dr. Heather Ann Thompson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy
Bobby Harrison, Co-Founder of Faith Hope Community Center in Syracuse and survivor of the Attica uprising
Joe Heath, General Counsel for the Onondaga Nation who spent three decades representing the Attica Brothers.
We are thrilled to highlight the role of people from Upstate New York, especially our home base of Syracuse, in the uprising that forever changed the course of social movements to resist white supremacy and dismantle the carceral state.
You will also hear directly from Derek, speaking from maximum security prison, about the work Unchained is doing to honor the sacrifices and demands of the Attica Brothers 50 years later. For example, Unchained co-wrote and co-led the campaign to pass the Less is More: Community Supervision Revocation Reform Act, which was passed by the New York State Legislature on June 10, 2021. The new law, expected to go into effect in March 2022, will prevent thousands of people every year from being returned to prison for non-criminal technical parole violations, one of the demands of the Attica Brothers that went unmet for 50 years.
You can register for the event to receive the Zoom link at the following link:
Attica still means fight back!
Additional DOT information session about the Interstate 81 project.
Sept. 23 Town of Camillus Municipal Bldg., 4600 W. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY, 13219
DOT staff on hand to explain the project and respond to questions.
Last Day to submit comments: CHANGED TO OCT. 14
FROM SYRACUSE.COM: The toll-free comment hotline (1-855-481-8255) has been unreachable at times. Other options for submitting your comments: Call (315)-703-4181 to leave your recorded comment.
Or You can fill out an online form or you can send an email to this
September FOCUS Forum: Bridging the Digital Divide in CNY
Friday, September 24 at 12:05 pm
Forum on “Bridging the Digital Divide in Central New York”
Register HERE for the September 24 forum at 12:05 pm
This forum will cover the impact of the digital divide in CNY, and the initiatives planned and underway by the City of Syracuse and Onondaga County to address digital inclusion and equity.
Eliminating the digital divide in urban and rural communities is a long-standing national challenge which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as access to technology was essential to daily necessities of life.
David Bottar, Executive Director, CNY Regional Planning and Development Board; Annabeth Hayes, Co-Founder, CNY Digital Inclusion Coalition, Director, Tully Free Library; Jennifer Tifft, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Neighborhood & Business Development, City of Syracuse; and Kevin Sexton, Chief Information Officer, Onondaga County Department of Information Technology. With Moderator Sharon Brangman, MD, Chair, Department of Geriatrics, SUNY Upstate Medical.
For more about the Forums and FOCUS go to
Westcott St. Cultural Festival
Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021 Info here
CNY Solidarity will be tabling; to sign up for a shift, please contact
Defend Our Reproductive Rights
Saturday, October 2, 2021 At 11 AM– 1 PM
James M. Hanley Federal Building
Defend Our Reproductive Rights
Event by Women’s March Syracuse
James M. Hanley Federal Building
Details are still being finalized but we plan to march between the Federal Building, 100 S. Clinton St., Syracuse and Planned Parenthood’s headquarters, 1120 E. Genesee St., Syracuse. Mark your calendar, full details to come soon.
ArtRageous Bike Ride
Welcome to the 4th (almost annual) ArtRageous Bike Ride!
A fun event to raise some money for ArtRage Gallery and support social justice art in CNY.
Choose either the 20 or 40 mile ride (ride maps coming soon)
and enjoy a delicious homemade lunch buffet back at ArtRage after the ride.
Early registration is $45 ($55 after September 28).
How Do You Create a Sustainable Syracuse?
Mayoral Candidate Forum
October 8, 2021 from 12:00-1:30 pm.
FOCUS Greater Syracuse, GreeningUSA, and CNY Solidarity Coalition present a joint Mayoral Candidate Forum.
This event is FREE and open to the public, but registration is required.
We are working to present this event “in-person” and virtually.
Watch for more details and location in September.
Registration Link for Attending in Person:
Registration Link for Online Participation:
A link to attend online will be emailed on October 7.
Registration closes at 5pm, October 7.
Heat Pumps 101: Introduction to Greener, Cleaner Heating and Cooling
Heat Smart CNY is hosting an online workshop on how to make your home more energy efficient and install renewable heating and cooling technologies like air and ground source heat pumps.
Come learn how heat pumps work, what incentives are available for you to install one, and how they can help save the planet while making your home safer and more comfortable!
The presentation by Campaign Director Lindsay Speer will be followed by a Q&A with expert installers.
Oct 11, 2021 07:00 PM
Nov 8, 2021 07:00 PM
Dec 13, 2021 07:00 PM
Register Here
STAND FOR PALESTINE — expose IDF terrorism, Occupation and apartheid in Gaza and West Bank…
intersection of Erie Blvd E and E Genesee in De Witt…
Park St. opposite the Regional Market main entrance… every SATURDAY 9 to 9:45 a.m.
*or use one of ours. (Ann or Ed 315 478-4571 home)
***Social distancing***Legal***No meetings, no obligation, no cost***Easy parking***Rain or shine***
CNY Solidarity Coalition: Follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
From our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed.
Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:
Climate Justice: Contact: Kitty Burns –
SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –
Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council.Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;
Peter McCarthy