The redistricting plane is due to be implemented for the 2023 election, not 2022. This makes it even more clear that there is no reason for a rush – unless this is part of the nationwide effort by Republicans to gerrymander districts at all levels since that is the only way they can “win” elections!
Since last week, many of our supporters have attended the Onondaga County Redistricting Public Hearings. Last night several CNY Solidarity members attended the hearing in the County Legislative Chamber for people to share their input on redrawing the lines of Onondaga County’s legislative districts. About twelve people stood up to share their views. Questions were prohibited. A number of views were shared, but the bottom line, at this point at least, was the need to extend the Commission’s schedule for deliberation.
Since the Commission wants to make its mapping decisions before election day on Tuesday, we urge you to contact the Commission and demand a deadline that recognizes that fair, non-partisan deliberation is essential and to ensure that the Commission will create a map that will give fair representation to all residents of the County.
Tomorrow, Friday, will be the last “Public hearing” at 10 AM in the East Syracuse Village Hall, 204 N Center St E, East Syracuse, NY 13057
This confirms what we already know – the public is being shut out of this process. Every single voice so far has called for a longer process. EVERY SINGLE VOICE.
We are very short of time in getting our voices heard but you should send out your comments anytime today or tomorrow by 9:00AM. Mary Kuhn recommends sending a copy of comments to the County Executive, Ryan McMahon. This can be done via this website.
No one should be deterred by any feeling of a lack of information about relevant issues. Among the basic ideas are the following:
- There is no inherent need to make this decision by Tuesday, Nov 2; redistricting is designed to be implemented in time for the 2023 election.
- An extension of the schedule would enable the Commission to conduct more public hearings on days and times of day that people are likely to be available.
- An extension of the schedule would enable the media to share news of the Commission’s progress, to inform the public about the Commission’s current thinking, and to share information about how important the County Legislature is to the wellbeing of all County residents.
Also, people can get a sense of what’s been going on by googling “Onondaga County redistricting commission.”Please share this message with your contacts.
What we can do:
- Call or email County Executive Ryan McMahon: and 315-435-3516, or via this website.
- E-mail comments are being accepted at
- Show up Friday: 10 AM in the East Syracuse Village Hall, 204 N Center St E, East Syracuse, NY 13057. Sign up to speak and let your voice be heard.
- Share this message widely.
NOTE: Gov. Hochul yesterday,10/27 signed Legislation (S.5160-B/A.229c) which “Requires County Redistricting to Follow Specific Guidelines Requiring Districts Be Drawn to Be Nearly Equal in Population, Contiguous and Not to Favor Incumbents or Parties” do not know the effect this will have. One report said it would take effect immediately upon signing. At this moment, County Leg is moving ahead as if the law does not exist.