CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – February 1 to February 7, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Upcoming Meetings on Zoom: 2/6/22, 2/20/22, 3/6/22, 3/20/22, 4/10/22, 4/24/22.

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists.

CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting Feb. 6 on Zoom

Presentation from the statewide Invest in Our New York coalition.  Last year, CNY Solidarity Coalition, along with our DSA allies, was deeply involved in the statewide IONY campaign which was successful in raising taxes on the wealthiest New Yorkers and increasing school funding. This meeting will focus on IONY’s efforts this year to increase transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in NYS spending. We look forward to participating in this campaign. Please join us! We have a new governor and a (somewhat) progressive legislature – this is an opportunity to continue making  critically important changes.  

Feb. 20 Meeting: (Tentative) Pass Good Cause Legislation in Syracuse. 

 The proposed legislation  would significantly expand tenant protections here in Syracuse by 1) preventing retaliatory evictions 2) limiting rent increases to approx. 3% or less per year, and 3) guaranteeing that all tenants have the right to a renewal lease. 

Update on Expenses and Donations to CNY Solidarity Coalition

Our members have approved our policy of supporting allied organizations. We make regular quarterly contributions to these local organizations:

·       Syracuse Peace Council

·       Urban Jobs Task Force 

·       National Action Network

·       CNY Workers’ Center

We also make occasional contributions in direct funding or other support for organizations such as:

·       Cuse Action Medics

·       OG’s Against Violence

·       ReBirth

We also have other expenses, such as our website, mailing lists (RiseUp), and special events.  


Donate Here through PayPal

Or send checks to:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

Articles of the Week:

Syracuse Peace Council’s SPC in Action

Welcome to an E-newsletter experiment. For those who have never seen SPC’s print or on-line Peace Newsletterwe always had a section called “SPC in Action.” Since we stopped printing the PNL, we have occasionally created an “SPC in Action” section in the E-newsletter – but we missed the PNL’s more engaging layout, with graphics and photos. 

So we’re laying out “SPC in Action” as if it were to go into the PNL, and exporting it as a PDF for the web. The link is here. Please check it out and let us know if we should continue this on a quarterly basis.

Zoom with Czarny with David Driesen

Dustin Czarny, Democratic County Elections Commissioner,  talk with Dr. Driesen of SU law School about the SCOTUS vacancy, the state of American Democracy, and redistricting here locally and statewide.
Watch it Here

The Non-Inflated Truth About Inflation by Robert Reich

And the best way to fight it without hurting workers or slowing the economy.

“… corporations have been raising prices even as they rake in record profits. That’s because they face so little competition that they can easily coordinate price increases with the handful of other big companies in their industry. That way, all of them come out ahead — while consumers and workers lose.” Read it Here

Many “Parent” Groups Opposing Masks and CRT Are Actually Driven by Dark Money

“Shock Doctrine author Naomi Klein predicted in March 2020 that COVID-19 presented an ideal opportunity for “disaster capitalism,” a tactic pushed by school privatizers in the wake of the last financial crisis. She identified the global pandemic as a “shock,” or disruptive event that global elites often use to introduce free-market “solutions” that redistribute wealth upwards.”

Read it on Truthout


Common Cause New York says there is an urgent need for New York State voters to contact the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment (LATFOR) and to argue forcefully for the adoption of a public hearing process for proposed redistricting maps

Organizations that are committed to a transparent and fair redistricting process are urged to advocate for the public’s having a chance to review the proposed districts before any vote by the Legislature.

Common Cause New York has created a website that makes the process of contacting LATFOR very easy. Clicking here will take you to this website. 

The website contains a statement all ready for you to send or to edit as you see fit. It takes very little time to carry out the process. The more people who send these messages the better. Please share this message with your friends and with organizations that you belong to. Numbers and persistence can pay off!

From Syracuse DSA: We’re in the final stretch of the public power campaign’s strategy of calling on Gov. Hochul to pass the Build Public Renewables Act and support indigenous schools through the budget process. We’d really appreciate it if folks could make calls to her office at 518-474-8390 (options 3 then 1) ASAP! Here’s a suggested call script:

“Hi, my name is _ and I am a resident of __. I am calling to request that Gov. Hochul include the Build Public Renewables Act (which is bill number A1466) in the Executive Budget. This revenue-neutral bill would enable the New York Power Authority to build new renewable energy so that New York can meet our climate targets in the most rapid, just, and affordable way possible. I ask the governor to honor treaties made with the Haudenosaunee by funding three Haudenosaunee schools with $60 million for the Onondaga Nation School, the Tuscarora Nation School, and the St. Regis Mohawk School in the NYS 2022-2023 budget. Thank you for your time.”

Learn more about funding indigenous schools on the Syracuse Peace Council site ( and about the public power campaign on our website (

Check out  upcoming meetings of the Syracuse DSA Ecosocialist Committee and other committees on our calendar:

Please complete the following surveys if you are a constituent:

NEW Al Stirpe: Survey Link Here

Rep. John Katko: Link to Survey Feel free to use the “Other” and give your comments. 

William Magnarelli: Link to Magnarelli Survey


Democratic Congressional Forum

Tuesday, February 1. 7-9 PM on Zoom

Hosted by Indivisible Salt City and Indivisible NY24

Hear from Democratic candidates Sarah Klee-Hood, Steve Holden and Francis Conole on their plans and priorities and how we can help flip the seat in the November election.

To attend the forum, register at:

McCarthy Manor Tenant Association and Syracuse Tenants Organizing for Power: Press Conference

Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 11:00 a.m.

McCarthy Manor Community Room , 501 S. Crouse Ave Syracuse, NY 13210 

Tenants who have experienced deplorable housing conditions and cruelty on the part of the complex’s property management will testify to their experiences in the residential building. 

In December of 2021, tenants made demands including eradication of insect infestations, repair of the building’s entry door, security presence, mold abatement, and an end to a culture of intimidation. Although the complex’s property manager pledged to resolve these serious habitability issues as soon as possible, no significant action has been taken by management to address tenant concerns. In fact, the property manager at McCarthy Manor has engaged in clear retaliation against tenants. 

Mental Health In Black Community Series Feb 2022

Free online educational webinars every Saturday during the month of February. Join us and break the stigma and silence. Series on Mental Health in the Black Community. Please share and register today at:

February 5- Mental Health in the Black Community: Historical Perspective, Cultural Values, Stigma, Suicide Prevention and Opportunities 
February 12- The Impact of the 2 pandemics: Covid-19 & Racism and Managing Chronic Health Issues, Loss, Grief and Trauma
February 19- Diversity of Perspectives and Needs: Children, Black Males, Older Adults, Justice Involved and LGBTQ Populations 
February 26- Social Determinants, Education, Engagement and System Change: Where do we go from here?

For more information on BIPOC Parent Voice, go to:

Letters to the Editor 101

Letters to the Editor 101


Have you ever wanted to write a letter to the editor but don’t think you can write? Do you need help being concise and getting your point across? This teach-in will equip you with some basic tools to write letters to the editors that persuade and get the attention of political leaders. 

Heat Pumps Q & A

Monday, February 7, 2022 | 7 – 8 PM on Zoom
Interested in switching to a heat pump but still have some questions? HeatSmart CNY representatives and our vetted heat pump installers will answer all of your burning questions. If you haven’t attended our Heat Pump 101 virtual webinar, please watch it in advance: . 


Housing Rights Teach-In


Hall of Languages, Room 202, Syracuse University

Housing Rights Teach-In

Event by Syracuse Tenants Organizing for Power – STOP Coalition and Syracuse PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation)

Never got your deposit back? Landlord not doing repairs? Curious about what you can do?
We will be doing a teach-in on tenants’ and housing rights. Hard for a landlord to take advantage of empowered tenants!
Join the STOP! coalition, Syracuse Party for Socialism and Liberation, and SU Young Democratic Socialists of America to be empowered!

“Heating-Up: The State of Building Electrification in NYS “
  Friday, February 11, 12:00pm – 1:30pm, EST
Greening USA
Join this Virtual Green Bag Lunch conversation about the critically important move toward electrification of buildings.

Learn about the progress being made in New York State to electrify buildings.
We’ll also be discussing electrification and heat pumps from a new construction standpoint and the pros/cons of heat pump domestic hot water technology.

FREE! But you must be registered by February 10 @ 5pm to attend.Register Here:
A link to the GoToMeeting platform will be sent to those registered on February 10.



4 to 4:45 pm every first Tuesday of the month thru the winter – local upstate drone action coalition members protest the nys national guard’s 174th attack wing.

For over a decade we have been  gathering right across from the main gate of the 174th’s host, Hancock Airbase, on East Molloy Road in the town of Dewitt.

Please join us. To learn more: 315 478 4571 and

PALESTINE SOLIDARITY WEEKLY STREET HEAT. Gaza and Palestine Solidarity  Street Heat to 4 -4:45 PM Every Friday. Join us at the intersection of East Genesee St &  Erie Blvd east [across from the DeWitt fire station]

CNY Solidarity Coalition: Follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram.Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

From our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

Peter McCarthy

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