CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – April 19 to April 26, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition: 

Upcoming Meetings: 4/24/22, 5/15/22, 6/12/22, 6/26/22, 7/10/22, 8/21/22. 

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists.


Beyond War and Militarism, a joint committee of the Syracuse Peace Council and the CNY Solidarity Coalition, has resumed their series of high-quality live presentations at ArtRage. On Thursday, April 14, they showed the film No War: The Boys Who Said No! A highly awarded 2020 documentary profiling the young men and women who actively opposed the military draft in order to end the Vietnam War. Following the film, Andy Mager and Dik Cool facilitated a discussion about the timeliness of the film and shared their experiences of saying, “No” to war (Dik to being drafted during the Vietnam War, and Andy to draft registration). Watch for more to come from BWAM.  


Noam Chomsky And Jeremy Scahill On The Russia-Ukraine War, The Media, Propaganda, And Accountability

Noam Chomsky spoke with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill in a wide-ranging discussion on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Read it on The Intercept

Please take the time and read it. Or listen.

 Autocracies and Fossil Fuels Go Hand in Hand

The extraction of hydrocarbons tends to support despotism, whereas sun and wind are much closer to being democratic. By Bill McKibben

“The reason we have a system of voluntary pledges, not a binding global agreement, is that the world finally figured out there would never be 66 votes in the US Senate for a real treaty.”

Commissioner in a Car: Watch Here

In this week’s Commissioner in a Car, Dustin Czarny outlines the specific objection process that is starting here and at NYSBOE. He also talks about the start of Independent Nominating petitions that start tomorrow, the NYS Redistricting hearing on April 20, and the fallout from LT Governor Benjamin’s resignation and why he will not be replaced on the primary ballot. Enjoy.

‘We promised more’: Elizabeth Warren calls on Democrats to up their game ahead of the midterms Read it on Alternet

‘Time is running short,” she stressed. “We need to finalize a budget reconciliation deal, making giant corporations pay their share to fund vital investments in combating climate change and lowering costs for families, which can advance with only 50 Senate votes.


From Indivisible (National): Click here to write a letter to the editor telling President Biden we need him to broadly invoke the Defense Production Act and declare a climate emergency. Friday, April 22 is Earth Day. This week, newspapers around the country will be publishing letters to the editor reflecting how local readers feel about the state of the planet. Write a letter to the editor explaining why President Biden must declare a national climate emergency and mobilize our nation’s resources on a massive scale to transition to clean renewable energy and create millions of good-paying, green jobs.

Ryan McMahon wants to spend $85 million cash on an aquarium in the service of economic development. Public dollars should be utilized for boosting up our schools, providing necessary services such as public health and mental health, addressing our obscene level of childhood poverty, addressing our aging infrastructure, etc., etc., etc. Please consider a short email to “County Legislators” expressing your objection and asking them to vote “NO”. Address it to: Jamie is the Clerk of the Legislature and she can easily forward it to all 17 Legislators. 

Watch Mary Kuhn’s explanation of this at the beginning of out April 4 meeting Here

From the Syracuse Peace CouncilWhat can we do about Ukraine?

Contact your members of Congress by phone, email or in person.  Peace Action has a useful position paper on Ukraine to help with your preparation. If you prefer to tweak an already written letter urging diplomacy that will go to your members of Congress a quick click, use this link

Contribute to humanitarian aid organizations

See the list from SPC’s  3-15-22 E-newsletter on Ukraine


Phonebank to #PassNYHealth and #EndMedicalDebt

Tues April 19 (RSVP) and Thurs April 21 (RSVP) 6-8PM
We are showing lawmakers that New Yorkers urgently want and need universal healthcare by mobilizing calls in support of the NY Health Act to legislators. Sign up for an upcoming phonebank:

Live Report! Breaking a Siege in Occupied Western Sahara: 

Wednesday, April 20, 11:00 am – 12:20 pm ET.

Moderator: Adrienne Kinne, past President and Vice President of the Board of Veterans for Peace USA and Field Volunteer,

Presenters: Salka Barca, Co-Founder of Karama Sahara (Nonviolent US-based Advocacy Organization for Western Sahara) and others

Eventbrite Info and Registration Link:

Essentially Western Sahara is the last colony remaining in Africa.  When Spain pulled out in 1975, Morocco asserted a claim on Western Sahara.  There was supposed to be a referendum in 1991, but that never happened.  In part due to US intervention.  For whatever reason, the US has tried to use WS as a pawn in the region – probably to get Moroccan support for Israel – but it’s likely more complicated than that. At the end of Trump’s term in office, he tweeted recognition of Morocco’s right to control Western Sahara – making the US the only country to do so.  80+ countries have recognized Western Sahara’s right to be a country at one point or another but the border is still not universally recognized. As a result of Trump’s tweet, perhaps, something that the Biden administration has yet to overturn, Morocco has upped the ante in terms of cracking down on Western Saharan’s organizing for their right to self-determination.  This included a 482 day siege of the home of Sultana Khaya – a prominent human rights activist in Boujdour, Western Sahara.

Recommended by our allies at the Invest in Our NY Campaign (IONY)

After the release of this year’s hugely disappointing budget,  we need to shift the Assembly to a more progressive position. WFP is working to make this happen. Please consider participating in phonebanks or letter writing to support the campaigns of real progressives!

NYS Budget Debrief & 2022 Electoral Strategy Call

Working Families Party

Wednesday, April 20; 7 – 8:30pm EDT

Register Here for online event

The budget we just passed rolled back bail reform and gave away billions to corporations and the ultra-wealthy. It failed to meaningfully invest in housing, fair pay for home care workers, climate justice, expanded healthcare coverage, universal childcare, and more.

Join us to debrief this budget cycle with insiders and strategize on how we can make sure this doesn’t happen again in next year’s budget. 

The budget we want—guaranteed healthcare, a million new affordable housing units, investing billions in green jobs—is not a pipe dream but completely possible if we elect the NY WFP’s We Can’t Wait slate of Assembly candidates.

Upstate Drone Action – Earth Day event
Friday 4/22
12:00 noon – Thornden Park:  skit and signs 
4:00 – 5:00 – Event repeated at Hancock Air Base

Electronics Recycling Events –  Free – Starting April 23:

Poverty Simulation 

Bishop Harrison Community Center, 1342 Lancaster Place, Syracuse 13210

Saturday, April 23, 2022  – 9:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Optional follow up: “What Can I Do?”   Saturday, April 30  9– 11:00 am  ZOOM link provided at Simulation

All Saints Church and 100 Black Men are sponsoring a Poverty Simulation on April 23 to build that empathetic appreciation for the daily lives of those living with poverty.

The Simulation is a 3½ hour commitment of taking on the role of a family member and navigating a month of “making life work”. The actual simulation is followed by a facilitated discussion of the experience led by Deka Dancil, president of Urban Jobs Task Force. This simulation has a profound impact on the participant and challenges previously held assumptions about what leads to poverty and the reality of negotiating life with poverty. 

The simulation is followed by a 2-hour ZOOM opportunity on April 30th to hear from Syracuse agencies who directly deal with issues related to poverty and who need volunteers. Participating in the simulation is an excellent way of beginning to act on Syracuse’s poverty. Just click on Poverty Simulation above for the registration link. We must address childhood poverty and poverty in general in our community for all of us to thrive.

I-81 Community Meeting and Walking Tour

Saturdays April 23 AND April 30

1:00-3;00 PM

STEAM @ Dr. King, 416 E. Raynor Ave., Syracuse NY 13202

Join the NYCLU for a walking tour and community meeting regarding the new location of the I-81 roundabout. We will walk to the proposed roundabout location and hold space for community members’ feedback.  A representative from the NYS Department of Transportation will be present to answer questions. Refreshments will be served. 

Free Stop the Bleed Training 

Saturday April 23 AT 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Free Stop the Bleed Training

Class by Cuse Action Medics  

The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding.
What stops bleeding? In a STOP THE BLEED course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. These three techniques will empower you to assist in an emergency and potentially save a life.

We will also be covering:
Improvised tourniquets.
What is an IFAK and how do I build one?

Kids 12+ are welcome to sit in and take the class with parental permission as well.

Class content warning: Discussions and pictures of fake blood, injuries and open wounds 

Statewide Healthcare and Housing Day of Action –

Tuesday, April 26 


RSVP here by Wednesday 4/20! Advocates and electeds from around the state are demanding that Democratic lawmakers use their supermajority powers to pass universal healthcare, good cause eviction and end medical debt before the end of the legislative session. Transportation will be organized from around the state. If you are free on Tuesday, April 26 please RSVP to join the day of action!

NYS Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan Hearing

Tuesday, April 26 from 4 to 7 pm. at ESF (Possible rally/press conference earlier)

Save the Date and watch for updates!

In June 2019, the New York State Legislature  passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the nation’s most progressive climate justice legislation. Since then, work has been underway to make the requirements of the law a reality.

The CLCPA created the Climate Action Council (CAC), which is responsible for developing a “draft scoping plan” to serve as the framework for how NYS will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase renewable energy usage, and ensure climate justice for disadvantaged communities. The draft scoping plan can be accessed here.

NYSERDA is holding public hearings to receive feedback from the public before a final scoping plan is released by the end of 2022. The comment period ends June 10th, 2022 andthey need to hear from us; we need to show up in big numbers to demonstrate that we, the people of New York, want to implement the CLCPA. 

AGREE has sent out a general email about the series of hearings taking place. The email contains the schedule, the link to sign up, several sources for talking points, and information for submitting written comments.

AGREE is coordinating with NY Renews and Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter to organize for the Syracuse hearing.


Primary Election: June 28

Early Voting: June 16-26

Organizing Jobs

Citizen Action of NY is hiring a Statewide Healthcare organizer: and 

Campaign for NY Health is hiring a temporary Upstate Organizer:


Unchained: Allan Rohan Crite, Spirituality and Black Activism 

Saturday, February 19, 2022 – Sunday, May 08, 2022 10:00 am

Munson-Williams-Proctor Museum of Art 310 Genesee Street Utica NY, 13502

One in a series of American art exhibitions created through a multi-year, multi-institutional partnership formed by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, as part of the Art Bridges Initiative.

The first exhibition to explore how the spiritual art of Allan Rohan Crite (1910–2007) reflected the African American quest for racial justice in the years leading up to the Civil Rights Movement. The exhibition brings together over 60 of the artist’s paintings, watercolors, works on paper, and sculptures that reveal how Crite’s art, faith, and social connections began inside spaces of worship and extended outside to the urban environment.

Busy, But Want To Do Your Part To Help End War And Oppression? Join A Bunch Of Us For 45 Minutes On Any Tuesday, Friday Or Saturday

TUESDAYS TWICE A MONTH : as of April 5 we’ll be stepping up our HANCOCK demos  from the first Tuesday to both the first & third Tuesday — same time  (4 to 4:45 p.m) and as it has been for over a decade, is on ending killer drones.EVERY SATURDAY: as of April 2 we are resuming our “fair weather” street heat across from the Regional Market, from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Every Saturday morning. same time and place as in previous years. While most of our signs focus on killer drones, we also will bringwider selection (anti-war, anti-nuclear, etc,).EVERY FRIDAY: we are continuing our every Friday street heat in De Witt at the broad intersection of Erie Blvd east and East Genesee from 4 to 4:45 pm.  For years out focus has been solidarity withPalestine; While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine persists our signs will also address  that crisis.To learn more contact Ann or Ed, 315 478 4571.###

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition makes regular contributions to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address at the end of the newsletter.

Peter McCarthy

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