CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – May 24 to May 31, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Upcoming Meetings (Tentative): 6/12/22, 6/26/22, 7/10/22, 8/21/22.

Watch here to find out if meetings will be on Zoom or in-person. 

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists.    

CNY Solidarity Coalition News and Commentary: 

Two Steps Forward

Two hugely important initiatives which we have supported are putting Syracuse on the map.

First: Syracuse is the first city in the East to implement a non-partisan, citizen-led redistricting process. The Syracuse City Redistricting Commission (SCRC) is now proposing new Common Council districts. Redrawing lines addresses population changes, which directly impacts the apportionment of congressional districts, distribution of federal funds, and local elections. More info Here , and see upcoming public hearings below.

Thanks to Common Council President Helen Hudson for her leadership in achieving this. 

Secondly: During the development of the Syracuse Police Reform & Reinvention Plan, community members suggested that the City’s implementation of policy changes and reforms needed careful oversight. Mayor Ben Walsh appointed Deputy Mayor Owens to establish and convene a Police Reform & Reinvention Plan Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee’s responsibilities include: reviewing progress on all the actions identified in the plan, making recommendations to address gaps in service, and ensuring transparency. The Committee held an open meeting on 5/23 to report on its progress. Watch it Here , and get more information Here. Article Here.

There is a long road ahead to make meaningful change, but these are powerful first steps.

Thanks to Deputy Mayor Sharon Owens for her leadership, and to the committee members.  


The Double Terror of Being Black in America 

Structural racism killed Black people in East Buffalo, and then a gunman killed the survivors. 

Read it on  

Who’s in, who’s out of Central New York’s race for Congress (as of May 23)

Read it on

Here’s a look at how the changes leave the campaign for the 22nd Congressional District as of Monday morning:

Democrats in the race: Francis Conole, Sarah Klee Hood, Chol Majok, Sam Roberts.

Democrats out of the race: Josh Riley, Vanessa Fajans-Turner, Steve Holden.

Republicans in the race: Mike Sigler, Brandon Williams.

‘It is time for Onondaga County to prioritize our children’s mental health’ 

“In other Upstate cities, county mental health departments provide psychiatric, psychological and social work services for the most needy populations…” Read it Here

One billionaire was minted every 30 hours during the pandemic. Now, a million people may fall into extreme poverty every 33 hours, Oxfam estimates.

That’s according to a new report called Profiting from Pain, released by UK-based nonprofit Oxfam on May 23.

To overcome the wealth disparity, Oxfam recommends a permanent wealth tax.

Read  the Article on or see the report at the link above. 

Greenslide: Climate Crisis Spurs Green-Labor Win in Australian Election Over Pro-Coal, Right-Wing PM

“…we saw half a dozen of the safest conservative seats in the nation won by Green, independent candidates, most of whom were younger women, professional women with a big concern for climate, social equity and for anti-corruption measures…” Read it on

Noam Chomsky: The Supreme Court Is Wielding Illegitimate Authority in the US

Let’s keep in mind that we should assume that all authority is illegitimate, unless it can justify itself. Indeed, the burden of proof is on advocates of authority, not on those question it, as Chomsky often points out whenever he discusses the topic of authority. In this interview, Chomsky shares his insights about activism and the urgency of undertaking a transition toward a sustainable future. 

Read it on


From our Friends at Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON):

Tell NYS Lawmakers: Pass the Unmarked Burial Site Protection Act!

Our Onondaga and other Haudenosaunee neighbors have been trying to get NYS to protect the burial grounds of their ancestors for decades. Please take a few minutes to Contact your state lawmakers Here to lend your support. NY is one of only 3 states in the entire US that does not protect unmarked burial grounds!!

Tell them to pass the “Unmarked Burial Site Protection Act,” which is pending in the New York State Senate as S5701 and in the Assembly as A6724, during this session. The legislation will create a Burial Site Review Committee, whose responsibility will be to determine the appropriate solutions to inadvertent discovery. 

NYS Climate LawSend Comments  Each Week Until June 10

In late December, the Climate Action Council released its draft scoping plan for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). Until June 10, New Yorkers have a chance to provide feedback on the plan through written comments. NY Renews is providing tools HERE on a different topic each week to help you make an informed comment about a sector of the plan and make your voice heard by state leaders. Here’s an overview of the CLCPA you can watch.

Urgent action request from AGREE on behalf of the Renewable Heat Now campaign: 

 New York has crucial climate bills before the legislature this session, and passing these bills would greatly help our transition off fossil fuel combustion in buildings. Please send this urgent letter to legislators and Governor Hochul to counter industry disinformation: (the letter is set up to automatically go to your legislators based on your address). If everyone in the CNY Solidarity Coalition were to sign and then share this letter with their friends and family statewide, our voices would be heard!


The Syracuse City Redistricting Commission is redrawing district lines and we want you there.

These meetings will be for all city residents who would like to share ideas and input about their neighborhoods and districts. Attendees can prepare a statement or other helpful material although this is not required to attend. Feedback given will be used to redraw district lines for the five common council districts in the City.

Public Meetings: 

Tuesday, May 24th, 5:30pm; PSLA at Fowler High School (District 2) 227 Magnolia St, Syracuse NY 13204

Thursday, June 2nd, 5:30pm; Northeast Community Center (District 1) 716 Hawley Ave, Syracuse NY 13203

Tuesday, June 14th, 5:30pm Southwest Community Center (District 4)

ACTS Annual Spring Event

Tuesday May 24 at Drumlins

Registration open at 5:30 PM. Program ending by 8:30.

Join us to recognize 100 Black Men with our Community Social Justice Award,  to honor Rev. Craig French with the Rev. Dr. Nebraski Carter Award for Clergy Leadership, to affirm the work of Assemblywoman Pam Hunter with our Public Servant Award and to acknowledge the commitment of Aneesah Evans as Co-Advisor of our Youth Council.


Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse Phone: (315) 416-6363 Website:   


Annual George Floyd March 

Wednesday, May 25, 4:30 PM Gathering; 5:00PM March

817 E. Willow St. Syracuse

National Action Network (NAN)

There will be a special moment of prayer for those that were hunted down and massacred at the tops supermarket in Buffalo. We ask all those that are able, to join us in solidarity as we remind the world that WE WILL NEVER FORGET! Link to event Info

There Are Peacemakers Among Us: Cliff Ryan, Diane Swords & MaryAnn Zeppetello

Wed. May 25 AT 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Event by Syracuse Community Choir

Zoom link:… 

How can we learn from the lives of peace activists right here in our community? We’ll hear from Cliff Ryan (OG’S Against Gun Violence), Diane Swords (Syracuse Peace Council’s Nuclear Free World Committee), and MaryAnn Zeppetello (WISH CNY & decades of activism) about what motivates them, stories of powerful moments in their work, and what keeps them going year after year. Since we’re a peace & justice choir, we’ll also ask about songs that have inspired or strengthened them. 

Then it’s your turn. We’ll break into small group discussions to share a story or song from your time in social justice movements. If you don’t have anything to share, we’ll ask you to consider what work you feel called to do. 

This event is virtual and open to the public. Donations are appreciated:


Free Stop the Bleed Training


Iron Pier Dr, Syracuse, NY 13204. (Inner Harbor; see map on Facebook

Free Stop the Bleed Training

Cuse Action Medics and Black Artist Collective

The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding.  Cuse Action Medics will be having a Stop The Bleed training at 4, 5 and 7pm depending on interest. ADDITIONALLY: We will be partnering with Onondaga County Health Department to offer Narcan Training at 6PM and 8PM! 

More Info on Facebook:

What will you learn? In a STOP THE BLEED course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out. 

Primary Elections: June 28


The War in Ukraine: Dispatch from Moldova

Photographs by Maranie Rae Staab

ArtRage VIRTUAL EXHIBITION on view from April 29, 2022 to May 31, 2022


One week after Russia invaded Ukraine, photojournalist, Maranie Rae Staab traveled to Moldova at the Ukrainian border and to the Southern Ukrainian cities of Odessa and Mykolayiv. Her intention with this virtual exhibition is to share the experiences of those she met and give us an intimate perspective of what is happening on the ground. 

Busy, But Want To Do Your Part To Help End War And Oppression? Join A Bunch Of Us For 45 Minutes On Any Tuesday, Friday Or Saturday

TUESDAYS TWICE A MONTH : as of April 5 we’ll be stepping up our HANCOCK demos  from the first Tuesday to both the first & third Tuesday — same time  (4 to 4:45 p.m) and as it has been for over a decade, is on ending killer drones.EVERY SATURDAY: as of April 2 we are resuming our “fair weather” street heat across from the Regional Market, from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Every Saturday morning. same time and place as in previous years. While most of our signs focus on killer drones, we also will bringwider selection (anti-war, anti-nuclear, etc,).EVERY FRIDAY: we are continuing our every Friday street heat in De Witt at the broad intersection of Erie Blvd east and East Genesee from 4 to 4:45 pm.  For years out focus has been solidarity withPalestine; While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine persists our signs will also address  that crisis.To learn more contact Ann or Ed, 315 478 4571.###

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition makes regular contributions to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address at the end of the newsletter.

Peter McCarthy

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