CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – June 14 to June 21, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition: 

Revised Schedule of Upcoming Meetings: 6/26/22, 7/10/22, 8/21/22.

Check here to find out if meetings will be on Zoom or in-person. 

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists, or to donate.

Next MeetingStop the Aquarium, Fund Human Needs 

6/26/22, 3 PM on Zoom

We will have speakers on how to use county funds for actual needs and how we can make sure that happens. 

See more at:

CNY Solidarity Coalition News

Congratulations to NYCLU on the successful passage of the SIGH Act From “Lanessa Chaplin, the director of the Environmental Justice Project for the New York Civil Liberties Union, drafted the Schools Impacted by Gross Highways Act, also known as the SIGH Act.

The act will protect school age children from air pollution and will require the New York State Department of Transportation to lessen the impact of roadway air pollution by providing insulation, adequate air filters, and air filtration systems in all schools that are within the 600 feet of major roadways.”

And Thanks to NYS Senator Rachel May for introducing and supporting the bill!

I-81 plan is better for neighbors — but NY can do more (Guest Opinion by Lanessa Owens-Chaplin)

“The residents that live adjacent to the viaduct need assurances that they will be safe from lead exposure during construction. They also need guarantees from the city of Syracuse they will not be displaced as a result of new development after the viaduct is removed.” Read it on


Sunday Thoughts: The Election Legislation passed in the 2022 NY Legislative session

From Elections Commissioner Dustin Czarny: “…a wrap up of the Election related bills that passed both houses this year. Many await the Governor’s signature, and some are not effective immediately.” Read it Here

Zoom with Czarny: Tom Keck on the first January 6th Public Hearing

Dustin Czarny: I was very glad to attend a watch party for the first public January 6th Commission with some very good friends, one of them being SU professor Tom Keck. He agreed to come on the pod and give his instant reaction to what we saw Thursday night. We also talk about SCOTUS and pending cases. Enjoy it Here.

State probe of Syracuse police looks at civil rights, treatment of people of color

The state Attorney General’s Office is still investigating possible civil rights problems and the treatment of people of color by the Syracuse Police Department. Read it on

Syracuse activists, Black leaders tell New York AG: Cops treat city like ‘combat zone’

More than 30 community leaders, residents and officials met with the AG’s office. Many of them told AG’s representatives police treat Syracuse like a “combat zone.” They said officers assume the worst when interacting with Black residents and the department frequently ignores the Citizen Review Board… Read it on Central Current

Ryan McMahon continues to push $85 million aquarium against tidal wave of skeptics

Are the estimates for attendance, expenses and revenue realistic for this market? Is the county executive comparing the Syracuse market to other aquariums in the right places? And if this is such a good idea, why has it been rejected twice before by private developers? Read it on

Heather Cox Richardson’s Commentary on Monday’s Jan. 6th Hearing 

Read it Here and subscribe. Share it with moderate friends. 

Raising your kids to be antiracist is an important part of parenting and can protect them as they grow

An antiracist is someone who identifies and opposes racism. They have the goal of changing policies, behaviors, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas. Kendi’s 2019 book on the topic became a bestseller. Now, he’s releasing “How to Raise an Antiracist,” a guide for parents.  Read it on

Blame monopolies for today’s sky-high inflation, Boston Fed researchers say

Read it on Business Insider


Oppose the Onondaga Aquarium

We have more important issues to address before considering a County Aquarium – Including but not limited to addressing poverty, increasing mental health services, building affordable housing, building better infrastructure like sewer, water, broadband, sidewalks, roads, etc., investing in public transportation, investing in education and more. More info on the CNY Solidarity Coalition website Here

County Executive Ryan McMahon: (315) 435-3516 |

Onondaga County Legislators:

Emails & Phone Numbers at

email all legislators at

Urge the Syracuse Common Council to Support Removing the Columbus Statue

Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) and Women of Italian and Syracuse Heritage (WISH) call on the Syracuse Common Council to pass a resolution to remove the statue and create an inclusive heritage park in the area.

In March, Judge Neri ruled in favor of the Columbus Monument Corporation, blocking Mayor Walsh’s plans to remove the statue. However, the City of Syracuse isn’t backing down and is appealing the ruling. 

Please contact your Common Councilor and At-Large Councilors about removing the Columbus Statue. Be sure to let them know you are a Syracuse resident and what your address is. If you are not a Syracuse resident, but live in Onondaga County, we encourage you to contact the Councilors too. Explain your relationship with Syracuse, and why it matters to you too.

The following link will take you to a list of each of the Common Councilors’ contact information. 

More info here:

Cuse Action Medics needs donations (see June 18 training below)

We want to be able to hand out as many bleeding kits as possible please consider donating to @cuseactionmedics on venmo or purchase the RHINO RESCUE kit on our amazon wishlist


Syracuse City Redistricting Commission is redrawing district lines 

Tuesday, June 14th, 5:30pm Southwest Community Center (District 4)

These meetings will be for all city residents who would like to share ideas and input about their neighborhoods and districts. Attendees can prepare a statement or other helpful material although this is not required to attend. Feedback given will be used to redraw district lines for the five common council districts in the City.

Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 At 7:30 Pm – 9 Pm

Stewart Park, Ithaca. 

Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet (feat. Matthew T. Huber)

Event by Ithaca Democratic Socialists of America

Capitalism rewards the rich for destroying our planet. Join Ithaca DSA for our June Socialist Night School featuring Matthew T. Huber, author of the exciting new book Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet. Co-sponsored by Ithaca Democratic Socialists of America and PM Press

Canvassing Training – Families for Lead Freedom NowWednesday June 15th 5:30-7:00 PMOutside, at 134 Somerset Rd in Syracuse Families for Lead Freedom Now, the family leaders of those directly affected by the unjust and preventable lead crisis in Syracuse, and allies will be canvassing neighborhoods in the upcoming weeks – those most affected by the lead crisis and have 1000 printed copies of a booklet we will be using to build the movement for justice on this issue. Food and cold beverages will be provided, rsvp to

Families for Lead Freedom Now is looking for volunteers to help in a variety of ways, to include flyering at your local library, connecting with your community group or congregation on this issue, and have a need  for volunteers the last week of June during the week – more details to come! – email 

Syracuse Speaks! Join NAACP for our Civic Engagement Community Forum

Thursday, June 16, 2022, 6 PM

On Zoom. Register:

Moderator: Gwen Webber-McLeod

Host: Van Robinson, Chair, Syracuse Onondaga NAACO Civic Engagement Committee 

Early Voting for June 28 Primary

Sat. June 18 is the first day of early voting.  Info Here

Westcott Art Trail

Sat. June 18 10 AM – 6 PM

826 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210-2541

Event by Westcott Community Center. Stop by Westcott CC, pick up a map, and stroll around the neighborhood to check out amazing local arts and crafts.

Freedom Fest 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022 At 3 Pm – 11 Pm

425 Solar St, Syracuse, NY 13204-1329, United States

Freedom Fest 2022

In celebration of Juneteenth, The Black Artist Collective (BAC) will host Juneteenth: Freedom Fest 2022.

The one-day celebration will include an outdoor screening of Crooklyn from Oscar award-winning director Spike Lee, a showcase of performers, food trucks, pop-up market and a family arts activity tent. FREE and OPEN to the community. 

Free Stop the Bleed Training

Saturday, June 18, 2022 At 4 Pmat Iron Pier Dr, Syracuse, NY 13204. (Inner Harbor; see map on Facebook

Free Stop the Bleed Training

Cuse Action Medics and Black Artist Collective

The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding.  Cuse Action Medics will be having a Stop The Bleed training at 4, 5 and 7pm depending on interest. ADDITIONALLY: We will be partnering with Onondaga County Health Department to offer Narcan Training at 6PM and 8PM! 

More Info on Facebook:

What will you learn? In a STOP THE BLEED course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out. 

We want to be able to hand out as many bleeding kits as possible please consider donating to @cuseactionmedics on venmo or purchase the RHINO RESCUE kit on our amazon wishlist


CNY Pride Festival & Parade

SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2022 AT 11 AM – 5 PM

Inner Harbor, Syracuse FREE

CNY PRIDE Festival & Parade is an inclusive, family friendly event celebrating our LGBTQIA2S+ community and allies.  The festivities begin with our parade down Solar Street at 11am, and continue all day with entertainment, activities for youth and families, food, drinks and 80+ vendors at the Inner Harbor. Everyone is welcome, and there is NO charge for entry! Learn more or get involved:

Upcoming Election Dates 

State/ Local Primary Election: Tuesday, June 28, 2022; 6:00am- 9:00pm

Congressional/State Senate Primary Election: Tuesday, August 23, 2022; 6:00am-9:00pm

General Election: Tuesday, November 8, 2022; 6:00am- 9:00pm

The 12th (almost) annual ArtRageous Extravaganza

Saturday, July 9, 2022 At 7 Pm – 10:30 PM

The 12th (almost) annual ArtRageous Extravaganza

Event by ArtRage Gallery

After a two year hiatus, we welcome you back to a festive night of live music, local brews, good food, good friends and a silent auction all to support ArtRage Gallery! $20 at the door. Proof of vaccination required. Masks required indoors. Featuring: Kambuyu Marimba Ensemble of Syracuse; The TreehuggersChip Osborne -Acoustic Guitar, Zeke Leonard – Tenor guitar, Brandy Witthoft – Bass, Tom Fay – fiddle and Hymie Witthoft Jr. -Drums.

Emcee: Karin Franklin-King 


 Central New York Arts & Entertainment Calendar. Check out the calendar Here Looking For  Flexible  — No Meeting,  No Committee —  Opportunity To OpposeWar And Oppression And Work For Peace And Social Justice?We call it STREET HEAT: an easy, uncomplicated way –in solidarity with a handful of others — to  stand up and out for what we stand for. Greeting passing traffic at rush hour with hand-held signs, we want to get them thinking about the day’s crucial issues. First & Third Tuesdays Of The Month…4 to 4:45 p.m.: Killer drones                                                                                                                       Hancock AFB (home of the 174th Attack Wing of the NYS National Guard),  6000 East Molloy Rd. across from the main gate. Park on the south shoulder.Every Friday…4 to 4:45 p.m.    West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St. in De Witt (across from the Fire Dept.)                                                             For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine; while the invasion of Ukraine persists, we also address that tragedy.Every Saturday…9 to 9:45 a.m.                                                                           Across from Syracuse’s Regional Market, 2100 Park St., our team also deals with a range of topics (racism, anti-war, anti-nuke, etc.).Our current stalwart team: Julienne, Les, Leslie, Geoff, Ed, Ann, Peter…. To learn more, Ed or Ann 315 478 4571###

Organizing Jobs

NYCLU is hiring: Three positions for Syracuse office! Two full time organizers for the CNY region and a Western Deputy Director to cover Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo- but can be located in any of the cities! Info Here

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition makes regular contributions to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address above.

Peter McCarthy

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