CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events & Newsletter – August 30 to September 6, 2022

From CNY Solidarity Coalition: 

Upcoming Meetings: 9/18,22, 10/2/22, 10/16/22. 

Meetings are currently on Zoom. 

Committees meet on their own. See last page to sign up for committee lists, or to donate.

Next Meeting: Sept. 18, 2022.3-4:30 on Zoom

Agenda (tentative)

            Onondaga County Gerrymandering Lawsuit: Dustin Czarny

            Excluded No More Campaign: Jessica Maxwell of CNY Workers’ Center

            Westcott Fair 9/25: Plans for CNY Solidarity Coalition tabling


Climate Doomism is the New Climate Denial

Read it on Not Too Late’s Facebook

Through community-based care, doula SeQuoia Kemp advocates for radical change

Extensive article on on local activist and doula SeQuoia Kemp. Read it Here

9 Great Banned Books By Black Authors That You Need to Read— Now

These books are beloved by readers everywhere, but they’re also heavily targeted by conservatives

Read it on The Root

The Origin Of Student Debt: Reagan Adviser Warned Free College Would Create A Dangerous “Educated Proletariat”

In 1970, Roger Freeman, who also worked for Nixon, revealed the right’s motivation for coming decades of attacks on higher education. Read it on the   


Election 2022 is Approaching

The upcoming election, here and nationwide, is critical for the survival of our (flawed) democracy. While the Democrats do not always live up to our hopes, it is vital that Democrats keep the House and Senate. In this space, over the next few months, Indivisible Onondaga County will highlight ways you can contribute to this effort, as well as to critical NYS races. 

CNY Solidarity Coalition does not endorse specific candidates. However, we have no problem opposing a party that has spent the last half-century appealing to racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and fear, all for the benefit of a small group of wealthy capitalists, and to the detriment of the entire planet. (Specifically, for a description of the Southern Strategy that began even before Nixon, see the Wikipedia article Here.) 

What can you do?    

  • Donate or volunteer in the races we will be highlighting. 
  • Forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested. Suggest they visit our website Here and sign up for this newsletter Here

Indivisible Onondaga County (formerly Indivisible NY24) Advocates with federal, state & local legislators to promote democracy reform and other progressive policies; organizes public demonstrations on these issues, often in partnership with other progressive groups; supports progressive candidates in federal, state & local elections.  Actions may include rallies for federal legislation, meetings with elected representatives, letters to the editor, phone- and text-banking. Link:  Invisible Onondaga County facebook

NYS Senate Races

One of the outcomes of the NYS redistricting debacle is big changes to the NYS Senate district maps for our area. Current Senators John Mannion and Rachel May are running again on both the Democratic and Working Family party lines, but their districts have changed significantly under the new maps, with new constituents and election challenges. A major issue for attack will be the candidates’ positions on bail reform. Their campaigns will need lots of help turning out voters in November and, as the campaigns ramp up, we can support them by volunteering for canvassing, phonebanking and digital outreach efforts. Financial donations will also help the candidates run strong campaigns. 

John Mannion currently represents NY Senate District 50, which includes a good portion of Onondaga Co and a slice of Cayuga Co, and he’s running for the newly-drawn District 50 seat. Although some of the district remains the same, it loses the slice of Cayuga County and western and southern portions of Onondaga Co and adds a good part of Oswego Co, including the cities of Oswego and Fulton. John is running against Republican and Conservative party candidate, Rebecca Shiroff, a Manlius Republican. There are portions of Onondaga and Oswego counties in the newly-drawn district that contain areas favorable to Republicans, so this might be a tight race!

To learn more about John’s work in the Senate, visit his Senate website at

To donate or sign-up to volunteer for his district 50 campaign, go to

Rachel May is currently a strong progressive voice for NY Senate District 53, which includes Madison Co, a portion of Oneida Co and a portion of Onondaga Co, including the city of Syracuse. Under the new maps, Rachel is running in District 48, which includes all of Cayuga and most of Onondaga County, including the cities of Auburn and Syracuse. Rachel’s opponent on the Republican line is Julie Abbot of Skaneateles, a current Onondaga Co Legislator. Julie also ran in the Conservative Party primary, but the results in that primary were so close that it hasn’t yet been called and may be subject to a hand recount. Julie’s opponent for the Conservative line, Justin Coretti, is currently ahead by a small margin. It may advantage Rachel in November to have different candidates on the Republican and Conservative ballot lines, but, either way, she’ll need to run a strong campaign to get her message out to all voters in this newly-drawn district. 

To learn more about Rachel’s accomplishments in the Senate, visit her Senate website at

To donate to or get involved in her District 48 campaign, go to


Syracuse Common Council Meeting: Vote on Redistricting

Tuesday, Aug. 30. 4 PM. Common Council Chambers, City Hall

The Syracuse Common Council has taken the bold step of starting a non-partisan, citizen-led redistricting process to remove partisan influence from the process. Syracuse is first city in the eastern US to do this and could become a model for others.  Show up today and show your support! article Here

End the War in Ukraine Thursday Discussion Series (no meeting this week)

We have spent the past several weeks expanding our understanding of the war in Ukraine and learning about what experts and peace activists are proposing to bring about an end to the War in Ukraine.   The war is getting riskier all the time with increased danger of nuclear disaster, more death and destruction, food shortages and climate disruption.   We need to call on congress and the President to urgently support diplomacy to stop the war.   We also need to build local support for stopping the war.

For the past few weeks, we have also worked on a position statement on the war which we are presenting to the Syracuse Peace Council Steering Committee, the Syracuse DSA board and possibly other groups to consider adopting.  Our purpose is to have talking points which carry the weight of our local peace movement to use in lobbying members of Congress to more actively support diplomacy. 

This week, we are taking a break from our weekly discussions as we move into a new phase of work in building local momentum for stopping the war.  In the meantime, we want to gather input from anyone who is interested in responding to the survey questions below:

 Please send your responses via email to to these questions:      

  • What feedback do you have about the “End the War in Ukraine” discussion series?
  • Would you participate in on-line discussions if they were held at a different time?  If so, what times would work?
  • Would you attend an in-person meeting to learn more and or get involved?
  • Would you be interested in helping out at local events to distribute information and gather petition signatures?
  • Would you be interested in attending lobbying meetings with our representatives in Congress? 

In the meantime, please check out for frequently asked questions and action steps. 

STOP! Coalition Outreach Meeting

Thursday, September 16:00 – 7:00pm

Interested in joining the planning side of the STOP (Syracuse Tenants Organizing for Power) coalition good cause eviction protections campaign? Email us at or letting us know!

Town Hall Discussions On The Negative Effects Of Lead In Syracuse

Aug.25, Sept.1 Sept.8 At 5:30-7pm

Rally, Sept. 17, 1:30 PM Details TBA

Dunbar Center: 1453 S. State Street Syracuse, Ny 13205

The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) invites you to a series of town hall discussions on the negative effects of lead in Syracuse, particularly its impact on people living in the footprint and the shadows of the I-81 viaduct.

Discussion leaders: Lanessa Owens Chaplin and David Rufus, NYCLU

OceannaFair, Families for Lead  FreedomNow

Community resource: Qiana Williams,Central New York Community Foundation

Light refreshments will be served.


Sustainable Manlius Open House


301 Brooklea Drive, Fayetteville, NY

Town of Manlius Residents

Sustainable Manlius Open House

Event by Sustainable Manlius. Come and join us for a special Open House event with Sustainable Manlius! 

If you are interested in learning more about this vibrant and passionate Committee of our town, this is your chance to come and learn about how we are making a difference, how you can help us, and you can even stay to see what our meetings are like!  Snacks provided, of course! 

Confidential Document Shredding Event

Saturday, September 10, 9 AM – Noon

NYS Fairgrounds Orange Lot. Hosted by Assemblyman Magnarelli Register and find details here: Registration Required 

Can’t make the event? Check out OCRRA’s year-round confidential document shredding options.

Westcott Street Cultural Fair: September 25, 2022 

Link to Facebook Event

Petit Library needs volunteers for Petit’s Annual Book Sale! Sun., Sept. 25th. Stop by or call 315-435-3636


 Looking For Flexible  — No Meeting,  No Committee —  Opportunity To OpposeWar And Oppression And Work For Peace And Social Justice?We call it STREET HEAT: an easy, uncomplicated way –in solidarity with a handful of others — to  stand up and out for what we stand for. Greeting passing traffic at rush hour with hand-held signs, we want to get them thinking about the day’s crucial issues. First & Third Tuesdays Of The Month…4 to 4:45 p.m.: Killer drones                                                                                                                       Hancock AFB (home of the 174th Attack Wing of the NYS National Guard), 6000 East Molloy Rd. across from the main gate. Park on the south shoulder.Every Friday…4 to 4:45 p.m.    West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St. in De Witt (across from the Fire Dept.)                                                              For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine; while the invasion of Ukraine persists, we also address that tragedy.Every Saturday…9 to 9:45 a.m.                                                                            Across from Syracuse’s Regional Market, 2100 Park St., our team also deals with a range of topics (racism, anti-war, anti-nuke, etc.).Our current stalwart team: Julienne, Les, Leslie, Geoff, Ed, Ann, Peter…. To learn more, Ed or Ann 315 478 4571 

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address:

CNY Solidarity Coalition 

2013 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible Onondaga County (Formerly Indivisible NY24): Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;

CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address above.

Peter McCarthy

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