Community Newsletter & Events
December 12, 2023 – December 19, 2023
Next CNY Solidarity Meeting
January 7, 2023 at 2pm
Bishop Harrison Center, Syracuse
CNY Solidarity Coalition Annual Meeting
At our December 12 we heard a presentation about environmental concerns on Micron.
We heard from our fellow members of the CNY Sustainability Coalition: David Sonnenfeld, a retired professor at SUNY ESF, Don Hughes, Atlantic Chapter of Sierra Club, and Dick Kornbluth, CNY Solidarity Coalition.
What are the critical social and environmental issues that need to be addressed with respect to the proposed Micron project? Discussion focused on Micron’s claim of 100% renewable “energy”, the use of natural gas, the enormous water and electrical requirements, and the prospective problem of the use and generation of the highly toxic “forever chemicals” in the manufacturing process. What are the potential social and community impacts on life in CNY as a consequence of this project? What is the proposed project’s timeline, including regulatory review and approval? What future opportunities will there be for public input?
Find Micron resources on the CNY Solidarity Coalition website.
CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting Schedule: Dates and agendas are subject to change. January 7, 2024 – Annual Meeting
CNY Solidarity’s current plan for meetings, dependent on health warnings:
- Wear a mask, and practice reasonable social distancing.
- Meetings will start at 2 PM, followed by in-person Committee Meetings when scheduled.
- In case of inclement weather or other issues, notification/Zoom link by 10 AM on the day of the meeting.
The CNY Solidarity Coordinating Committee is looking for new members!
The Coordinating Committee plans and organizes the Coalition meetings. Currently we meet on zoom once or twice a month depending on our meeting schedule. Terms are only 1 year. Submit your name or nominate someone by emailing by January 1st, 2024.
Call the Governor to ask her to sign the following bills into law!
See additional bills waiting the Governor’s signature before the end of the year on City & State.
Tell Your Congress: Protect our privacy!
Here is an action alert from Common Cause: Congress is trying to pass the biggest expansion of government surveillance since the Patriot Act — and we need your help to stop it. Use this page to make a quick call to your representative to urge them to REJECT the FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act.
A Different Approach to Climate Action
(Ayana Elizabeth) Johnson is everywhere these days. A book she edited with Katharine Wilkinson, “All We Can Save,” was a best seller that highlighted the writings of 60 women working to combat climate change. Her next book — “What If We Get It Right?” — comes out next year. She is on the board of Patagonia, the outdoor apparel company that last year committed all of its profits to protecting nature. And a forward-looking art exhibit Johnson curated, “Climate Futurism,” is currently on display at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn.
Read it in The New York Times
10 Democratic Commissioners in support of the Election Alignment (Even Year) Bill
Holding elections in high turnout years will ensure that elected leaders reflect the electorate they are sworn to serve. Scheduling elections in high turnout years is not just a benefit for voters, but potentially for candidates as well. Odd year elections are rife with uncontested contests. Higher turnout elections will create more competitive races which will encourage more candidates to run for office.
Read the Letter By Commissioners | Send Your Own Letter
New York, Wisconsin brace for critical redistricting battles
“When the administration sends emails that call into question peaceful protesters’ ability to make controversial statements and call them reprehensible and mention the FBI is involved, that is a real, chilling, very scary threat,” said Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment.
Read it on The Hill
‘One crappy apartment’ to another: How tools to relocate Syracuse families from homes with lead paint are limited
Rather than be relocated by Catholic Charities again, Darlene Medley chose to turn a donated home into a lead-free shelter for families struggling to find housing.
Read it on Central Current
Weekly Wonk: How Democrats Fared in 2023
This week Dustin Czarny investigates how Democrats fared in the 2023 election, and they did surprisingly well.
Read it on
As good as I-81 plan is, more attention is needed to these key aspects (Guest opinion)
The Interstate 81 viaduct project’s community grid gets many things right. It stitches back together the broken and divided urban fabric of Syracuse, reuniting long-separated neighborhoods and enriching the experience of this city for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists alike. However, there’s always room for improvement.
Read it on
Faculty and Staff Palestinian Solidarity: Activism and Academic freedom Amidst Campus Repression
Tuesday, December 12th at 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT via Zoom.
Join us for a discussion on how campuses are clamping down on Palestinian solidarity activism across the country and around the world. The people are rising up with inspiring courage and militancy, but many faculty and staff are left unsure about how to engage as both a part of and critical of these institutions of higher education.
Join the NLG and employment attorneys Amanda M. Ghannam and Rima Najjar Kapitan as we navigate the complexities of faculty and staff activism and potential employment law considerations in the climate of rising campus repression.
Learn more and Register Here
Uplift Syracuse General Meeting
Thursday, December 14, 5:30pm
Petit Branch Library
Come to our November meeting! We will be talking about our work from our last meetings to update our platforms and talk about what attendees want to do for the next year. We will also be looking for people interested in joining the Executive Board! If you are interested please email
Uplift Syracuse is a progressive advocacy group, working to create a more equitable city and county by supporting candidates and policies that would advance social, racial, economic, and environmental justice efforts throughout the surrounding region.
RSVP & Share on Faceboook
Learn more about Uplift
Building Central New York’s Workforce for Growth: FOCUS Forum
Friday, December 15 at 12:05 pm – 1:00 pm Zoom
Join FOCUS Greater Syracuse, Inc. for a free, FOCUS Forum, where our expert panel will share insights and best practices for developing a skilled workforce that meets the needs of our region.
Gain valuable knowledge on how to increase economic growth in our community by investing in our workforce.
- Michael Frame, Senior Vice President & Chief Operations Officer, MACNY, The Manufacturers Association & The Manufacturers Alliance of New York State
- Rosemary Avila, Executive Director, Onondaga County Workforce Development Board and Career Center – CNY Works, Inc.
- Mitchell Latimer, Council Representative, North Atlantic States, Regional Council of Carpenters
Register Here
“A Love Supreme: Black Cultural Expression and Political Activism of the 60s and 70s”
Through Dec. 15 at Community Folk Art Center, 805 E. Genesee St. CFAC is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Admission is free.
“A Love Supreme: Black Cultural Expression and Political Activism of the 1960s and 1970s,” at the Community Folk Art Center, celebrates cultural and political movements during a turbulent time, roughly from 1964 to 1975. For more information, call 315-442-2230 or access CFAC@Syr.Edu
Read Carl Mellor’s review on Central Current
From the Earth Arts & Craft Show
Saturday December 16, 2023, 10 am – 5 pm, Onondaga Nation School
Rte 11A, Onondaga Nation, Via Nedrow, NY 13120 Exit 16, Interstate 81 5 & N
Over 30 vendors, food vendors, live music and more!
- 11 am Haudenosaunee Singers & Dancers
- 12 pm Dan Hill, Wooden Flute & Storyteller
- 1 pm Onondaga Women’s Singing Society
- 2 pm Dan Hill, Wooden Flute & Storyteller
- 3 pm Onondaga Men’s Singing Society
- 4 pm Haudenosaunee Singers & Dancers
Haudenosaunee Singers & Dancers
Saturday, Dec. 16, 2-4 PM Onondaga County Central Library
Haudenosaunee Singers & Dancers are from the Onondaga Nation and surrounding areas.
They will share some of their social dances! The social dances are not ceremonial.
Each of the dances give honor and acknowledgement to various aspects of our natural surroundings.
Audience participation is encouraged.
Find it on Facebook
Community Choir Winter Solstice Concert
Saturday, December 16, 7-9:30 PM
University United Methodist Church (1085 E Genesee St, Syracuse)
The concert will also be live-streamed to SCC Facebook and YouTube and recorded.
Sliding Scale Tickets: $5-$30 (More if you can, less if you need to; no one turned away), children free.
Tickets at the door or online Here
More Information Here
Wellness Wednesday at Sankofa Healing Arts
December 20th between 10am and 2pm
We have partnered with the Onondaga Health Department Lead Poisoning Prevention Program to bring lead education and testing awareness to our community during Wellness Wednesdays. Lead poisoning is a public health crisis and environmental justice issue in Syracuse disproportionately impacting Black families. It affects all aspects of our health and is especially dangerous for children, but we can do so much to prevent and protect ourselves and our children from lead.
Get resources on next steps after finding out if your little one has elevated blood lead levels, and info on lead safety for your home.
Talk with Rachael Russell, Lead Health Educator, and make an appointment to have any child under 6 years old tested too!
More Information Here
Interested in Running for Office in 2024?
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 by 5:00pm
Anyone wishing to be considered as a Democrat candidate in 2024 for any state or local elected office in the County of Onondaga, and who seeks the OCDC designation, must submit a letter of intent to run and a current resume by Tuesday, January 2, 2024 to participate in the process. To learn more about the process visit:
Syracuse Street Heat is just one, very unencumbered way to work for peace and social justice. We’re part of a decades-long grassroots tradition here, in Ithaca and elsewhere. We stand out and stand up for what we stand for.
A handful of us stand at busy intersections, for 45 minutes at rush hour, pivoting to the traffic with hand-held signs. We want to get the public thinking about issues often underrepresented in the media. We’re there weekly in almost all of Syracuse’s weather (we seldom cancel). Bring your own sign – or use one of ours. No meetings or committees, so participation time is minimal (yay!) Our Team: Ann, Dick, Ed, Geoff, Jim, Julienne, Les, Leslie, Peter….
To learn more, call Ann: (315) 478 4571.
1ST TUESDAYS: 4 PM to 4:45 PM at Hancock’s main gate.
West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St., DeWitt (across from the Fire Dept.) For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine.
If temperature is below 20 degrees, we will cancel.
Donate to the CNY Solidarity Coalition
CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizations: Syracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, & Urban Jobs Coalition. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on your donations for this.
Donate Online through PayPal
Mail donations to:
CNY Solidarity Coalition
P.O. Box 6137, Teall Post Office, 226 Teall Ave., Syracuse NY 13217
Our Committees
To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed.
Indivisible Onondaga County: Contact: Deborah Rose:
Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth
SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –
Beyond War and Militarism: A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand:
Peter McCarthy
Coordinating Committee
CNY Solidarity Coalition