CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
Monday (Nov 11)
Impeachment Teach-In
6:30 pm: Impeachment Teach-In at Phoenix Building, 2 South St., Auburn 13021. More details here. (Canceled due to weather will be reschedule)
Tuesday (Nov 12)
Weekly #CloseTheCamps Vigil
12-12:15pm at 440 S. Warren St. 13202. More details here
Wednesday (Nov 13)
Televised open Impeachment hearings in the House start today at 10 am.
Special meeting of the Syracuse Common Council Public Safety Committee to consider an amendment to weaken the Citizen Review Board! Call to action!!
12:45–1:45pm, Common Council Chambers – 3rd Floor, City Hall – 233 E. Washington St., Syr., NY
The Citizens Review Board (CRB) has been reviewing citizen complaints about misconduct by Syracuse police officers since 1993. It has never had the power to impose disciplinary actions on police officers but makes recommendations to the Chief based on CRB determinations about particular cases. It also recommends improvements to Syracuse Police Department policies, training, and supervision practices. For example, the recently adopted Use of Force policy was put in place after years of recommendations by the CRB to do so.
This proposed amendment will weaken the CRB considerably by continually describing its actions as “advisory” and essentially optional. Citizens are asked to come and oppose the amendment. It is essential to show the Common Council that citizens will not tolerate weakening this crucially important body. There will be time for the public to speak. Join us in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. More information here.
Thursday (Nov 14)
Onondaga County Legislator Watch
Let’s make sure we are paying attention at the county level. Follow the Facebook page, Onondaga County Legislator Watch to see live streams and to learn about issues. The county legislature meets the first Tuesday every month at 1pm. Keep calling your county legislator to share your support for a non-partisan, independent commission to redraw the county districts and ask when it will be on the agenda.
Friday (Nov 15)
State of Democracy Lecture
4:00 pm, Maxwell Auditorium
Making Sense of Impeachment: A Panel Discussion
Shana Gadarian, Thomas Keck, Sean O’Keefe, and Margaret Thompson
Saturday (Nov 16)
Assembly in Support of All Immigrants
Weekly #CloseTheCamps vigil. 11:30-12 on sidewalk outside Regional Transportation Center. More details here.
Sunday (Nov 17)
We Are Indivisible: A Blueprint for Democracy After Trump Virtual Book Club (1st meeting)
4:00 pm ET: RSVP here for this event. (Registration is required.)
Join authors Leah Greenberg and Ezra Levin, and Indivisible activists across the county to discuss this framework for the next chapter of the Indivisible movement, to feel the inspiration and spirit of activism that has been carefully cultivated over these past few years and to use this book as a roadmap for what’s next and the ways through which we can best leverage our power for lasting change.
To make sure you’re ready for the virtual book club discussion, you can order the book here(you’ll just have to select a bookseller from the list on the banner at the top of the page.) Or, you can pick it up at book stores near you! We also encourage folks to request copies at their local libraries. 100% of the book’s proceeds are going to Indivisible’s Save Democracy Fund, which funds projects related to democracy reform, like ending the filibuster and preventing voter suppression — projects that will be absolutely critical going into 2020 and beyond.
Save the date for these upcoming events
Nov. 20: Democratic Primary Debate watch party, Press Room Pub, 220 Herald Place, Syracuse. 8:00 pm arrival. Debate to start at 9:00.
Nov. 24: CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting 3-5 PM. Bishop Harrison Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse. Accessible facility.
Dec. 15: CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting. 3-5 PM Park Central Presbyterian Church, 504 E Fayette St, Syracuse, NY 13202. Accessible Facility.
Dec.19: Democratic Primary Debate. Additional information to follow.
Feb 14: Deadline for changing your party registration to vote in 2020 primaries. If you’re registered 3rd party or independent (or Republican!), and would like to switch to Democratic in order to vote in the presidential primary, today is the deadline.
April 28: Presidential primary election in NYS
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out ourWebsite andour Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
Volunteers needed:
Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact
Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact
Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible.
Yours in Solidarity,