CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Calendar Oct 29 – Nov 5

Dear CNYSC members and supporters,  

   This past week was National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and if you have not yet read the excellent and informative article on Syracuse’s lead crisis in last week’s Urban CNY by Annabel Hine Otts, please read it here for a vivid portrayal of the struggles facing families and residents.

One specific and immediate need is for calls and emails or letters to go to our county legislatorsCounty Executive Ryan McMahonDr. Gupta at OCHDState Senator Rachel May, and ask them to reinstate blood lead testing at routine WIC appointments. You can cite information from the article above.

Two more action items that address the anonymity bad landlords can hide behind. Write/call your state representatives and let them know you support the following two bills.  

1. Senate Bill S2255 2019-2020 Legislative Session Requires domestic and foreign limited liability companies to amend their articles of organization to include a list of beneficial owners and to provide certain information relating to each beneficial owner 2. Senate Bill S5182 2019-2020 Legislative Session requires contact information of landlords and land owners to be furnished to tenantsStay tuned for more information and collaboration on this critical local issue. Thank you.

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    This past Sunday’s coalition meeting we were fortunate to hear from fellow organizers and community members Nagesh Rao and Mona Bhan.  Sunday marked the International Day Of Resistance in Kashmir.  After having lived with occupation for decades, on August 5th of this year, the situation for the largely Muslim Kashmir community worsened considerably as the entire valley of Kashmir was forced under a complete lockdown. As of today, there is still an almost complete media and communication blackout, 8 million Kashmiris are living imprisoned under military rule by the right wing Modi government, and 4,000 people many journalists, activists, and political leaders are currently being held in indefinite detention

View the report by Feminist Activist Kavita Krishnan from August 26,2019 just several weeks into the severe lockdown.

For in-depth information see this Teach In on Kashmir from March 2019 and the Kashmir Syllabus.

Stand in solidarity with Kashmir: for ways to engage, to include an email link to congressional representatives here

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Also, hot off the presses at our coalition meeting is word that Democrats are leading 2 to 1 in early voting in Onondaga County!  With this many inspiring, progressive candidates ready to unseat incumbents, we should be driving our friends and neighbors to the polls in droves. Make a pledge to vote early and bring friends! Voters registered in Onondaga County will be able to vote at any early voting site, no matter where they reside. See polling hours Oct 26-Nov 3 and locations here.     

Now, on to your calendar..


Silent Protest Every Tuesday 12:00 – 12:15 PM at Katko’s Office

440 S Warren St, Syracuse

Outraged? Join us to give a weekly reminder to Congressman Katko that we are not okay with his complicity with GOP/Trump human rights violations. 12:00-12:15 pm Tuesdays at 440 South Warren St., Syracuse

An Assembly in Support of All Immigrants

Every Saturday until they close the camps, we’ll gather from 11:30-12:00 noon on the sidewalk adjacent to the paid parking at the Regional Transportation Center, directly across the street from the Regional Market. Feel free to bring your own sign; we’ll also have a bunch of printed standard signs to share. More details here

Street Heat with the Syracuse Peace Council 

Exposing Hancock’s Weaponized Reaper Drones

Meet us out in the streets with messages of peace and social justice. Bring a sign or use one of ours. Contact Ann Tiffany or Ed Kinane at 315-478-4571


OCTOBER 29 Corner of Adams St. & Almond St.

November Thru March we are only at Hancock Airbase and only on first Tuesdays: Nov 5th, Dec 3rd, Jan 7th, Feb 4th, Mar 4th.

 Free Gaza – weekly demonstrations 

Fridays 4:30 – 5:15 pm  (every Friday afternoon) 
Corner of East Genesee St. and Erie Blvd, DeWitt
Over one year after the Great March of Return protests began at the Gaza-Israel border, Palestinians in Gaza are still demanding their internationally-recognized right to return to the homes they were displaced from in 1948. The protests have continued at the border every Friday, and Israeli snipers have continued to meet them with excessive force, resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands more injuries since the Great March began on March 30, 2018. Join us to stand up for human rights – bring your own sign or borrow one of ours.

Syracuse Round Table Discussion on School Funding hosted by Senator Mayer Tuesday October 29 1PM – 5PM at Syracuse Center of Excellence Room 203 727 E Washington Joint – Senate Standing Committee on Education Chair: Senator Shelley Mayer and Senate Standing Committee on Budget and Revenues Chair: Senator Brian Benjamin

Co-Sponsor: Senator Rachel May

Public Meeting: To hear stakeholder input regarding the components of the Foundation Aid formula in relation to student, district and community needs with a goal of greater equity in school financing

Contact: Georgia Asciutto (914) 934-5250; Phil Giltner (212) 222-7315

Media Contact: Gary Ginsburg (518) 455-2415


What’s On the Ballot? Power and Freedom! Hosted by Greater Syracuse HOPE

Tuesday Oct 29th 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM SALTspace 103 Wyoming St, Syracuse

Please join us for special presentations by:
Common Council President Helen Hudson on Redistricting City of Syracuse Census Coordinator Tory Russo on the 2020 Census
Attorney Shadia Tadros on New Bail Reform Laws
Regional Director of NYWFP Mo Brown on the Power of the Vote

Dinner and childcare will be provided. 

Friends of Dorothy Dinner

Wed, Oct 30th 5PM – 7PM · Bishop Harrison Diocesan Center 1342 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse

Fundraiser for FoD’s work: HIV/AIDS and undocumented workers. Great vegetarian and vegan food and great company. Gluten free options available. Sliding scale donation starting at $0 to whatever you would like to to give to support our work. (We accept credit cards.)
Use the entrance on the church side of the building if you need the elevator.
Thanks and please pass the word! All are welcome!

Workers’ Center of Central New York Monthly Meeting

Wed, Oct 30th 6PM – 8PM · 2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse

This month we are focused on the Census 2020, the focus will include the benefits of completing the Census for hard to count communities + the U.S. Census Bureau will present on jobs available as part of a National Recruitment Week.
Este mes estamos enfocados en
el Censo 2020, el enfoque incluirá los beneficios de completar el Censo para
comunidades difíciles de contar + la Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. Presentará
los trabajos disponibles como parte de una Semana Nacional de Reclutamiento

Syracuse city schools Board of Education Candidate forum

Wed, Oct 30th 6:30 PM – 8PM · University United Methodist Church- 324 

Come out and hear from your candidates for the SCSD. Hear about their vision and priorities for the SCSD. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

No Tax Breaks for Secrecy

On October, 31 at 8:30am the OCIDA may vote to give a very large warehouse project (most likely “Amazon”) 70 million in tax breaks. The tenant has not been identified but it has been speculated to be Amazon. No rewards should be given for this secrecy. Demand transparency. Read this article to learn more. And if you cannot attend, email your public comments to

Pratt’s Falls Community Tree Planting

Saturday Nov. 2nd, 9AM-1PM at 7671 Pratts Falls Rd., Manlius, NY 13104

IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP PLANT 70 TREES to replace downed trees due to EAB (Emerald Ash Borer). All hands on deck to preserve our forests. 

Hosted by Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District, Onondaga County Parks Department, and Onondaga Earth Corps. This project was made possible with funding by the US forest Service’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. 

RSVP: or 315-565-3797

Manlius Goes Blue – GOTV Canvassing!

Sat, Nov 2nd and Sun Nov 3rd 9AM · Dunkin’ (501 E Genesee St, Fayetteville, NY)

Let’s get out the vote and tell everyone to it’s vital to vote in every election!
Join us in canvassing the
Town of Manlius for our local and county candidates!
MARK MATT for County

John Deer for Manlius
Town Board

Elaine Denton for
Manlius Town Board

Katelyn Kriesel for
Manlius Town Board

Heather Waters for
Manlius Town Board

Teach In/Discussion + Canvass – Bernie and DSA’s Strategy to Win hosted by Syracuse DSA

Saturday Nov 2nd 2PM – 5PM Beauchamp Branch Library

**All are welcome to participate in only parts or the whole event. The teach in will be from 2-3 at the library, followed by a brief canvass training 3-315 and canvassing 315-5**
This event will start as “teach in” – focused on Bernie and DSA’s strategy to win: organizing in working class communities. We will follow the teach-in by canvassing on the South Side of Syracuse to talk to residents about Bernie Sanders’ revolutionary politics to win a dignified life for all Americans.

4th Annual Dinner & Membership Fundraiser hosted by National Action Network Syracuse Chapter

Sat, Nov 2nd 6PM – 9PM · Strada Mia ‘ 313  313 N Geddes St, Syracuse

The National Action Network Syracuse Chapter will be holding our Annual Membership Fundraiser and Silent Auction in support of our local Membership Drive. Tickets are $55 per person, or you can purchase a table of 8 for $350 per group.

Please consider supporting our Fundraiser by purchasing tickets/a table, or an Ad in our Ad-book. You are also welcome to donate items, gift certificates, merchandise or services for the Silent Auction event.

Syracuse Chapter Triumph Awards honor those locally who have made a positive impact beyond their performance on stage, in the arts, in the media, in the community, and in their respective professions. Join us in celebrating this year’s Triumph Award honorees Our Chapter has selected Ms. Jennifer Sanders and Mr. Hassan Stephens as a 2019 Triumph Award Honorees. We will also be awarding the 1st Annual Walter Dixie Scholarship to a recent high school graduate and NAN Youth Member Daunte Morton.

Dia De Los Muertos “Day of The Dead” hosted by Workers Center of CNY

Sat, Nov 2nd 7PM – 9PM · 2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY

Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos) is a holiday that reunites the living and dead. Families create ofrendas (Offerings) to honor their departed family members or friends that have passed. For years the Workers Center of CNY celebrated this day. We focus on workers who lost their lives during exploitative conditions. We focus on folks who lives were lost trying to cross the US border and who died in detention centers. We must Mourn the dead, but fight like hell for the living!


El Día de los Muertos es una
fiesta que reúne a los vivos y a los muertos. Las familias crean ofrendas para
honrar a sus familiares fallecidos o amigos que han fallecido. Durante años, el
Centro de Trabajadores de CNY celebró este día. Nos centramos en los
trabajadores que perdieron la vida en condiciones de explotación.
Nos centramos en personas que
perdieron la vida tratando de cruzar la frontera de Estados Unidos y que
murieron en centros de detención. ¡Debemos llorar a los muertos, pero luchar
como el infierno por los vivos!

Fall Play: Body Wisdom Tools to Celebrate the Change of Seasons

Sun, Nov 3rd  1PM – 4PM · Community Library of DeWitt& Jamesville

Free, two-part, 3 hour workshop using InterPlay forms to explore our experience of the change of seasons. 
Interplay is an active, creative way to unlock to wisdom of the body. It draws on movement, voice, stillness, and storying-making to rediscover play, refresh the soul, and restore the joy of movement. For more information, contact InterPlay Leader-in-Training Coran Klaver–

Beneath the Surface: The Storied History of Onondaga Lake

Sun, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 1PM – 2:30 PM · Onondaga Historical Association 321 Montgomery St

Beneath the Surface: The Storied History of Onondaga Lake covers the amazing history of the lake and the remarkable impact it has had on our American Way of Life over the past six centuries. The film begins at 1:00pm at the Onondaga Historical Association Auditorium. Admission is $5 for OHA Members and $7 for the general public available at the door only. First come, first served.

Presented by Onondaga
Historical AssociationProduced by Otto MediaWritten and Directed by Mark
EischenExecutive Producer Gregg Tripoli

Biweekly organizational meeting/Reunión quincenal de la organiza

Monday Nov 4th 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM · 2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse,

Biweekly organization meeting. Anyone interested in joining is welcome. We will be meeting in the common area on the second floor. Wheelchair accessible. Please do not wear any fragrances. Spanish translation can be provided.
Reunión quincenal de la
organización. Cualquier persona interesada en unirse es bienvenida. Nos
reuniremos en el área común en el segundo piso. Silla de ruedas accesible. Por favor, no use ninguna fragancia. Traducción en español puede ser proporcionada.

Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible 

Save the Date and/or Register

Upstate Immigration Legal Services Convening Thursday November 7th 9AM – 5PM RSVP here

Solutions Not Surveillance: Syracuse Forum Thursday Nov 7th 5:30 PM · Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central 258 E.Adams St., Syracuse

Earth Corps ‘Encore’ Annual Fundraiser and Gala Saturday Nov. 9th, 5PM-9PM 421 Gifford St. Registration $70/person, $5/children 16 and under.   

La Liga Gala, Celebrating 50 years Thursday Nov 14th 5:30 PM · Marriott Syracuse Downtown

Fall General Meeting hosted by Syracuse DSA Thursday Nov 14th 7 PM · ArtRage Gallery

Teach-In Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism Wed Dec 4th 6:30 PM UUMC 1085 E Genesee

Volunteers needed:

Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact

Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact 
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact

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