CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Action Alerts – Week of Jan 20

CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly action alerts from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. Key highlights this week include multiple meetings to help draft a People’s Platform for Syracuse and Onondaga County, led by our friends at Uplift Syracuse

In the coming weeks, there will be increasing focus on the Democratic presidential primary, scheduled for April 28 in New York. If you are not currently registered Democratic and would like to vote in the primary, you have until Feb. 14 to change your enrollment status, and you can do so here

Today (Jan 20)

No actions today. 

Tuesday (Jan 21)

Uplift Platform Meeting: Climate Crisis

Help write the People’s Platform for Syracuse and Onondaga County! 5:30-7:30pm at Syracuse Peace Council. More details here.

Wednesday (Jan 22)

DWOC Congressional Candidate Forum

NY-24 Democratic congressional debate hosted by Democratic Women of Onondaga County. 6-8pm at Iron Workers Local 60, 500 W. Genesee St. 13204. More details here.

Thursday (Jan 23)

Uplift Platform Meeting: Democracy & Government Reform

Help write the People’s Platform for Syracuse and Onondaga County! 5:30-7:30pm at Syracuse Peace Council. More details here.

Friday (Jan 24)

No actions today. (Until further notice!) 

Saturday (Jan 25)

Uplift Platform Meeting: Economic & Workforce Development

Help write the People’s Platform for Syracuse and Onondaga County! 3-5pm, location TBD. More details here.

Sunday (Jan 26)

Uplift Platform Meeting: Housing

Help write the People’s Platform for Syracuse and Onondaga County! 3-5pm, location TBD. More details here.

Save the date for these upcoming events   

Mon, Jan 27: Uplift Platform Meeting: Police Reform. 5:15pm at 499 S. Warren St., Suite 430. More details here.

Sun., Feb. 2: CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting. 2-4pm at Bishop Harrison Center. Note the earlier start time. Meeting will feature a panel discussion on lead paint and public health.

Fri., Feb 7: Democratic presidential primary debate will air on ABC and Apple News. If you’re aware of local watch parties, please let us know.

Fri., Feb 14:   Deadline for changing your party registration to vote in 2020 primaries. If you’re registered 3rd party or independent (or Republican!) and would like to switch to Democratic in order to vote in the presidential primary, today is the deadline, and you can do so here

Sun., Feb. 16:  CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting. 2-4pm at Park Central Presbyterian Church. Note the earlier start time. Meeting will feature a discussion of the presidential primary process.

Wed., Feb 19: Democratic presidential primary debate will air on NBC and MSNBC. If you’re aware of local watch parties, please let us know.

Tue., Feb. 25: Democratic presidential primary debate will air on CBS and Twitter. Indivisible NY24 is hosting a watch party at the PressRoom Pub. More details here.

Sat., Mar 7: Privilege workshop hosted by CNY Solidarity. 8:30-3:30 at Bishop Harrison.

Sun., Mar 8: Full coalition will not meet today, but committees may meet during the normal time slot. Location TBD.

Sun., Mar 22: CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD. Note the return to our old 3pm start time.

Sun., Apr 5: CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting. 3-5pm, location TBD.

Sun., Apr 19: CNY Solidarity Coalition meeting. 3-5pm at Park Central.

Apr 18-26: Early voting period for presidential primary; specific days/times/locations TBA.

April 28: Presidential primary election in NYS.

Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out ourWebsiteandour Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and  and

Volunteers needed:
Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact
Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact

Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible.

Yours in Solidarity,


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