CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Community Events / Newsletter June 23 – 30

From CNY Solidarity Coalition:

Next Meeting: Sunday June 28, 3-4 PM. Zoom link will be sent.

CNY Solidarity Coalition is supporting the current protests against police brutality, which are continuing for 40 days. 

·      We are collaborating with Syracuse Police Accountability and Reform Coalition (SPAARC), and are donating to their website development. SPAARC has worked with the local protest groups to develop the People’s Agenda for Police Reform, and the response to the Mayor’s executive orders. 

·      We are using funds from our website donations during this period to support the protesters. Please consider donating. Or see links below to donate directly –  either way works. 

·      Chris Flynn of the Coordinating Committee has recruited several of our supporters and organized a volunteer effort which is providing food, water and supplies almost daily. If you can shop, deliver, or help coordinate this, email:

Articles of the week:

After Years of Wasted Spending, Congresswoman Lee Calls to Cut Pentagon Budget, Reprioritize Programs that Keep Us Safe Read it here

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced a resolution calling for significant cuts to the Pentagon budget. Last year’s $738 billion National Defense Authorization Act was the largest on record, coming at the expense of health care, education, infrastructure spending, and public health research. In the middle of a global pandemic, it’s more clear than ever that wasteful spending on unnecessary and endless wars does not keep our country safe or healthy.

Black environmentalists are organizing to save the planet from injustice

Link to Article

“While many in power seemed surprised that COVID-19 is killing twice as many black Americans, those of us in the environmental justice movement know that the health impacts of cumulative and disproportionate levels of pollution in our communities have created underlying health conditions that contribute to our higher COVID-19 mortality rates,” said Peggy Shepard, co-founder and executive director of WE ACT for Environmental Justice, said at a virtual press conference on Monday.

Critical Reminders:

VOTE! TODAY!!June 23      Find where to vote


Every Day: Protest March 

Generally start at 2 PM, meeting at ITC (Old Central Tech) at 1:30. CheckFacebook: OR

Online Training: Critical First Aid in the Streets

Tuesday, June 23, 2020. 6PM-9PM Register

Public Hosted by Mayday Space and NYC Action Medical

Free online training about providing life-saving interventions in protest situations. We will be offering live captioning, and participants will receive a follow-up email with resources. This training does not require any previous medical knowledge. 
We will focus on how you can intervene in worst case scenarios during protests such as bleeding control and spinal injuries. The training will also cover scene safety, activating EMS, hot and cold weather ailments, chemical weapons, and more. If you can’t attend, we will offer more in the future.

Addressing Anti-Blackness on Campus: Free Webinar: 

June 24, 2020 (2pm)
Implications for Educators and Institutions. Register here:

In this webinar, the presenters will address tangible strategies for addressing anti-Blackness in schools, colleges, and universities. Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement – CORA

Ecosocialist Committee Zoom Meeting

Wednesday June 24 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM

The Syracuse DSA Ecosocialist Committee is going virtual. You do not have to be a DSA member to join this meeting. The focus of this week’s meeting will be our public power and lead campaigns. 
You can register for the meeting at this link

Auburn NY Pride 2020

Jun 24 at 5:30 PM – Jun 30 at 8:30 PM

Hosted by NYS Equal Rights Heritage Center & Auburn NY Visitor Center and 10 others

The City of Auburn’s historic and cultural sites commission and partners celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride with a week of city-wide events. COVID-19 guidelines like social distancing and face coverings are required for in-person events. Visit auburnnypride.comfor more details.

United for Justice and Police Reform

Thursday, June 25. 5:30-7:30 PM via Zoom

A virtual informational exchange with local advocacy leaders implementing the People’s Agenda for Policing Demands. In collaboration with the Syracuse Police Accountability Reform Coalition (SPAARC), the Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS), Syracuse Black Lives Matter, Cuse Youthblm and the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU). Register at this link to participate in this important virtual meeting:

Intersection of Climate Change and Racial Justice

Friday, June 26. 1-3 PM Go to Facebook: NYS Senator Rachel May

Senator May and her Youth Advisory Board will be hosting a discussion on climate change and how it intersects with racial justice. The Advisory Board will be joined by community leaders and experts to discuss ways to make substantive changes in the fight against climate change that also address racial disparities. 

Syracuse DSA Socialist Feminist Meetup!

Thursday, June 25 8 PM – 9:15 PM    Syracuse DSA

RSVP to get detailsfor joining the meeting and to join the Socialist Feminist Working Group .

For the upcoming meeting, we reading and discussing a foundational piece of writing in Black Feminism: The Combahee River Collective Statement(1977)

Please join a friendly discussion that helps us to better understand the current conditions we are confronting and the types of solutions socialists feminists must be fighting for. 

We will also share announcements about local campaigns and upcoming events members are involved with and share about next steps for the Socialist Feminist Working Group.

This working group is still getting off the ground – please join us for discussion and to share your skills and ideas! 

The Working Group is mean to be a safe and supportive space for women and gender conforming persons. If you are a male ally, we hope you will engage in actions with us and and respect the need our own political space.

DSA joins anti-racist protests every Saturday!

Saturday, June 27  1:30 pm

DSA Syracuse stands in solidarity with the protests against police brutality and racism in Syracuse and in the rest of the country. Our members participated as a group in one of the biggest rallies this city has seen some weeks back. We decided to continue showing our support every Saturday with protestors of “Last chance for change”. We invite our members to join these protests and fight systemic racism in our country! We will be meeting as a group every Saturday starting at at

258 E Adams St Syracuse, NY  13202

Remove the Columbus Statue 

NOTE THE DATE CHANGE. Originally scheduled for Fri., changed to Saturday

Saturday, June 27, 2020 – 5 PM – 7 PM

Columbus Circle Syracuse, New York  – Hosted by Resilient Indigenous Action Collective

We are rallying at the Columbus statue starting at 5pm to call on the city to respond to our unheard demands to have this statue removed. 

Please come, share, wear sunscreen and comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather, wear masks, and bring posters that renounce colonialism, anti-Blackness, erasure of Indigenous people, and this KKKolumbus kkkaracter.

More info on accessibility, speakers, etc. will be posted!

For decades, Indigenous people in the community have been demanding that the Columbus statue be removed from downtown Syracuse. On stolen Onondaga land, this statue of a colonizer, enslaver, land thief, torturer, and rapist stands atop caricatures of Native heads, outright symbolizing genocide and erasure of us as Indigenous people. We have sent in petitions, submitted letters, dialogued, pleaded, asked, protested, and demanded this statue come down – and many times left out of conversations about this statue that negatively impacts us most as Indigenous people. In this recent movement toward Black Liberation, we are seeing confederate and Columbus statues coming down across Turtle Island. It is long past time for this statue to go. It is not merely symbolism. It is recognizing that this is unceded land, that the iconography harms our communities, and a possibility for recognizing the shared histories of Indigenous and Black communities toward futures of Indigenous sovereignty and Black Liberation. We aren’t taking no for an answer anymore. Rally with us to. Take. It. Down! 

Street Heat – Weekly Protests are back with Physical Distancing!

HANCOCK: our decade-long protests against Hancock’s piloting killer reaper drones over the Islamic oil lands are resuming.  6000 East Molloy Rd every Tuesday from 4:15 to 5 p.m. 

DEWITT: Weekly protest against IDF terrorism, maiming and killing of Palestinians. Fridays 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. at Erie Blvd E and E Genesee, Dewitt. Park in the nearby mini-mall parking lot. 

            REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET: anti-weaponized drones/anti-militarism protest: 9 to 9:45 a.m Saturdays . directly across from the market’s main entrance on Park Street.

HOW TO HELP: Volunteer or Donate

Local Protest Groups, Donation Links:


Last Chance for Change

Black Lives Matter Syracuse

OG’s Against Gun Violence

National Groups: Here’s Where You Can Donate to HelpProtests Against Police Brutality. Links to Bail funds, legal aid, and other organizations working to help activists seeking justice for George Floyd and other victims of police violence

For exampleActBlue: Split a donation between 39 community bail funds

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN): fund to

support undocumented workers and familiesDONATE HERE

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network

Political/Electoral Actions, Donations 

Ready to Flip the Senate this Year? Indivisible’s Payback Projectisout to do just that! This would be a great place to put your stimulus check to work! 

Dana Balter for Congress: We need a progressive voice representing us in Congress, instead of someone who endorses Donald Trump for President!


Also see COVID19 InfoBelow

SIRDN Covid19 Warm Line: (315) 552-1670

Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network(SIRDN)  Coronavirus-related information for farmworker, immigrant,  undocumented, day laborer, and domestic worker communities. English and Spanish-speaking operators. Text and phone.

SIRDN has also created a resource document for COVID-19 information, for immigrants and undocumentedfolks. English and Spanish Or use these instructions to have Google translate .


If you do not have a doctor and have questions, symptoms, or may have been exposed to COVID-19, call Upstate University Hospital’s Triage Line at 315.464.397

Assistance connecting with health and human services: call 211 or visit

Onondaga County Coronaviris Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information Page

COVID-19 Testing Hotline:

Upstate University Hospital Regional Triage (COVID-19) Information Page

NYS Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page

Johns Hopkins – Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) webpage.

New York Attorney General Coronavirus Resources and Warnings

FCC Consumer Warnings and Safety Tips

FTC Coronavirus Scam Information

NYS Free Mental Health Hotline: 1-844-863-9314

Onondaga County Meals Help Line for Onondaga County: 315-218-1987

Madison County Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 315-366-2327

Oneida County Mental Health Hotline: 1-800-678-0888

Oneida County COVID-019 Hotline: 315-798-5431

Oneida County Family and Community Services Helpline: 315-798-5439 

Peter McCarthy

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