CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Action Alerts – Week of February 1

CNY Solidarity members and supporters:

Please find below the weekly legislative action alerts from Indivisible NY24. The House has introduced badly needed legislation to revive our threatened democracy. This week we need to get wavering Democrats (at least) to support H.R. 1, the For the People Act (details in Monday’s alert).

Monday (Tuesday (Feb 1)

Phone Bank to Pass H.R. 1 House members have reintroduced H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which seeks to preserve our democracy by ending partisan gerrymandering, reducing money’s influence on politics, securing voting rights, improving election security, and fighting corruption. Sign-up here to phone constituents of wavering House Democrats to pressure them to sign on at 6 p.m..

Tuesday (Feb 2)

Write a Letter to the Editor Supporting H.R. 1You can go here for a list of talking points and automatic submission of your letter to area outlets. 

Wednesday (Feb 3)

Restore Voting Rights Governor Cuomo restored voting rights to New Yorkers who have completed a prison term by executive order. We need to make this partial repudiation of Jim Crow law permanent. Ask your representatives in the state legislature to support S830A.  You can email, tweet, and/or phone them from here

Thursday (Feb 4)

Phone Bank to Pass H.R. 1At 6 p.m. Sign up here

Saturday (Feb 6)

Phone Bank to Pass H.R. 1At 6 p.m.. Sign up here

Sunday (Feb 7)

CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom: 3-4 p.m.

Save the Date for These Upcoming Events

Tue., Feb. 9, 7pm: Indivisible NY24 meeting via Zoom
Sun., Feb. 21, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., Mar. 7, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., Mar. 21, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., Apr. 11, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., Apr. 25, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., May 9, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via Zoom
Sun., May 23, 3-4 pm: CNY Solidarity Meeting via ZoomToday and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media.

Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook:  and’re receiving this email because you’re subscribed to the CNY Solidarity Coalition announcements list. This is a low-volume list (typically no more than 4-6 messages per week), which now has more than 2,000 subscribers. We also maintain higher-volume listservs as venues for discussion of general Coalition-wide issues (discussion-cnysolidarity), key state and local action team organizing priorities (stateleg-cnysolidarity), and key Indivisible NY24 organizing priorities (IndivisibleNY24). The latter list includes more frequent action alerts and information about local electoral campaigns supported by Indivisible. If you’d like to be added to any of these lists, please reply to me and let me know which ones

.Volunteers needed:

Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact

Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact

Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact

Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible.

In Solidarity,

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