CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24. Note that we typically send these alerts every Monday, but due to schedule constraints for all of our regular posters, they may be somewhat more sporadic over the next few weeks.
Locally, our principal focus remains on the I-81 project. The federal government has released its draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) and invites comments from the public. At that link, you can read the DEIS and submit a public comment anytime through Sept. 14. More info is available from the Urban Jobs Task Force here (including a petition calling for a set aside of jobs for the local community), from NYCLU here, and from CNY Solidarity here. And see below for details on a rally and press conference planned for this Saturday.
Nationally, our principal focus remains on democracy reform. It is crucial that Congress pass key legislative measures to stop, roll back, and counteract the state-level democratic backsliding that remains ongoing. These measures include a firm federal voting rights guarantee, a ban on partisan gerrymandering, and more. Our key role is to make sure Sen. Majority Leader Schumer continues to hear from constituents, upstate as well as down, that democracy reform can’t wait. Our next action is tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon; details below.
Today (Aug 9)
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil
10-11am at State Office Building, 333 E. Washington St.
Tuesday (Aug 10)
Democracy Can’t Wait Rally: Syracuse
12 noon outside Federal Building, 100 S. Clinton St. in Syracuse. Sign up here.
Indivisible NY24 Meeting
Agenda items will include debriefing on this afternoon’s rally and our recent weekly Sat. morning actions, and deciding on next steps. 7pm via Zoom; Zoom details distributed on Indivisible NY4 list.
Thursday (Aug 12)
NYCLU Talks on I-81
Every Thursday in August. 5:30-7pm at Syracuse Dunbar Center, 1453 S. State St. Contact David Rufus,
Saturday (Aug 14)
We’ve been rallying for democracy reform every Sat. at 11am on the public sidewalk outside Wegmans Dewitt. If the U.S. Senate goes on recess as expected this week, we may put this weekly action on hold for now. More details after Tuesday’s meeting.
Justice for I-81 March and Press Conference
March starts 10:30am at Dr. King Elementary School, 416 E. Raynor Ave. Press conference 12 noon at 333 E. Washington St. More details here. Check our CNY Solidarity I-81 info page here.
Sunday (Aug 15)
No CNY Solidarity meeting today. Next meeting scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 12.
Save the Date for These Upcoming Events
Tue, Aug 17: Zoom Hearings on I-81, 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. To submit oral comments, please register here. You will be given a link to the Zoom hearing where you can make a public comment.
Wed, Aug 18: In-Person Hearing on I-81 at the OnCenter, 800 S. State St. Public hearings at 4:00 and 6:00pm. Open house from 3:30-8:00pm.
Thu, Aug 19: NYCLU Talks on I-81. Every Thursday in August. 5:30-7pm at Syracuse Dunbar Center, 1453 S. State St. Contact David Rufus,
Aug 24: DOT info session on I-81. 6-8pm at Lincoln Middle School
Aug 25: DOT info session on I-81. 6-8pm at PSLA at Fowler
Aug 26: DOT info session on I-81. 6-8pm at HW Smith K-8
Thur, Aug 26: NYCLU Talks on I-81. Every Thursday in August. 5:30-7pm at Syracuse Dunbar Center, 1453 S. State St. Contact David Rufus,
Sept 9: DOT info session on I-81. 6-8pm at Dr King Elementary.
Sept. 12: CNY Solidarity Meeting, 3pmSept 14: Last day to submit public comment on I-81 project
Sept. 26: CNY Solidarity Meeting, 3pm – Meeting cancelled: conflicts with Westcott Festival.
Sun, Sept 26: Westcott St. Cultural Festival. CNY Solidarity will be tabling; if you’re interested in helping with this, please contact
Oct. 3: CNY Solidarity meeting, 3pm
Oct. 8: Voter registration deadline for 2021 general election.
Oct. 17: CNY Solidarity meeting, 3pm
Oct. 23-31: In -person early voting for general election.
Oct. 31: CNY Solidarity meeting, 3pm
Tue., Nov. 2: Election day (2021 general election). In addition to important races for Onondaga County Legislature, the ballot will include state constitutional amendments to authorize no fault absentee voting and same-day voter registration.
Nov. 14: CNY Solidarity meeting, 3pm
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
You’re receiving this email because you’re subscribed to the CNY Solidarity Coalition announcements list. This is a low-volume list (typically no more than 4-6 messages per week), which now has more than 2,000 subscribers. We also maintain higher-volume listservs as venues for discussion of general Coalition-wide issues (discussion-cnysolidarity), key state and local action team organizing priorities (stateleg-cnysolidarity), and key Indivisible NY24 organizing priorities (IndivisibleNY24). The latter list includes more frequent action alerts and information about local electoral campaigns supported by Indivisible. If you’d like to be added to any of these lists, please reply to me and let me know which ones.
In Solidarity,