From CNY Solidarity Coalition:
Next Meeting:
Sunday 8/8/21, 3-4:30 PM. At Bishop Harrison Center.
Agenda: Activating our membership to engage in the Rte. 81 process: specific actions we can all take. With expert speakers on safety, design, equity, housing.
NOTE on health precautions:
As we return to in-person meetings on a trial basis, we will observe precautions, such as:
· We ask that all attendees be fully vaccinated.
· We will ask attendees to wear masks, possibly removing when speaking if needed.
· Social distancing will be encouraged.
· All attendees will be asked to sign in, with contact information for new attendees.
· We plan to make meetings available live streamed on Facebook, during and after the meeting.
· We will monitor the local situation and respond as conditions change.
Upcoming Meetings:9/12/21, 10/3/21, 10/17/21, 10/31/21, 11/14/21.
Committees will meet on their own for July and August.
Announcements from our Committees:
To sign up for the mailing lists of each of the committees, email your request to the contact person listed.
Indivisible NY24: Contact: Deborah Rose: Our principal focus remains on supporting the democracy reform efforts in Congress: S.1: For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, etc.
Climate Justice: Contact: Kitty Burns –
SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy – Current priority: Rt 81/Community Grid. See below.
Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council.Contact: Ron Van Norstrand;
I- 81 Project Update:
CNY Solidarity Coalition’s August 8 meeting will focus on how to take specific actions to support the community’s needs: submitting comments live and online, public forum, letters and phone calls, etc.
On July 18, we heard Lanessa Chaplin of NYCLU present current news on the Rt. 81/Community Grid project.
(watch it Here).
Sign up for alerts from UJTF here: DEIS action alert sign-up form
And save the date: UJTF/NYCLU Press Conference/March for Justice in the I-81 Project
10:30 AM at Dr. MLK School; March Begins
12 PM: Press Conference at 333 E. Washington St. – City Hall
Our new CNY Solidarity Coalition page I-81 information is up: Resources are being added. Links are there now to sign up for the public forums. We need a large showing at the forums!
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS):,
FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) and NYSDOT will hold virtual and in-person hearings.
Virtual hearings: Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 11 AM & 5 PM: To submit oral comments, please register here. You will be given a link to the Zoom hearing where you can make a public comment.
In-person hearing: Wednesday, Aug. 18
Public hearings and open house (this is newly added)
4 and 6 p.m. for the public hearings. The open house will run from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Oncenter, 800 S. State St., Syracuse
Additional DOT information sessions about the Interstate 81 project. 6-8 PM
· Aug. 24 at Lincoln Middle School
· Aug. 25 at PSLA at Fowler
· Aug. 26 at H.W. Smith
· Sept. 9 at Dr. King Elementary School
Last Day to submit comments: Sept. 14
Articles of the Week:
Syracuse needs better bus service. Now’s the time to make it happen (Guest Opinion by Maurice Brown)
The Big Money Behind the Big Lie
Donald Trump’s attacks on democracy are being promoted by rich and powerful conservative groups that are determined to win at all costs. Read the Article
The climate refugees are coming. Countries and international law aren’t ready for them
For generations, our approach to asylum has centred on war and political persecution, not natural disaster. Unless we change that soon, mass migrations to the developed world will end in violence
Read the Article in The Globe and Mail
Hitting global climate target could create 8m energy jobs, study says
Researchers suggest net increase would mostly occur in renewables sector, with decline in fossil fuels
Read the Article in The Guardian
NYCLU Talks on I-81: Every Thursday in August
August 5, 2021
Syracuse Dunbar Center, 1453 S. State St.
5:30-7:00 PM
Contact: David Rufus at NYCLU:
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Observances
Aug. 6 and Aug. 9
Along with many groups across the state and country, the Nuclear Free World Committee of the Syracuse Peace Council will be commemorating the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is in support of the “Back from the Brink” Campaign, an actionable 5 point effort to prevent nuclear war from ever happening again.
Friday August 6 – banner drop 8 am -9 am (approx) at Spencer St. bridge over Route 81. Gather at 7:45 – This involves holding a banner over the side of the bridge.
Monday Aug. 9 – vigil at the State Office Building (333 E. Washington St.) 10 – 11:00 am. Tableau with petitions and flyers. Possibly repeated at 11:30-12:30 across from Salt City Market.
For more information contact:
NY Independent Redistricting Commission Public Hearings
Aug. 5 and Aug. 9
Last Monday, the NY Independent Redistricting Commission announced a series of 8 virtual public hearings, each focused on a specific region. The hearings begin July 20th and conclude on August 12th; the dates for each region’s hearing are below as well as on the IRC website:
- Thursday August 5th: North Country/Mohawk Valley regions at 2pm
- Monday August 9th: Southern Tier/Central NY regions at 2pm
From The Independent Redistricting Commission of New York State is holding a virtual public hearing to solicit input from your community. As the IRC embarks on the process of drawing the future district lines of New York State, feedback and guidance from the residents of New York is of the utmost importance and at the core of the Commission’s goal to fairly and equitably redraw Congressional and State Legislature lines.
These hearings are the best opportunity for residents to participate in this process. By submitting your community of interest to the IRC, and presenting it at your local hearing, New Yorkers have the chance to contribute to the redistricting process.It’s critical that we get as many NYIC (New York Immigration Coalition) members as possible to testify. If you can help, please contact Kayla at
Get The Lead Out Pop Up Event
1543 S Salina St, Syracuse, NY 13205-1158, United States
Event by Greater Southside Homeowners Association
The Get the Lead Out Popup Event informs and educates parents and neighbors about the dangers of lead paint for young children. Tabling at the event will be Families from Lead Freedom Now, Syracuse Tenant Union, Home Headquarters, Peacemaking Center: Cities Rise, and more. Free food, music, and fun for the kids.
Sponsored by The Gifford Foundation
Black August Ice Cream Social
Event by BLM Syracuse and Rebirth SYR
Come celebrate Black August with BLM Syracuse and other local organizations fighting for justice in Central New York! We’ll be giving away free *ice cream, sharing information about the history of radical Black social justice movements, and and offering people an opportunity to engage with the community. Anyone is welcome.
BIPOC preferred.
*We’ll have vegan & sugar-free options
GreeningUSA’s Next Virtual Green Bag Lunch!
“I-81 Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIS): Final Comment Period” held on GoTo Meeting.
Friday, August 13, 12:00pm – 1:30pm, EST
Confirmed Panelists:
Deka Dancil, President, Urban Jobs Taskforce
Lanessa Chaplin, Assistant Director, NY Civil Liberties Union
Greg Loh, Chief Policy Officer, City of Syracuse, OR
Sharon Owens, Deputy Mayor, City of Syracuse
Panelist Just Added: Jonathan Link Logan, Director, Northside Up
GreeningUSA continues the conversation about the I-81 Viaduct Project in Syracuse with a focus on the DEIS, which the NYS DOT issued on July 16. The final community comment phase ends September 14, prior to issuance of the final EIS and record of decision.
Panelists from various perspectives will describe what they view as important issues requiring community input. Please plan on joining GreeningUSA as we help you prepare to effectively participate by submitting comments to the NY DOT in this important I-81 Community Grid approval phase.
FREE but you must register. A link to attend using the GoToMeeting platform will be sent to those registered the day before the event.
Webinar Registration:
UJTF/NYCLU Press Conference/March for Justice in the Rt. 81 Project
August 14
10:30 AM at Dr. MLK School; March Begins
12 PM: Press Conference at 333 E. Washington St. – City Hall
An Urban Jobs Task Force and NY Civil Liberties Union Event
The revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is out, and hearings and comment schedules have been announced.
Final comments to DOT on I-81
Sept. 14
Westcott St. Cultural Festival
Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021 Info here
STAND FOR PALESTINE — expose IDF terrorism, Occupation and apartheid in Gaza and West Bank…
intersection of Erie Blvd E and E Genesee in De Witt…
Park St. opposite the Regional Market main entrance… every SATURDAY 9 to 9:45 a.m.
*or use one of ours. (Ann or Ed 315 478-4571 home)
***Social distancing***Legal***No meetings, no obligation, no cost***Easy parking***Rain or shine***
CNY Solidarity Coalition: Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out our Website and our Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
Peter McCarthy