CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

CNY Solidarity Newsletter – Jan 24 – Jan 31, 2023

From CNY Solidarity Coalition

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel. We need subscribers to help us grow our channel!

Next CNY Solidarity Coalition Meeting:

Feb. 12, 2 PM

Bishop Harrison Center, 1342 Lancaster Ave. Syr. 13210

Agenda: We will engage in conversations about our progress and priorities. This will help us formulate our messaging and future plans. Please come! We want to hear from everybody!

Our plan for the winter months, dependent on health warnings:

  • We will schedule one in-person meeting per month. 
  • An additional Zoom meeting each month will likely be scheduled, depending on issues. 
  • Meetings will start at 2 PMfollowed by in-person Committee Meetings 
  • In case of inclement weather or other issues, a notification and a Zoom link will be sent no later than 10 AM on the day of the meeting.
  • Please wear a mask, and practice reasonable social distancing. 

Newsletter note: This newsletter now comes from: You can still send newsletter-related comments and information as a response to this email. For other topics, use

New Mailing address for CNY Solidarity Coalition:see the bottom of this newsletter


What MLK’s Legacy Looks Like in 6 Syracuse Change-Makers

Read it on 

Oceanna Fair of Families for Lead Freedom was one of the award winners at the SU MLK dinner.  

Jamesville Correctional Facility: Onondaga County, Sheriff Debate Merger With Jail

Onondaga County legislators heard arguments from the county executive’s office and the sheriff’s office Tuesday.

Read it on CentralCurrent at

Five Truths About The Pending Debt-Ceiling Fight That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

“Both-sides”ism is rampant. And it’s seriously misleading the public.

“The real reason Republicans are waging this fight is they see it as a backdoor way of attacking the two most popular (and largest) safety nets in the federal government: Social Security and Medicare.”

Read Robert Reich’s Commentary Here

The Age Of Energy Abundance Could Be Closer Than We Think
It seems like an odd thing to say in the middle of an energy crisis, but we may be on the cusp of a new era of abundant energy. Not because of nuclear fusion, exciting though recent breakthroughs are, but because of renewable energy. Read it in The Financial Times

Centro Makes Plans For Bus Rapid Transit System In Syracuse By 2026

A BRT system would likely follow many of the recommendations made by Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council in what it called its “Smart 1” study. SMTC recommended a BRT system with two lines: One from Onondaga Community College to Eastwood along the South Avenue corridor, and another from Syracuse University to the North Side. The lines would cross in downtown Syracuse, at Centro’s hub. 

Read it on CentralCurrent at

Al Stirpe and Rob Simpson on the Campbell Conversations

The Micron investment in a semiconductor chip fabrication hub in the Town of Clay has the potential to fundamentally change the history of the Syracuse region. This week, Grant Reeher continues a discussion on the project with two local leaders whose efforts helped make it happen. Joining him are Rob Simpson, president of Center State CEO, and State Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Syracuse). Listen on WRVO. 

Rightwing Group Pours Millions in ‘Dark Money’ Into US Voter Suppression Bid

The advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, the powerful conservative think tank based in Washington, spent more than $5m on lobbying in 2021 as it worked to block federal voting rights legislation and advance an ambitious plan to spread its far-right agenda calling for aggressive voter suppression measures in battleground states.

Read it on


On 1/23, Syracuse Common Council passed a resolution in support of the Clean Slate Act.

Fourteen (!) cities and counties have now passed resolutions calling for the passage of Clean Slate, including New York City, Buffalo, Westchester, Albany City and County, Ulster County, Columbia County, Newburgh, Hudson, Ellenville, Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Catskill, and now Syracuse. 

Please help amplify on social media and urge the two Syracuse-area Assembly Members who have not yet co-sponsored Clean Slate (Assembly Member Bill Magnarelli and Assembly Member Al Stirpe) to do so. You can retweet here or here (or draw from this content to post your own). Please also call the offices of the Syracuse Assembly Members:

  • Assembly Member Bill Magnarelli: 518-455-4826 or 315-428-9651
  • Assembly Member Al Stirpe: 518-455-4505 or 315-452-1115
  • Phone script: Hello, my name is ____ and I’m calling to urge the Assembly Member to co-sponsor the Clean Slate Act (A.1029) to help New Yorkers access jobs, housing, and education. Yesterday, the Syracuse Common Council passed a resolution in support of this important bill and now we need support from the Assembly Member. [Add why Clean Slate is important to you.] Will the Assembly Member co-sponsor Clean Slate?

Read more about the current Clean Slate Bill Here

Invest in Our New York 2023 New Yorkers are being crushed by rising costs and an uneven COVID-19 recovery. Corporate landlords have driven up the cost of housing (40% in the last two years), essentials like food & energy are more expensive than ever, and employers continue to deny workers fair wages despite historic profits. We must fund programs that will put money back in people’s pockets in the short term and ensure that the state invests long-term in our communities. 

Demand that Governor Hochul pass a budget that funds $40 billion in new investments, and makes the wealthiest people and corporations pay New York what they owe. 

Read more Here and see the proposed tax reforms Here

Coming soon: We will soon have more on specific “asks” for our legislators and the Governor. 


2023 State of the City Address

Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Corcoran High School Auditorium, 919 Glenwood Ave., Syr. 13207

This will be the first State of the City Address in three years that will be open to the public. Join us in-person at Corcoran as we reflect on the past year’s progress and prepare for what’s next in 2023.

The address will also be broadcast on WCNY Public Broadcasting Channel 24.

Please RSVP by Friday, January 20 at

BFP Forum: “War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict,” with Medea Benjamin
Thursday, January 26, at 7:00 pm EST Register

Russia’s brutal February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has attracted widespread condemnation across the West. Government and media circles present the conflict as a simple dichotomy between an evil empire and an innocent victim. In this concise, accessible and highly informative primer, Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies insist the picture is more complicated.

Celebratory Reception For Social Justice Sewing Academy’s “Active Repair” Exhibit

Jan. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Community Folk Art Center 805 E. Genesee St 

As part of their symposium series, Community Folk Art Center is hosting a celebratory reception for the Social Justice Sewing Academy’s “Active Repair” exhibit.

On Jan. 28, SJSA invites participants to a day-long workshop. All attendees will create a personalized social justice quilt block. Visit Social Justice Sewing Academy to learn more about the organization and their ongoing work.

Syracuse Tenants Organizing for Power (STOP) Coalition Community Teach In

January 28th at 2PM at the Westcott Community Center, and online, for everyone interested in Syracuse housing organizing. Get to know like-minded individuals, hear from organizers about their work over the past two years and collaborate with fellow organizers to create the next phase of organizing against Syracuse slumlords.

Topics will include:

– Forming Tenant Associations

– Legislation

– Advocacy

– Protesting

– Research & Writing

Can’t attend but want to support? Donate to our Mutual Aid fund here. All proceeds fund events like these as well as Mutual Aid projects. The event will be in-person as well as through Zoom. If you RSVP to attend the Zoom event, you’ll get the Zoom link. Please contact with any questions. Thank you.

Portrait of A Village, Ukraine – Photographs by Lida Suchy

Saturday, January 28th from 6-8pm at ArtRage


Exhibit runs from January 28, 2023 to March 11, 2023 See Artist Talk below:February 9

Saturday’s opening reception will include a performance from the Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble KALYNA, which means Viburnum. It is a bush that blooms with white flowers and then they turn into red delicious berries that are medicinal. Kalyna is considered the national symbol of Ukraine. Led by Svitlana Bidna, the choir includes Sofia Hevko, Anna Biggs, Sofia Artemovych, Khrystyna Barna, Maria Boeva, Diana Melnychenko, Sofia Smachylo, Amdriana Pohorilets, Daryna Kalchuk, Tina Vasylevska and Mila & Ulia Putintceva.


Citizen Action CNY Patient Power Committee – Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, February 1st, 6-7:30PM

Salt City Market Community Room – 484 S Salina St – Syracuse, NY 13202

Questions? Please contact Ursula, (315) 414-7720

Snacks and refreshments served. Please RSVP:

Have you ever worried about the cost of health care or received a medical bill you cannot afford? Do you agree all New Yorkers deserve the freedom to access medical care without worrying about the cost?

At this meeting, you’ll meet other community members who care about health justice and learn how to get involved with Citizen Action and the #EndMedicalDebt campaign.

Syracuse is a hot spot for medical debt and our local hospitals, Upstate and Crouse, are suing patients at higher numbers than other hospitals in the state. It’s time to get organized and demand that our hospitals and our lawmakers prioritize patients over profits.

Refreshments and light dinner served. Masks will be required when not eating. Please RSVP!

Abundant Housing for a Stronger Syracuse

Thursday, February 2, 2023 At 7 Pm – 8:15 Pm on Zoom

Uplift Syracuse invites you to join us for a webinar to learn more about an abundant vision for housing. Housing abundance is the simple vision of a community where everyone can find a home they can afford, that meets their needs, in their neighborhood of choice, and where they can live in sustainable and diverse communities. Register here!

NY22 Summit

Organized By Grassroots Groups In Oneida, Madison, Oswego And Onondaga Counties

Saturday, February 4th; 10am to 4pm in Cazenovia. Hampton Inn, 25 Lakers Lane

This will be an exciting opportunity to build relationships with others across the district and work collaboratively together on goals, strategies, and tactics to flip NY22 blue together, something we’re all committed to. 

The agenda outline includes: 

  • Relationship building
  • Brainstorming ideas about local elections, a unified approach to our new member of Congress, and how we will win in 2024
  • UP PAC (Upstate Progressive PAC) presentation
  • Fair Elections campaign matching program presentation
  • Laying the groundwork to build a 10-year vision for the district
  • Creating working teams to flush out goals, strategies, and tactics

The expectation for attendance is that people will commit to working collaboratively on the ideas and next steps that come from the brainstorming sessions at the Summit. Your voice, talents, and perspective will be valuable at this event and for moving forward. Please save the date: Feb. 4th, and register here

CNY Solidarity is considering organizing some carpooling. If you have registered and need a ride or can drive, please respond to this newsletter and use the subject line: Ny22 Summit.

Syracuse DSA’s Annual Convention 

Sunday, February 5th starting at 2pm 

ArtRage Gallery, 505 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, in-person and virtually on Zoom. 

Please RSVP here, and the Zoom link will be emailed to you.

See agenda on the DSA Calendar Here

Anyone may attend convention, but in order to vote, you must be a dues-paying member of DSA in good standing. Confirm your DSA membership status here, and please pay or renew your membership dues if needed.
Masks required for those attending convention in person. Please email Keller at if you have any questions, concerns, or childcare or other accommodation requests.

Artist Talk with Lida Suchy

February 9, 2023 – 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at ArtRage

Join us for an evening with artist Lida Suchy. Her photography exhibition Portrait of A Village, Ukraine is on exhibition at ArtRage January 28 through March 11, 2023. Lida Suchy is a first-generation American born into a refugee family. She often draws on this background as inspiration creative work. For nearly 30 years she has been photographing in the Ukrainian village, Kryvorivnya, creating a composite portrait of this rural community.

In this exhibition, Lida presents us with images that can help viewers to connect with Ukraine beyond the news headlines.

Micron’s Potential Impacts for Central New York; Greening USA Green Bag Lunch

Fri, February 10, 2023, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST Online


Speaker: Robert M. Simpson; President, CenterState CEO

An inside look at what attracted Micron to Central New York and how the community is preparing to maximize the impacts of this historic investment – environmental and social impacts in addition to economic impacts. He will highlight how the project is expected to transform the local economy and what efforts are being made to address environmental and social equity issues to provide opportunities for the region’s current and future generations. 

FREE! Must register. A link to the GoToMeeting platform will be sent after registration closes at 5pm on Thursday, February 9.

Election Day: November 7, 2023 Onondaga County Executive, District Attorney, County Comptroller, County Clerk, 17 County Legislators in new districts, City Court Judge, City Auditor, two Syracuse Councilors-at-Large, four Syracuse School District Commissioners of Education, five District Councilors in new districts, at least one Supreme Court Judge, and dozens of Town and Village officials. More information can be found on the NY State Board of Elections page and at the Onondaga County Board of Elections

Primaries will be in June.


Looking For Flexible  — No Meeting,  No Committee —  Opportunity To Oppose War And Oppression And Work For Peace And Social Justice?

We call it STREET HEAT: an easy, uncomplicated way –in solidarity with a handful of others — to  stand up and out for what we stand for. Greeting passing traffic at rush hour with hand-held signs, we want to get them thinking about the day’s crucial issues. 

First Tuesday Of The Month…4 to 4:45 p.m.: Killer drones                                                                                                                       

Hancock AFB (home of the 174th Attack Wing of the NYS National Guard), 6000 East Molloy Rd. 

across from the main gate. Park on the south shoulder.

Every Friday…4 to 4:45 p.m.    

West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St. in De Witt (across from the Fire Dept.)                                                              

For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine; while the invasion of Ukraine persists, we also address that tragedy.

Our current stalwart team: Julienne, Les, Leslie, Geoff, Ed, Ann, Peter…. To learn more: Ed or Ann 315 478 4571

CNY Solidarity Coalition

Check out our Website and our Instagram.

Sign up for this newsletter Here

Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24

Facebook:  and

Mailing Address: 

CNY Solidarity Coalition

P.O. Box 6137

Teall Post Office

226 Teall Ave.

Syracuse NY 13217

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to mailing address above

Our Committees: To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible Onondaga County (Formerly Indivisible NY24): Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism. A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand:

CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizationsSyracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, and Urban Jobs Coalition, as well as to our mailing list provider, RiseUp. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on our supporters’ contributions for this. 

To contribute: Donate Here through PayPalOr send checks to the mailing address above.

Peter McCarthy
Coordinating Committee
CNY Solidarity Coalition

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