CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Action Newsletter: Feb 6 – Feb 13, 2024

Community Newsletter & Events

February 6, 2024 – February 13, 2024

Next CNY Solidarity Meeting
Sunday, February 11, 2024  |  2pm – 4pm
1342 Lancaster Ave, Syracuse

Join us this Sunday, February 11th for a presentation on the The People’s Climate Justice Budget. This is a $1 billion spending plan developed by and for New Yorkers. It outlines critical climate and environmental justice programs that New York must fund in 2024 as a downpayment on the more than $10 billion a year the state estimates is necessary to address the crisis at scale.


After the presentation, we will stay in a whole group format for the second half of the meeting to discuss current committee goals and priorities. This meeting will be recorded and a hybrid meeting, zoom link will be sent out Thursday.

CNY Solidarity Coalition Upcoming Meeting Schedule: Dates and agendas are subject to change.

February 11  |  February 25 (Zoom Meeting: Agenda: Invest in Our NY. A representative of the statewide IONY campaign will present this year’s IONY campaign priorities. Tax the Rich!  March 10  |  March 24

CNY Solidarity’s current plan for meetings, dependent on health warnings:

  • Wear a mask, and practice reasonable social distancing.
  • Meetings will start at 2 PM, followed by in-person Committee Meetings when scheduled.
  • In case of inclement weather or other issues, notification/Zoom link by 10 AM on the day of the meeting.

If you would like to vote in New York’s primary elections, you must be registered in a party. Change your party enrollment here by February 14. If you are not registered to vote, you have until June 15 to register and enroll in a party to be eligible to vote in New York’s June primary. 

Action Alerts

Ryan McMahon wants $100,000 of our taxpayer money to challenge moving local elections to even years in court!!

Contact county legislators before NOON TODAY to tell them to vote NO on resolution 4a amending the 2024 county budget by $100,000 to sue the state! (4a on agenda pg 34) Ryan McMahon has over $345,000 in his campaign account and can pay for his own partisan issues without taxpayer money! Tell County Legislators we support moving elections to even years to increase turnout in local elections! And Stop Wasting Taxpayer Money!

Email Onondaga County Legislature  |  Call County Legislators


Articles of the Week

I-81 / Community Grid News

NY state is free to tear down I-81 in Syracuse, appeals court rules

A New York appeals court today dismissed a legal challenge to the I-81 project in Syracuse, clearing the way for the state to tear down the highway viaduct that runs through the city.
The court today said Renew 81′s argument was “without merit.”

Mayor Ben Walsh said it would be a waste of time and money to appeal. He urged the members of Renew 81 to reconsider. “What’s the point?” Walsh said. “Their strategy from Day One has been delay, delay, delay.”

Renew 81 for All is backed by the towns of Salina, DeWitt and Tully and others. If you live in one of these towns, contact them to urge them to stop wasting your taxpayer money on this lawsuit!

Read on


NYCLU Statement on Appellate Decision Supporting I-81 Viaduct Demolition

We’re glad the Court recognized what we, fellow advocates, and Syracuse residents have known for generations: replacing the I-81 viaduct with a raised highway is not an option under any circumstances… Any attempts to ‘save’ I-81 are intent on preserving a symbol of structural racism that has supercharged segregation, decimated land value, and polluted the environment, and we will fight these attempts in court every step of the way.


Read it on


‘An assault, a violation:’ Advocates voice outrage over tearing down public housing for optometry schoolDeka Dancil, with the New York Civl Liberties Union, said regardless of disagreements over the 81 project, aquariums and other revitalization projects the groups gathered must be ready to put up a fight. “You do not get to take away public housing and ignore the housing crisis that we’re in as your new form of redlining,” Dancil said. “We’re saying no, and we’re not going away.”

Those talks have now been paused due to public reaction. The SHA had not told tenants about the plan.

Read on MSN (article by 


‘Families are going to be suffering’: Catholic Charities to end housing relocation program amid crisis

When you read this article from Central Current, remember Onondaga County has $200 million sitting in its reserves and that doesn’t include the $85 million set aside for an expensive taxpayer funded aquarium! Onondaga County needs to build safe and affordable housing now!! If they can build a house for fish, they can build housing for families!!


Read on Central Current


Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands

The U.S. has the highest number of incarcerated people in the world with almost 2 million people behind bars. An AP investigation has found U.S. prisoners working in slavery-like conditions within a “multibillion-dollar empire.” ⁣


While the U.S. condemns using forced labor abroad, American companies and correctional facilities are profiting from prison labor at home. ⁣


Read on Associated Press


50 updated replies to climate science deniers

Since 2007, the indispensable website Skeptical Science been “getting skeptical about global warming skepticism.” It has just one objective: to expose and rebut misinformation about anthropogenic climate change. Myth by myth, in short articles that are accessible, clearly-written and firmly science-based, they counterpose truth to ignorance and lies.


Read it on Climate and Capitalism


Event Calendar

Black History Month Programming at WCNY

In recognition of this special month, WCNY is delving into the lives of Black Americans who have left indelible marks on history through their artistry, professional accomplishments, and community activism.

WCNY’s special programming shines a spotlight on the impactful stories and inspiring achievements of Black Americans who have played a crucial role in shaping American history and culture.

Watch LIVE at 

Find all #WCNY #BlackHistoryMonth programing at



Black-Arab Solidarities: A Brief Interactive History

Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 6:30-8:30 pm 

Community Folk Art Center 811 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY 13210


This roundtable discussion hosted as part of CFAC’s CommuniVersity series will provide an overview of the history of Black and Arab solidarities in both US national and transnational contexts. Speakers will present on research they have conducted on archival resources that showcase a long history of struggle for liberation and justice shared across Black and Arab liberation movements.


 For more information.



Artist Talk with Mahtab Hussain

Wednesday, February. 7th, 7:00pm-9:00pm at ArtRage

Mahtab Hussain is the artist of our current exhibition, “Muslims in America: Syracuse Edition”. 

He is an artist, photographer and storyteller from Birmingham UK, who has explored Muslim presence and experience in his work over fifteen years. Gathering pictures and stories in Muslim communities, he has made iconic experiences for viewers in public exhibitions and installations, and several books. His contemporary portraits of “beautiful, brown Muslims” have been shown and collected by museums in the UK and around the world. 


Over the past few years, Mahtab Hussain has been creating work for his new series of work, “Muslims in America.” ArtRage Gallery funded his recent visit to Syracuse, NY and we are proud to see Syracuse included in this ongoing project.


Mahtab Hussain is represented by East Wing Gallery, Doha, who are supporting the Muslims in America work and Chris Boot is Producer and Editor of the series.


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Pack the Court! Witness this ground breaking case!

Pack the Court: Syracuse Lead Poisoning: NYS Attorney General vs. D’Angelo (landlord)

Thursday, February 8, 10am – Courtroom of Justice Joseph E. Lamendola

Onondaga County Courthouse, 401 Montgomery Street

Join community members bearing witness to this ground-breaking case. Public access in the courtroom of Onondaga County Supreme Court Justice Joseph E. Lamendola. New York State Assistant Attorneys General will argue this historic case on behalf of AG Letitia James to hold Syracuse landlord William D’Angelo accountable for deteriorating conditions in his rental properties resulting in lead poisoning of 16 Syracuse children. Courtroom assigned day of; request directions to Judge Lamendola’s courtroom upon entering (should be a courtroom on the third floor). Court dates & times sometimes change, please check our Facebook page for updates.


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GreeningUSA’s next virtual Green Bag Lunch! PLAN ONondaga: Comprehensive Plan Update

Thursday, February 8, 10am – Courtroom of Justice Joseph E. Lamendola

Onondaga County Courthouse, 401 Montgomery Street

Join community members bearing witness to this ground-breaking case. Public access in the courtroom of Onondaga County Supreme Court Justice Joseph E. Lamendola. New York State Assistant Attorneys General will argue this historic case on behalf of AG Letitia James to hold Syracuse landlord William D’Angelo accountable for deteriorating conditions in his rental properties resulting in lead poisoning of 16 Syracuse children. Courtroom assigned day of; request directions to Judge Lamendola’s courtroom upon entering (should be a courtroom on the third floor). Court dates & times sometimes change, please check our Facebook page for updates.


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Dispossession of the Haudenosaunee; A Chronology in Maps

Sat., Feb. 10, Petit Library, 105 Victoria Pl. Syr. 13210

The arrival of Europeans changed the lives of the Haudenosaunee irrevocably. With the Europeans came cultural and religious conflicts, European diseases, and economic upheaval. We will use maps from 1720 to the Red Power movement of the 1970’s to trace the dispossession of the Haudenosaunee


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Save the Dates

Lead-Free Kids Advocacy Day

February 14, 2024. 11:30AM- 3:30PM. NYS Capitol 

Join Lead-Free Kids NY for an in person advocacy day! Being in person makes a huge impact. Raise your voice for environmental health and justice! Meet with key decision-makers to advocate for key priorities this session in teams led by experienced advocacy pros.

If this is your first advocacy day, don’t worry: we’ll be available to help you before and during the event so you feel comfortable and ready to go!  

This will be an in-person day at the Capitol; so please let me know if you will need us to provide a travel stipend. You need to bring snacks and food for the day. If it is impossible for you to make it to the Capitol but you want to be involved in the day and meetings, please reach out to me. Email: 

Please register here so that we can plan out the day better.



Invest in Our New York at Revenue and Housing Public Hearings

Wednesday, February 14th – NYS Capital, Albany

The IONY campaign will be in Albany  for the Revenue and Housing public hearings, and we want you to join us! We’re hosting a press conference with Housing Justice For All at 11:30am with some of our elected allies on the need to make the ultra-rich pay what they owe in taxes so we can invest in safe, climate-resilient, affordable homes for every New Yorker. We’ll provide the transportation, lunch, and activities to do after the press conference (like delivering Valentines to elected officials!). 


RSVP here.


February FOCUS Forum: How Law Enforcement Navigates the Complexities of Mental Health & Substance Abuse

Friday, February 16, 12:05 pm – 1:00 pm on Zoom

Are you interested in learning how to make our community safer and more supportive for those struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues? Join FOCUS Greater Syracuse, Inc. for a free, virtual FOCUS Forum! This unique discussion will feature expert panelists who will share their insights on how law enforcement and community members can navigate the complexities of mental health and substance abuse. You will have the opportunity to learn from their experiences, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals passionate about creating positive change. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and make a difference in our community!


Register Here 


Workers’ Center of CNY Fundraiser


Order by 2/15, Pick up at 1342 Lancaster, 6-8 Pm 2/17

Show your love for the Workers’ Center of CNY and immigrant families this month by placing an order for tamales and empanadas! 

All funds raised will go towards continuing the fight for economic and social justice while trying to keep our communities united! 


Order Here by Thursday, Feb. 15



Examining Global Violence on Health, Justice For Palestine


Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024,  5 pm, May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 E. Genesee Street, Syr.

Panel discussion: SPC invites you to a panel discussion on the impact of violence on the right to health with medical professionals with expertise in health research and practice. The panelists will examine justice, violence, and health while reflecting on their professional and research experiences.Refreshments will be provided. Sliding scale donations at the door. This event is a benefit for the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA). 



Community Forum: Patients’ Rights and Medical Debt

Tuesday, Feb 20 @ 5:30-7pm

Beauchamp Library, 2111 S. Salina St., Syracuse

Special Guest Senator Rachel May. Food and refreshments served.

Onondaga County is a medical debt hotspot. 14% of all residents have medical debt and in communities of color, 26% of residents have medical debt. Hospitals are required to provide discounted prices to people who earn up to 300% of the federal poverty level. Unfortunately, many hospitals are not distributing these funds to patients. Upstate Medical University Hospital has sued over 4,000 patients since 2020 and continues to do so. Many of those sued are low-income and should have qualified for financial assistance. 


Join this community forum with community organizations, elected officials, and local patients to learn about our rights as patients when it comes to healthcare bills and how we can work together to hold healthcare corporations – insurance companies and hospitals like SUNY Upstate Medical University – accountable to We the Patients! For more information, contact (315) 414-7720.




Journey Beyond Borders: Screening and Creative Writing Workshop

Thursday, Feb. 22, 7 – 8:30 PM

ArtRage Gallery, 505 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, 13203

A  young filmmaker, Rayan Mohamed unfolds her compelling narrative through film. Experience her impactful creations, delve into the refugee journey on screen, and participate in an engaging creative writing exercise led by Rayan herself. Connect, learn, and be inspired as stories transcend borders.

All are welcome. You do not need to be a writer to participate. Just come with a curiosity for storytelling.

Rayan Mohamed, is sophomore film major in the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. Rayan was born in Somalia and spent several years in an Ethiopian refugee camp before moving to Syracuse as a grade-schooler in 2014. Her portrait is featured in the current exhibition, “Mahtab Hussain – Muslims in America: Syracuse Edition”


A Sea Change: Climate Change Film Series & Discussion

Climate Change Awareness & Action: 

Sunday, Feb. 25: 3:00 – 5:30 pm

A Sea Change ( is the story of retired teacher Sven Huseby, whose love for his five-year-old grandson … compelled Sven, after reading an article in The New Yorker, “The Darkening Sea” to travel thousands of miles interviewing scientists on ocean acidification – the little known flip side of global warming.

The photography is stunning; the interviews with scientists sobering; Sven’s relationship with his grandson Elias is delightful and moving and the ending hopeful – focusing on solutions being implemented today.


Registration required


2024 SCSD Educational Foundation Annual Recognition Breakfast

Saturday, March 2 · 9 – 11am EST.
Marriott Syracuse Downtown, 100 East Onondaga St. Syracuse, NY 13202

This in-person event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and honor the achievements of our dedicated educators and outstanding students. Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast while connecting with fellow community members who are passionate about supporting education in our district. Don’t miss out on this  event that highlights the incredible work happening in our schools. We look forward to seeing you there!


Register Here


Ongoing Events


Syracuse Street Heat is just one, very unencumbered way to work for peace and social justice. We’re part of a decades-long grassroots tradition here, in Ithaca and elsewhere. We stand out and stand up for what we stand for. 

A handful of us stand at busy intersections, for 45 minutes at rush hour, pivoting to the traffic with hand-held signs. We want to get the public thinking about issues often underrepresented in the media. We’re there weekly in almost all of Syracuse’s weather (we seldom cancel). Bring your own sign – or use one of ours. No meetings or committees, so participation time is minimal (yay!) Our Team:  Ann, Dick, Ed, Geoff, Jim, Julienne, Les, Leslie, Peter…. 

To learn more, call Ann: (315) 478 4571.      

1ST TUESDAYS: 4 PM to 4:45 PM at Hancock’s main gate.


West sidewalk of the broad intersection of Erie Blvd East & East Genesee St., DeWitt (across from the Fire Dept.) For years our focus has been on solidarity with the people of Palestine.

If temperature is below 20 degrees, we will cancel.




Donate to the CNY Solidarity Coalition

CNY Solidarity Coalition contributes regularly to local progressive organizations: Syracuse Peace Council, National Action Network, & Urban Jobs Coalition. We also make occasional donations as needed to other local groups. We depend on your donations for this. 


Donate Online through PayPal


Mail donations to: 

CNY Solidarity Coalition

P.O. Box 6137, Teall Post Office, 226 Teall Ave., Syracuse NY 13217


Our Committees

To sign up for each of the committee mailing lists, contact the person listed. 

Indivisible Onondaga County: Contact: Deborah Rose:

Climate Justice: Contact: Dick Kornbluth

SLAT (State/Local Action Team) Contact: Peter McCarthy –  

Beyond War and Militarism: A joint committee of CNY Solidarity Coalition and the Syracuse Peace Council. Contact: Ron Van Norstrand:


Elaine Denton

Peter McCarthy

Coordinating Committee

CNY Solidarity Coalition

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