CNY Solidarity members and supporters: Please find below the weekly legislative ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams. Highlights this week include a rally against Trump’s #FakeNationalEmergency (today in Syracuse), plus two more Katko town halls on the future of I-81 (Tu and Th evenings, respectively). We…
Download, print and share this informative brochure with your family, friends and neighbors. Download Brochure
This week, and in the coming weeks, support for the community grid is priority #1. Please plan on attending one of the upcoming Town Hall and information session. Letters to the editor, phone calls to your State Senators, Assembly and town boards are essential at this time,
Highlights include two of Katko's Town Hall regarding I-81.
This 4 minute video from Vox explains how freeways came to destroy urban neighborhoods across the nation, including Syracuse.
The Community Grid is the only option that addresses racial equity, economic equity & environmental equity.
With respect to the I-81 replacement, I would like to give my input. After considering the three proposed options in great detail, I am strongly opposed to the tunnel. The DOT removed this option for consideration last fall due to high costs for construction and yearly maintenance, but special interests…