CNY Solidarity members and supporters:
Please find below the weekly ACTION ALERTS from Indivisible NY24 and our legislative action teams.
As we approach election day, or days (now that we have early voting), please think of all our wonderful progressive candidates for local office. All of them can use help canvassing or with other duties. This week please choose one or more local progressive candidates for office, get out there, and volunteer!
Monday (Oct 21)
End Gerrymandering in Onondaga County
On March 15, 2019 all 12 Republican County Legislators voted against a resolution to form a non-partisan, independent commission to make recommendations on how to redraw the Onondaga County Legislature districts. At least 9 Republicans have apparently changed their minds on this issue and have signed the Fair Maps CNY pledge to support fair redistricting.
If this is true we have enough support to end gerrymandering in Onondaga County, but the legislature does not meet until after this year’s election. We need to call our county legislators to call back the legislature to pass a resolution for non-partisan fair redistricting.
Call your legislator and David Knapp, the chairman, to bring back the legislature and end gerrymandering in our county.
Climate Change in CNY
While you are on the phone with your county rep, also ask them if they have filled out the Climate Change Survey by CCAA There are many responses missing.
Tuesday (Oct 22)
Weekly Vigil Until they #CloseTheCamps
Together with our friends from the Syracuse Immigrant and Refugee Defense Network, we’ll be outside Rep. Katko’s office in Syracuse every Tuesday at noon until they close the concentration camps at the southern border. 12-12:15 at 440 S. Warren St. in Syracuse. More details here.
Wednesday (Oct 23)
No Tax Breaks for Secrecy On October, 31 at 8:30am the OCIDA will vote to give a very large warehouse project (most likely “Amazon”) 65 million in tax breaks. The tenant has not been identified but it has been speculated to be Amazon. No rewards should be given for this secrecy. Demand transparency. Read this article to learn more. And email your public comments to
Thur., (Oct 24)
NY-24 Congressional Candidate Forum, featuring Dana Balter, Roger Misso and Francis Conole. (Rep. Katko was also invited.) Hosted by Indivisible Salt City, co-sponsored by Indivisible NY24. 6:30-8pm at Bishop Harrison Center. More details here.
Saturday (Oct 26)
9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
An Assembly in Support of All Immigrants
Every Saturday until they close the camps, we’ll gather from 11:30-12:00 noon on the sidewalk adjacent to the paid parking at the Regional Transportation Center, directly across the street from the Regional Market. Feel free to bring your own sign; we’ll also have a bunch of printed standard signs to share. More details here.
Sunday (Oct 27)
9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
CNY Solidarity meeting. 3-5pm at Bishop Harrison Center.
Save the date for these upcoming events:
MON, OCT 28, 2019: 9:00AM TO 5:00PM: Early voting!
Mon, Oct 28: Rally for Impeachment! Noon. Outside Katko’s Office, 440 S. Warren St, Syracuse. More detail to follow.
Tue. Oct 29: Weekly Vigil Until they #CloseTheCamps. 12-12:15 at 440 S. Warren St. in Syracuse. More details here.
TUE, OCT 29, 2019: 12:00PM TO 8:00PM: Early voting!
WED, OCT 30, 2019: 12:00PM TO 8:00PM: Early voting!
THU, OCT 31, 2019: 7:00AM TO 3:00PM: Early voting!
FRI, NOV 1, 2019: 7:00 AM TO 3:00PM: Early voting!
SAT, NOV 2, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
SUN, NOV 3, 2019: 9:00AM TO 2:00PM: Early voting!
Tue Nov 5: ELECTION DAY. General election for local and county offices
Feb 14: Deadline for changing your party registration to vote in 2020 primaries. If you’re registered 3rd party or independent (or Republican!), and would like to switch to Democratic in order to vote in the presidential primary, today is the deadline.
Today and every day, be sure to follow us online and on social media. Check out ourWebsiteandour Instagram. Follow us on Twitter: @CNYSolidarity and @IndivisibleNY24 and Facebook: and
Volunteers needed:
Interested in helping with the website, data entry? Contact
Interested in helping to distribute CNYSC brochures? Contact
Interested in helping to welcome new members? Contact
Support the CNY Solidarity Coalition by making a donation online to help us cover technology, printing and other expenses. Thank you. *Donations are not tax deductible.
Yours in Solidarity,