No Tax Breaks for Secrecy – On October, 31 at 8:30am the OCIDA may vote to give a very large warehouse project (most likely “Amazon”) 70 million in tax breaks. The tenant has not been identified but it has been speculated to be Amazon. No rewards should be given for this secrecy. Demand transparency. Read this article to learn more. And if you cannot attend, email your public comments to
We do not know if signs will be allowed in this meeting but in case they are here are some printable signs.No Tax Breaks For Secrecy
We Demand Transparency
No Tax Breaks for Billionaires
Tax the Rich
The Coalition was represented (unofficially) at the Clay Town Hall yesterday morning by Rae Kramer, Mary Kuhn, Kay Cloud and Barry Gordon, and several spoke multiple times. Several other people spoke and provided cogent presentations against the proposed project and noted the secrecy and apparent urgency surrounding it. There seemed to be substantial media coverage. This was a hearing held by OCIDA (Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency) the agency that will decide how much of a gift the taxpayers of Onondaga County should bestow upon the “unknown”developer/owner/tenant.
Read more. Critics demand to know who’s behind big distribution center project in Clay.
Neighbors: Clay warehouse ‘could never give back as much as it will take away’
The next event in the process is the Clay Town Planning Board meeting at 7:30 (Wednesday) Oct 23rd at the Clay Town Hall 4401 Rt 31, Clay
We urge all Coalition members to attend if possible because, even though the immediate impact will be felt in and around the Town of Clay, it will affect all Onondaga County residents. It is also an opportunity to observe a textbook example of a classic land use dis-empowering process. Please keep in mind that we are guests of the Town of Clay, as hopefully town of Clay residents take the lead. Inquire about issues of concern for us as residents of Onondaga County and as people concerned with environmental and economic justice.
Our understanding of tonight’s meeting is that the developer will be presenting the plan and the planning board will be either explaining things and/or asking questions and then the public will have an opportunity to speak. We don’t know if public questions will be answered or, if like yesterday, their comments/questions will be just recorded.
In the meantime, those with time and fortitude can look further on the Town of Clay website Responsiveness Summary to Public Comments. Keep in mind that the planning study was commissioned by the developer: T[rammel]C[row] Syracuse Development Associates LLC.
Why it matters that we do not know:
Amazon fulfillment center do not generate broad-based employment growth here, by the Economic Policy Institute.
”What this report finds: When Amazon opens a new fulfillment center, the host county gains roughly 30 percent more warehousing and storage jobs but no new net jobs overall, as the jobs created in warehousing and storage are likely offset by job losses in other industries.
Why it matters: State and local governments give away millions in tax abatements, credits, exemptions, and infrastructure assistance to lure Amazon warehouses but don’t get a commensurate “return” on that investment.
What we can do about it: Rather than spending public resources on an ineffective strategy to boost local employment (luring Amazon fulfillment centers), state and local governments should invest in public services (particularly in early-childhood education and infrastructure) that are proven to spur long-term economic development.”
Make phone calls, and send comments:
Make phone calls if you could not attend the morning meeting to demand more public input opportunities or regarding the lack of transparency and lack of notice for public input for such a massive project . . 315-435- 3770. The Director of the County Economic Development: Robert Petrovich. The Deputy Director: Carolyn Evans-Dean. OCIDA Chair: Pat Hogan