CNY Solidarity Coalition

United in defense of our community and our neighbors

Village Elections 2024

Village Elections March 19th

* Incumbent (R) Republicans (D) Democrats (U) Unaffiliated

Village of Baldwinsville 


(To Fill Vacancy) 2 year term

Bruce Stebbins (U)*

Trustee (vote for 3)

4 year term

Joesph Cole (R)*

Michael Shepard (R)*

Megan O’Donnell (U)*

Donna Freyleue (D)

James Francis Miller (D)

Brian Burmeister (R)

Proposition One

Move Future Village Elections to June?

Shall there be approved and adopted in the Village of Baldwinsville, New York, a resolution as adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Baldwinsville on January 18, 2024 stating as follows: “Commencing in the year 2026, the annual election in the Village of Baldwinsville, New York, for the election of all elective Village officers shall be held in the month of June, to be held in accordance with and provided by the federal Election Laws and the Election Law of the State of New York”?

Proposition Two

Move Future Village Elections to November?

Should the proposition that the month of General Village Election for the Village of Baldwinsville shall be changed from March to November and shall be held on the Tuesday in November when federal, state and local elections are held as set by the applicable authorities and overseen and run by the Onondaga County Board of Elections be approved?

Village of Fabius


Stephen Sommers (R)* 


2 year term

Brant Ford (R)*

Village of Fayetteville 


4 year term

Sara Bollinger (D)

Michael Small (R)


4 year term

James Hughes (R)

Trustee (vote for 2)

Casey Cleary (D)

Daniel Kinsella (D)*

Jane Rice (D)

Proposition One

Move Future Village Elections to November?

Should the month of the General Village Election for the Village of Fayetteville be changed from March to November and held on the Tuesday in November when Federal, State and Local Elections are held as set by the applicable authorities and overseen and run by the Onondaga County Board of Elections?

Village of Marcellus


2 years (vacancy)

Write-In Candidate: Chad Clark 

John Murphy (R)*


4 year term

Write-In Candidate: Marlene Spencer 

James Curtin (R)*

Write-In Candidate: Erik Randall 

Village of Minoa


4 year term

William Brazill (R)*

Trustee (vote for 2)

4 year term

Eric Christensen (D)*

John M. Abbott (U)*

Proposition One

Shall the Village of Minoa amend its Service Award Program for the volunteer fire members of the Village of Minoa, providing that in the event an active or active life member opts to commit to a 12-hour Duty Crew schedule (12 hours per week minimum of 44 shifts or 528 hours annually), it shall NOT be mandatory for that member to fulfill the requirements of the Mandatory Participation in the Department Responses Section of the Point System Guidelines?

* Incumbent (R) Republicans (D) Democrats (U) Unaffiliated

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